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New Crowdin updates #230

merged 10 commits into from
Sep 4, 2023
45 changes: 43 additions & 2 deletions src/languages/cs.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,18 +29,23 @@
"autoDayCap": "AUTO-DAY",
"autoNightCap": "AUTO-NIGHT",
"autoOffCap": "AUTO-VYPNUTÍ",
"autoOffProximityCap": "AUTO-OFF-PROXIMITY",
"autoOnCap": "AUTO-ZAPNUTÍ",
"autoOnProximityCap": "AUTO-ON-PROXIMITY",
"autoSettingCap": "AUTOMATICKÉ NASTAVENÍ: ",
"automaticallyTurnBackOnOff": " Automaticky změněno na {status} za {time}.",
"automaticallyTurningBackOnOff": "Automaticky měním {device} na {status}.",
"autoturret": "Automatická Palebná Věž",
"badGateway": "Bad Gateway: {error}",
"banditCamp": "Tábor banditů",
"baseIsUnderAttack": "Üssün saldırı altında!",
"battlemetricsCap": "BATTLEMETRICS",
"blacklist": "Blacklist",
"boomBox": "Boom Box",
"bot": "bot",
"broadcaster": "Vysílač",
"buttonReconnecting": "OPĚTOVNÉ PŘIPOJOVÁNÍ",
"buttonValueChange": "Button Interaction - VerifyId: {id}, Value: {value}.",
"buy": "buy",
"cargoAt": "At {location}.",
"cargoLeavingMapAt": "Cargo Ship is leaving the map at {location}.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,6 +145,12 @@
"commandsAlarmEditDesc": "Upravit popis chytrého alarmu.",
"commandsAlarmEditIdDesc": "ID chytrého alarmu.",
"commandsAlarmEditImageDesc": "Nastavte obrázek, který nejlépe reprezentuje chytrý alarm.",
"commandsBlacklistAddDesc": "Add user to the blacklist.",
"commandsBlacklistDesc": "Blacklist a user from using the bot.",
"commandsBlacklistDiscordUserDesc": "The discord user.",
"commandsBlacklistRemoveDesc": "Remove user from the blacklist.",
"commandsBlacklistShowDesc": "Show blacklisted users.",
"commandsBlacklistSteamidDesc": "The steamid of the user.",
"commandsCctvDesc": "Zobrazit CCTV kódy pro monument",
"commandsCredentialsAddDesc": "Přidat FCM údaje.",
"commandsCredentialsDesc": "Přidat/vymazat FCM údaje pro uživatelský účet.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -280,13 +291,15 @@
"disconnectedCap": "DISCONNECTED",
"disconnectedFromServer": "DISCONNECTED FROM SERVER.",
"discordCap": "DISCORD",
"discordUsers": "Discord Users",
"displayingMap": "Displaying {mapName} map.",
"displayingOnlinePlayers": "Displaying online players.",
"distanceDirectionGrid": "{distance}m in direction {direction}° [{grid}].",
"doorController": "Door Controller",
"dot": "Dot",
"eastOfGrid": "East of grid",
"editCap": "EDIT",
"editing": "Editing",
"editingOfDeviceDesc": "Editing of {device}",
"egressInTime": "Egress in {time} at {location}.",
"eight": "Eight",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -380,6 +393,12 @@
"lockedCrateLargeOilRigUnlocked": "Locked Crate at Large Oil Rig at {location} has been unlocked.",
"lockedCrateOilRigUnlockedSetting": "When a Locked Crate at Oil Rig is unlocked, send a notification.",
"lockedCrateSmallOilRigUnlocked": "Locked Crate at Small Oil Rig at {location} has been unlocked.",
"logDiscordCommand": "Discord Command - Guild: {guild}, Channel: {channel}, User: {user}, Message: {message}.",
"logDiscordMessage": "Discord Message - Guild: {guild}, Channel: {channel}, User: {user}, Message: {message}.",
"logInGameCommand": "{type} - Command: {command}, User: {user}.",
"logInGameMessage": "Message: {message}, User: {user}",
"logSmartSwitchGroupValueChange": "Smart Switch Group - Value: {}.",
"logSmartSwitchValueChange": "Smart Switch - Value: {value}.",
"loggedInAs": "LOGGED IN AS: {name}",
"makeSureApplicationsCommandsEnabled": "Make sure applications.commands is checked when creating the invite URL.",
"map": "Map",
Expand All @@ -403,6 +422,7 @@
"missingArguments": "Missing arguments.",
"missingPermission": "You don't have permission to do this.",
"missingTimerMessage": "Missing timer message.",
"modalValueChange": "Modal Interaction - VerifyId: {id}, Value: {value}.",
"more": "more",
"morePlayers": "{players} ...{number} more.",
"mutedCap": "MUTED",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -518,11 +538,13 @@
"selectInGamePrefixSetting": "Select what in-game command prefix that should be used:",
"selectLanguageExtendSetting": "Make sure you run **/reset discord** to successfully load the new language.",
"selectLanguageSetting": "Select what language the bot uses:",
"selectMenuValueChange": "Select Menu Interaction - VerifyId: {id}, Value: {value}.",
"selectTrademarkSetting": "Select which trademark that should be shown in every in-game message.",
"sell": "sell",
"semicolon": "Semicolon",
"sentTextToSpeech": "Sent the Text-To-Speech.",
"server": "server",
"serverEditBattlemetricsIdLabel": "The Battlemetrics Id of the server:",
"serverInfo": "Server Information",
"serverInvalid": "The connection to the server seems to be invalid. Try to re-pair to the server.",
"serverJustOffline": "Server just went offline.",
Expand All @@ -539,10 +561,13 @@
"shouldLeaderCommandOnlyForPairedSetting": "Should the leader command only work for people that are paired with the server?",
"shouldSmartAlarmNotifyNotConnectedSetting": "Should Smart Alarms notify even if they are not setup on the connected rust server?",
"shouldSmartAlarmsNotifyInGameSetting": "Should Smart Alarms notify In-Game?",
"showingBlacklist": "Showing the blacklist.",
"showingSubscriptionList": "Showing the subscription list.",
"sirenLight": "Siren Light",
"six": "Six",
"slash": "Slash",
"slashCommandInteraction": "Slash Command Interaction - Guild: {guild}, Channel: {channel}, User: {user}, Command: {command}, VerifyId: {id}.",
"slashCommandValueChange": "Slash Command Interaction - VerifyId: {id}, Value: {value}.",
"slashCommandsSuccessRegister": "Successfully registered application commands for guild: {guildId}.",
"slots": "Slots",
"smallOilRig": "Small Oil Rig",
Expand All @@ -556,10 +581,13 @@
"smartSwitch": "Smart Switch",
"smartSwitchAutoDay": "Smart Switch will be active only during the day.",
"smartSwitchAutoNight": "Smart Switch will be active only during the night.",
"smartSwitchAutoOff": "Chytrý přepínač bude během aktualizačního cyklu automaticky neaktivní.",
"smartSwitchAutoOn": "Inteligentní přepínač se během aktualizačního cyklu automaticky aktivuje.",
"smartSwitchAutoOff": "Smart Switch will automatically go inactive during update cycle.",
"smartSwitchAutoOffProximity": "Smart Switch will automatically go inactive if teammate is in proximity.",
"smartSwitchAutoOn": "Smart Switch will automatically go active during update cycle.",
"smartSwitchAutoOnProximity": "Smart Switch will automatically go active if teammate is in proximity.",
"smartSwitchEditCommandLabel": "The custom command for the Smart Switch:",
"smartSwitchEditNameLabel": "The name of the Smart Switch:",
"smartSwitchEditProximityLabel": "Proximity Setting (meters):",
"smartSwitchEditSuccess": "Successfully edited Smart Switch {name}.",
"smartSwitchNormal": "Smart Switch work as normal.",
"smilyFace": "Smily Face",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -640,9 +668,22 @@
"unknownInteraction": "Unknown Interaction...",
"unmutedCap": "UNMUTED",
"upkeep": "Údržba",
"userAddedToBlacklist": "{user} was added to blacklist.",
"userAlreadyInBlacklist": "{user} already in blacklist.",
"userButtonInteraction": "Button Interaction - Guild: {guild}, Channel: {channel}, User: {user}, CustomId: {customid}, VerifyId: {id}.",
"userButtonInteractionSuccess": "Button Interaction - VerifyId: {id} SUCCESS",
"userJustConnected": "{name} se právě připojil.",
"userModalInteraction": "Modal Interaction - Guild: {guild}, Channel: {channel}, User: {user}, CustomId: {customid}, VerifyId: {id}.",
"userModalInteractionSuccess": "Modal Interaction - VerifyId: {id} SUCCESS",
"userNotInBlacklist": "{user} not in blacklist.",
"userNotRegistered": "{user} není registrován.",
"userPartOfBlacklist": "VerifyId: {id}, {user} is part of the blacklist.",
"userPartOfBlacklistDiscord": "Blacklisted User! Guild: {guild}, Channel: {channel}, User: {user}, Message: {message}.",
"userPartOfBlacklistInGame": "Blacklisted User! User: {user}, Message: {message}.",
"userRemovedFromBlacklist": "{user} was removed from blacklist.",
"userSaid": "{user} řekl, {text}",
"userSelectMenuInteraction": "Select Menu Interaction - Guild: {guild}, Channel: {channel}, User: {user}, CustomId: {customid}, VerifyId: {id}.",
"userSelectMenuInteractionSuccess": "Select Menu Interaction - VerifyId: {id} SUCCESS",
"vendingMachine": "Prodejní automat",
"vendingMachineDetectedSetting": "Když je nalezen nový prodejní automat, pošli oznámení.",
"voiceCap": "VOICE",
Expand Down
47 changes: 44 additions & 3 deletions src/languages/de.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,18 +29,23 @@
"autoDayCap": "AUTO-TAG",
"autoNightCap": "AUTO-NACHT",
"autoOffCap": "AUTO-AUS",
"autoOffProximityCap": "AUTO-AUS-PROXIMITÄT",
"autoOnCap": "AUTO-AN",
"autoOnProximityCap": "AUTO-AN-PROXIMITÄT",
"autoSettingCap": "AUTO-EINSTELLUNG: ",
"automaticallyTurnBackOnOff": " Wird automatisch in {time} {status}geschaltet.",
"automaticallyTurningBackOnOff": "Schalte {device} automatisch {status}.",
"autoturret": "Automatischer Geschützturm",
"badGateway": "Bad Gateway: {error}",
"banditCamp": "Banditenlager",
"baseIsUnderAttack": "Deine Basis wird angegriffen!",
"battlemetricsCap": "BATTLEMETRICS",
"blacklist": "Blacklist",
"boomBox": "Boom Box",
"bot": "Bot",
"broadcaster": "Funksender",
"buttonReconnecting": "WIEDERVERBINDEN",
"buttonValueChange": "Button Interaction - VerifyId: {id}, Value: {value}.",
"buy": "Ankauf",
"cargoAt": "Position: {location}.",
"cargoLeavingMapAt": "Frachtschiff verlässt die Karte [{location}].",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,6 +145,12 @@
"commandsAlarmEditDesc": "Bearbeite die Eigenschaften von intelligenten Alarmen.",
"commandsAlarmEditIdDesc": "Die ID des intelligenten Alarms.",
"commandsAlarmEditImageDesc": "Lege das Bild fest, das am besten den intelligenten Alarm repräsentiert.",
"commandsBlacklistAddDesc": "Füge einen User zur Blacklist hinzu.",
"commandsBlacklistDesc": "Blocke einen User vom Benutzen des Bots.",
"commandsBlacklistDiscordUserDesc": "Der Discord-User.",
"commandsBlacklistRemoveDesc": "Entferne einen User von der Blacklist.",
"commandsBlacklistShowDesc": "Zeige geblacklistete User an.",
"commandsBlacklistSteamidDesc": "Die SteamId des Users.",
"commandsCctvDesc": "Zeige Überwachungskamera-Codes für ein Monument an",
"commandsCredentialsAddDesc": "FCM-Anmeldedaten hinzufügen.",
"commandsCredentialsDesc": "Festlegen/Entfernen der FCM-Anmeldedaten für das Benutzerkonto.",
Expand All @@ -161,7 +172,7 @@
"commandsMapMonumentsDesc": "Erhalte die Karte inklusive Namen der Monumente.",
"commandsMarketDesc": "Optionen für Verkaufsautomaten.",
"commandsMarketListDesc": "Liste die abonnierten Gegenstände auf.",
"commandsMarketOrderDesc": "The order type.",
"commandsMarketOrderDesc": "Die Handelskategorie.",
"commandsMarketSearchDesc": "Suche nach einem Gegenstand in Verkaufsautomaten.",
"commandsMarketSearchIdDesc": "Die ID des zu suchenden Gegenstandes.",
"commandsMarketSearchNameDesc": "Der Name des zu suchenden Gegenstandes.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,7 +251,7 @@
"couldNotFindPlayersForThisServer": "Konnte keine Spieler für diesen Server finden.",
"couldNotFindRole": "Konnte Rolle nicht finden: {roleId}",
"couldNotFindTeammate": "Konnte Teammitglied nicht finden: {name}",
"couldNotFindUser": "Konnte Nutzer nicht finden: {userId}",
"couldNotFindUser": "Konnte User nicht finden: {userId}",
"couldNotGetChannelWithId": "Konnte Kanal mit ID {id} nicht abrufen.",
"couldNotIdentifyMember": "Konnte Teammitglied nicht identifizieren: {name}",
"couldNotPerformBulkDelete": "Konnte Massenlöschung im Kanal nicht ausführen: {channel}",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -280,13 +291,15 @@
"disconnectedCap": "GETRENNT",
"disconnectedFromServer": "VOM SERVER GETRENNT.",
"discordCap": "DISCORD",
"discordUsers": "Discord-User",
"displayingMap": "Anzeigen von {mapName} Karte.",
"displayingOnlinePlayers": "Anzeigen der Online-Spieler.",
"distanceDirectionGrid": "{distance}m in Richtung {direction}° [{grid}].",
"doorController": "Türsteuerung",
"dot": "Punkt",
"eastOfGrid": "östlich von Grid",
"editCap": "BEARBEITEN",
"editing": "Bearbeitung",
"editingOfDeviceDesc": "Bearbeitung von {device}",
"egressInTime": "Austritt in {time} [{location}].",
"eight": "Acht",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -380,6 +393,12 @@
"lockedCrateLargeOilRigUnlocked": "Gesperrte Kiste auf der großen Ölbohrinsel [{location}] wurde entsperrt.",
"lockedCrateOilRigUnlockedSetting": "Wenn eine gesperrte Kiste auf einer Ölbohrinsel entsperrt wurde, sende eine Benachrichtigung.",
"lockedCrateSmallOilRigUnlocked": "Gesperrte Kiste auf der kleinen Ölbohrinsel [{location}] wurde entsperrt.",
"logDiscordCommand": "Discord Command - Guild: {guild}, Channel: {channel}, User: {user}, Message: {message}.",
"logDiscordMessage": "Discord Message - Guild: {guild}, Channel: {channel}, User: {user}, Message: {message}.",
"logInGameCommand": "{type} - Command: {command}, User: {user}.",
"logInGameMessage": "Message: {message}, User: {user}",
"logSmartSwitchGroupValueChange": "Smart Switch Group - Value: {}.",
"logSmartSwitchValueChange": "Smart Switch - Value: {value}.",
"loggedInAs": "ANGEMELDET ALS: {name}",
"makeSureApplicationsCommandsEnabled": "Stelle sicher, dass applications.command beim Erstellen der Einladungs-URL angehakt ist.",
"map": "Karte",
Expand All @@ -403,6 +422,7 @@
"missingArguments": "Fehlende Argumente.",
"missingPermission": "Du hast keine Berechtigung dies zu tun.",
"missingTimerMessage": "Fehlende Timer-Nachricht.",
"modalValueChange": "Modal Interaction - VerifyId: {id}, Value: {value}.",
"more": "weitere",
"morePlayers": "{players} ...{number} weitere.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -435,7 +455,7 @@
"northEast": "nordöstlich",
"northOfGrid": "nördlich von Grid",
"northWest": "nordwestlich",
"notAValidOrderType": "{order} is not a valid order type.",
"notAValidOrderType": "{order} ist keine gültige Handelskategorie.",
"notActive": "Nicht aktiv.",
"notConnectedToRustServer": "Aktuell mit keinem Rust-Server verbunden.",
"notExistInSubscription": "Gegenstand `{name}` ist nicht abonniert.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -518,11 +538,13 @@
"selectInGamePrefixSetting": "Wähle aus, welches Vorzeichen In-Game verwendet werden soll:",
"selectLanguageExtendSetting": "Stelle sicher, dass du **/reset discord** ausführst, um die neue Sprache zu laden.",
"selectLanguageSetting": "Wähle die Sprache, die der Bot verwendet:",
"selectMenuValueChange": "Select Menu Interaction - VerifyId: {id}, Value: {value}.",
"selectTrademarkSetting": "Wähle aus, welches Kürzel in jeder In-Game-Nachricht angezeigt werden soll.",
"sell": "Verkauf",
"semicolon": "Semikolon",
"sentTextToSpeech": "Text-zu-Sprache gesendet.",
"server": "Server",
"serverEditBattlemetricsIdLabel": "Die Battlemetrics-ID des Servers:",
"serverInfo": "Server-Informationen",
"serverInvalid": "Die Verbindung zum Server scheint ungültig zu sein. Versuche dich erneut mit dem Server zu koppeln.",
"serverJustOffline": "Der Server ist gerade offline gegangen.",
Expand All @@ -539,10 +561,13 @@
"shouldLeaderCommandOnlyForPairedSetting": "Soll der Anführer-Befehl nur für Personen funktionieren, die mit dem Server gekoppelt sind?",
"shouldSmartAlarmNotifyNotConnectedSetting": "Sollen intelligente Alarme auch dann benachrichtigen, wenn sie nicht auf dem aktuell verbundenen Rust-Server eingerichtet sind?",
"shouldSmartAlarmsNotifyInGameSetting": "Sollen intelligente Alarme In-Game benachrichtigen?",
"showingBlacklist": "Anzeigen der Blacklist.",
"showingSubscriptionList": "Zeige die Liste der abonnierten Gegenstände an.",
"sirenLight": "Alarm-Lampe",
"six": "Sechs",
"slash": "Schrägstrich",
"slashCommandInteraction": "Slash Command Interaction - Guild: {guild}, Channel: {channel}, User: {user}, Command: {command}, VerifyId: {id}.",
"slashCommandValueChange": "Slash Command Interaction - VerifyId: {id}, Value: {value}.",
"slashCommandsSuccessRegister": "Erfolgreich Anwendungsbefehle für Discord-Server: {guildId} registriert.",
"slots": "Plätze",
"smallOilRig": "Kleine Ölbohrinsel",
Expand All @@ -557,9 +582,12 @@
"smartSwitchAutoDay": "Intelligenter Schalter wird nur während des Tages an sein.",
"smartSwitchAutoNight": "Intelligenter Schalter wird nur während der Nacht an sein.",
"smartSwitchAutoOff": "Falls Schalter an ist, wird er in spätestens 5min ausgesch.",
"smartSwitchAutoOffProximity": "Schalter wird deaktiviert, wenn Teammitglied in der Nähe ist.",
"smartSwitchAutoOn": "Falls Schalter aus ist, wird er in spätestens 5min eingesch.",
"smartSwitchAutoOnProximity": "Schalter wird aktiviert, wenn Teammitglied in der Nähe ist.",
"smartSwitchEditCommandLabel": "Der benutzerdef. für den intell. Schalter:",
"smartSwitchEditNameLabel": "Der Name des intelligenten Schalters:",
"smartSwitchEditProximityLabel": "Proximity-Einstellung (Meter):",
"smartSwitchEditSuccess": "Intelligenter Schalter `{name}` erfolgreich bearbeitet.",
"smartSwitchNormal": "Intelligenter Schalter funktioniert standardmäßig.",
"smilyFace": "Smiley Face",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -640,9 +668,22 @@
"unknownInteraction": "Unbekannte Interaktion...",
"unmutedCap": "NICHT STUMM",
"upkeep": "Instandhaltung",
"userAddedToBlacklist": "{user} wurde zur Blacklist hinzugefügt.",
"userAlreadyInBlacklist": "{user} ist bereits auf der Blacklist.",
"userButtonInteraction": "Button Interaction - Guild: {guild}, Channel: {channel}, User: {user}, CustomId: {customid}, VerifyId: {id}.",
"userButtonInteractionSuccess": "Button Interaction - VerifyId: {id} SUCCESS",
"userJustConnected": "{name} ist gerade online gekommen.",
"userModalInteraction": "Modal Interaction - Guild: {guild}, Channel: {channel}, User: {user}, CustomId: {customid}, VerifyId: {id}.",
"userModalInteractionSuccess": "Modal Interaction - VerifyId: {id} SUCCESS",
"userNotInBlacklist": "{user} ist nicht auf der Blacklist.",
"userNotRegistered": "{user} ist nicht registriert.",
"userPartOfBlacklist": "VerifyId: {id}, {user} is part of the blacklist.",
"userPartOfBlacklistDiscord": "Blacklisted User! Guild: {guild}, Channel: {channel}, User: {user}, Message: {message}.",
"userPartOfBlacklistInGame": "Blacklisted User! User: {user}, Message: {message}.",
"userRemovedFromBlacklist": "{user} wurde von der Blacklist entfernt.",
"userSaid": "{user} sagte, {text}",
"userSelectMenuInteraction": "Select Menu Interaction - Guild: {guild}, Channel: {channel}, User: {user}, CustomId: {customid}, VerifyId: {id}.",
"userSelectMenuInteractionSuccess": "Select Menu Interaction - VerifyId: {id} SUCCESS",
"vendingMachine": "Verkaufsautomat",
"vendingMachineDetectedSetting": "Wenn ein neuer Verkaufsautomat erkannt wird, sende eine Benachrichtigung.",
"voiceCap": "VOICE",
Expand Down