Jude Kavalam, Alex Heaton
- README.md: Project overview and commands used to create pipeline and query data.
- game_api.py: Code for flask API that logs events to kafka.
- process_in_spark.py: Code to process streaming events from Kafka and store to parquet files in HDFS.
- runner.sh: Bash script to continuously generate sample data by calling the APIs using Apache Bench.
- docker-compose.yml: Docker compose file with images and configuration required for the pipeline.
- The project has two apis: purchase and sell. Purchase is a user buying an item from the game developer and sell is a user selling the item back to the game developer or another user.
- We have implimented a POST method in our API that can accept additional properties about each transaction. The schema of the properties that we collect through these APIs are:
user_id: string ["5"]
price:double [5]
currency:string ["USD"]
item:string ["Steel Shield"]
item_type:string ["Shield"]
timestamp:datetime ["2020-08-04 14:09:59.73"]
event_type:string ["purchase_api"]
- A bash script (runner.sh) will continously call the API and generate random values for price, user_id, item, and randomly alternate which API is called (sell or purchase).
cd w205/project3/
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec kafka kafka-topics --create --topic events --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --if-not-exists --zookeeper zookeeper:32181
docker-compose exec kafka kafka-topics --list --zookeeper zookeeper:32181
docker-compose exec mids env FLASK_APP=/w205/project3/game_api.py flask run --host
cd w205/project3/
docker-compose exec mids kafkacat -C -b kafka:29092 -t events -o beginning
Run bash script to create random events using apache bench jobs again and see it logged in windows 3
cd w205/project3/
chmod +x runner.sh
bash runner.sh
Submit spark job from command line
cd w205/project3/
docker-compose exec spark spark-submit /w205/project3/process_in_spark.py
Check the files written to hadoop
cd w205/project3/
docker-compose exec cloudera hadoop fs -ls /tmp/game
Create tables that can be queried in presto
Create table called purchase API
docker-compose exec cloudera hive
create external table if not exists default.sell_api (
game_api_raw string,
timestamp string,
event_type string,
item string,
item_type string,
user_id string,
price double,
currency string
stored as parquet
location '/tmp/game/sell_api'
tblproperties ("parquet.compress"="SNAPPY");
create external table if not exists default.purchase_api (
game_api_raw string,
timestamp string,
event_type string,
item string,
item_type string,
user_id string,
price double,
currency string
stored as parquet
location '/tmp/game/purchase_api'
tblproperties ("parquet.compress"="SNAPPY");
Type ctrl+d
to exit hive
docker-compose exec presto presto --server presto:8080 --catalog hive --schema default
show tables;
Query 1: Show the total transactions and most recent transactions from each table.
select event_type, count(*) as Transactions, sum(price) as Revenue, max(timestamp) as LastTransactionTime from purchase_api group by event_type
select event_type, count(*) as Transactions, sum(price) as Revenue, max(timestamp) as LastTransactionTime from sell_api group by event_type;
Sample output from query 1
event_type | Transactions | Revenue | LastTransactionTime |
purchase_item | 278 | 4116.0 | 2020-08-04 14:02:04.508 |
sell_item | 292 | 4328.0 | 2020-08-04 14:02:09.705 |
The bash script is still running in the background so running the same query again will return different results
Sample output from query 1 after several minutes
event_type | Transactions | Revenue | LastTransactionTime |
purchase_item | 426 | 6286.0 | 2020-08-04 14:09:54.528 |
sell_item | 502 | 7458.0 | 2020-08-04 14:09:59.73 |
Query 2: What are the most popular items (in terms of purchases) ranked by total revenue.
select item, item_type, sum(price) as Revenue, count(*) as Transactions, avg(price) as AverageSellingPrice from purchase_api
group by item, item_type order by Revenue desc;
Sample output from query 2
item | item_type | Revenue | Transactions | AverageSellingPrice |
Steel Sword | Sword | 6350.0 | 416 | 15.264423076923077 |
Steel Shield | Shield | 6056.0 | 396 | 15.292929292929292 |
Query 3: Which users are selling the most items.
select user_id, sum(price) as Revenue, count(*) as Transactions from sell_api
group by user_id order by Transactions desc;
Sample output from query 3
user_id | Revenue | Transactions |
1 | 3924.0 | 234 |
5 | 3334.0 | 228 |
3 | 3376.0 | 220 |
4 | 2970.0 | 204 |
2 | 2830.0 | 188 |