A blazingly fast, low latency, and lightweight actor engine with all batteries included.
- LMAX disruptor message queue for low latency messaging
- dRPC as the transport layer
- Optimized protoBuffers without reflection
- lightweight and highly customizable
- built and optimized for speed
go get github.com/anthdm/hollywood
The examples folder is the best place to learn and explore Hollywood.
type message struct {
data string
type foo struct{}
func newFoo() actor.Receiver {
return &foo{}
func (f *foo) Receive(ctx *actor.Context) {
switch msg := ctx.Message().(type) {
case actor.Started:
fmt.Println("foo has started")
case *message:
fmt.Println("foo has received", msg.data)
func main() {
engine := actor.NewEngine()
pid := engine.Spawn(newFoo, "foo")
engine.Send(pid, &message{data: "hello world!"})
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
e.Spawn(newFoo, "foo",
actor.WithTags("bar", "1"),
e := actor.NewEngine()
// Subscribe to a various list of event that are being broadcasted by
// the engine. But also published by you.
eventSub := e.EventStream.Subscribe(func(event any) {
switch evt := event.(type) {
case *actor.DeadLetterEvent:
fmt.Printf("deadletter event to [%s] msg: %s\n", evt.Target, evt.Message)
case *actor.ActivationEvent:
fmt.Println("process is active", evt.PID)
case *actor.TerminationEvent:
fmt.Println("process terminated:", evt.PID)
fmt.Println("received event", evt)
// Cleanup subscription
defer e.EventStream.Unsubscribe(eventSub)
// Spawning receiver as a function
e.SpawnFunc(func(c *actor.Context) {
switch msg := c.Message().(type) {
case actor.Started:
_ = msg
}, "foo")
actor.PIDSeparator = ">"
Will result in the following PID
make test