Rhabdomancy is a divination technique which involves the use of any rod, staff, stick, arrow, or the like.
In other words, magical wands.
This repository contains the server for interactive light show wand game. It can also be extended to play game on the light show.
This repository is split into two parts, the client and the server.
The server maintains the state, communicates with Gallium, manages users, and serves the client files for games. It uses node.js.
To generate SSL certificates, use
The client
Since iOS requires the client to be running in a secure context before releasing motion data, the entire stack needs to be secured. The game server has HTTPS baked in, but requires the certificates to be configured in config.json
. A blank template has been created config.blank.json
There are two options for creating these certificates.
mkcert -install
mkcert localhost ::1
For mobile, mkcert will create a root certificate that you must deliver to the phone. For iOS, this is as easy as airdropping and clicking Trust. After installing it, you must enable full trust in it. https://support.apple.com/en-nz/HT20447
For Let's Encrypt, which provides free SSL certificates with an already trusted CA (don't need to trust the root certificate above), you'll need an actual server running. I followed this guide on an azure virtual machine https://itnext.io/node-express-letsencrypt-generate-a-free-ssl-certificate-and-run-an-https-server-in-5-minutes-a730fbe528ca
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install certbot
Generating the SSL certificate.
sudo certbot certonly --standalone