tsarchiver is a script to archive tagesschau, tagesthemen, and nachtmagazin videos from the tagesschau.de website. Metadata and subtitles are added to the video files and are stored in a SQLite database.
$ tsarchiver.py ARCHIVEDIR
is the directory in which to store the downloaded files. Additionally, the script is looking for a SQLite database called archive.db
this folder. If it can't find one, you will be asked to create one. Then, the script asks for the page index for each show at which to start the archiving.
The index is part of the video domain, for example https://www.tagesschau.de/multimedia/sendung/ts-34001.html
, the index would be 34001
This script can also be used on its own to convert subtitles from the EBU-TT-D format to the SRT format. Usage:
$ subconvert.py SUBFILE
is the subtitle file in the EBU-TT-D (.xml
) or the WEBVTT (.xml
) format.
The script also looks for a file called subignore.txt
inside the script folder. If a subtitle line contains a word or sentence specified in this file, it will be ignored.
Python packages: