foxWSFix v2.2.0 - Changelog - Contributors
Improved widescreen support for Unreal Tournament 2004
- Aspect-correct "Hor+" FOV adjustment, including vehicle and weapon zoom values
- Aspect-correct rendering for first-person weapons
- Aspect-correct HUD support (mostly), based on Azarael's HUD Scaling Fix mutator
- Aspect-correct mouse sensitivity (scale off wider FOV instead of hard-coded 90)
- Entirely client-side - no mutators required
Extract the release archive to your UT2004 install directory.
Open System\User.ini and find the following line:
Replace every instance of it with the following:
Note: This line should appear at least twice - once under [Engine.PlayerController]
, and
once under [XGame.xPlayer]
. Be sure to change each one! (or add it if missing)
You're done! To uninstall, simply reverse your changes.
** v2.0 Upgrade Note **
If upgrading from v2.0, you should revert v2.0's GUIController change.
Open System\ut2004.ini and replace:
With the original:
Once installed, foxWSFix works automatically, with no configuration required.
Resolution can be adjusted via the game's built-in console command:
SetRes <resolution>
* <resolution> - new resolution to use, given as ##x##
e.g. SetRes 1920x1080
SetRes 3360x1440
In-game FOV can be adjusted via the menu as normal, or via a new console command:
SetFOV <fov>
* <fov> - new FOV to use, given as a 4:3 ratio FOV (90 @ 4:3 == 106.2602 @ 16:9, etc.)
e.g. SetFOV 90
The FOV changes should be compatible with all mods, provided they don't use a custom PlayerInput class.
However, widescreen HUDs are provided for vanilla HUDs only.
foxWSFix stores its settings in System\User.ini as such:
bInputClassErrorCheck=True ;Check User.ini InputClass settings for possible errors?
Desired43FOV=90.000000 ;Desired 4:3 FOV per SetFOV command / menu setting
bCorrectZoomFOV=True ;Correct FOV values for weapon zoom?
bCorrectWeaponFOV=True ;Correct FOV values for on-screen weapon viewmodel?
bCorrectMouseSensitivity=True ;Correct MouseSensitivity for aspect ratio changes? (due to wider FOV)
Desired43MouseSensitivity=2.200000 ;Desired 4:3 MouseSensitivity per SetSensitivity command / menu setting
Additional WideHUDMap lines may be added or replaced for custom HUD replacements.
For example, to use HUDFix's UT2k3 widescreen HUDs, replace with the following:
- Some HUDs still have elements that don't quite scale correctly, particularly with ultra-wide (32:9 or greater) ratios. (e.g. Assault Rifle grenade counter, on-screen objectives, etc. - unfortunately these are drawn outside the HUD)
To compile, move the "foxWSFix" folder inside "Src" out into your root UT2004 install directory.
Then simply add the following to the [Editor.EditorEngine] section in System\ut2004.ini:
Finally, run "foxWSFix\Compile.bat" (or simply "UCC make") to compile the project.
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment on Steam:
Issues and Pull Requests are also welcome:
And of course, thanks for trying the mod! ~fox
v2.2.0 (2021-10-30):
- Properly fixed weapon rendering getting offset when transitioning levels or exiting to menus
- Added "bCorrectWeaponFOV" option to control visual weapon FOV scaling, courtesy of Nootlord
v2.1.2 (2021-06-26):
- Fixed weapon rendering getting increasingly offset every level transition
- (Note: Not applicable to foxWSFix99 for UT99, no fix needed there)
v2.1.1 (2021-06-24):
- Added in-game InputClass error handling to hopefully ease some install issues
- Updated installation instructions to reflect the above
- Clarified bCorrectMouseSensitivity (Unreal normally scales sensitivity against a hard-coded 90 FOV for zoom)
v2.1.0 (2021-02-27):
- Resolved AntiTCC issue with GUIController hook (see "v2.0 Upgrade Note" above)
- (Note: All functionality is still in place, just handled in foxPlayerInput now)
v2.0.0 (2020-12-10):
- Configurable client-side HUD loading, no mutator required
- Fixed various issues with first-person weapon rendering
- (Note: Omitted by accident from original v2.0 patch notes, oops)
- Integration / reimplementation of Azarael's HUD Scaling Fix HUDs, fixing a few minor bugs (such as Adrenaline meter not scaling in CTF)
- Automatic aspect ratio determination (SetRatio removed, no longer needed)
- FOV adjustment now applies to weapon zoom etc. and is driven by menu FOV setting (or SetFOV as before)
- Fixed issue where input settings weren't saved when adjusted in-game
- Mouse sensitivity now auto-adjusts to be consistent across aspect ratios
v1.1.1 (2015-10-07):
- Fixed optimization-related general protection fault
v1.1.0 (2015-10-07):
- Optimizations to avoid recalculating view FOV and weapon FOV every frame (oops!)
- Don't use FOV function as that calls SaveConfig every run, leading to performance issues (oops!)
v1.0.0 (2015-04-03):
- Initial release.