Step 1: Go to heroku and create a new app.
Step 2: Link your github fork of this project to the app (In the setup page or deployment menu) - Use main
branch for auto updates
Step 3: Go to the settings and fill out the following enviromental variables/config vars
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
GOOGLE_SERVER_KEY = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To get the Google server key, head to the Google Cloud Platform website, create a project and go to the APIs and Services page. Then Enable the Youtube Data API V3
. You should be able to generate a server API key, which will be the value to put in your .env file.
Then, log in to the Spotify Developer Console, and create a new app. Once created, you should get Client ID and Client Secret keys, which are the other two values for your .env
Step 4: Go back to the settings and install the nodejs buildpack.
Step 5: Deploy the webapp.
Make an issue if you have problems with anything.
This is a file made by LaganYT for the self hosting of the Jukebox Redux project.