Code organization :
- index scripts recall and rendering.
- init creates basical elements such as cameras, renderer. it also creates the external floor, and the elements used for basical raycasting and object picking.
- [control_panel] (assets/js/control_panel.js) creates the control panel and intizialize the control parameters
- the functions bathroom,kitchen,bedroom,bedroom2,living_room,closet and external add some basical details to rooms and external elements of the apartment, such as textures, windows and doors.
- import_objects used to import all of the .obj files added in the scene.
- makeVideo creates and manage the status of some videos imported and rendered in the scene with proper interactions.
- makeAudio creates and manage the status of some audio files and played during the rendering with proper interactions.
- robot creates a simple model of a cleaner robot, with a defined pattern animation, door controls and fixed camera switching.
- makeScreenSaver creates a sort of screen saver effect using the sprite animation of a tiled texture.
- makeFrame creates a picture frame, with proper bump map effect.
- makeLamp creates a model of a table lamp, similar to the pixar lamp, the model was former created for one of the homeworks for cvdlab.
- lights defines general light effects such as ambient and directional lights. It also provides the functions to create room lights and self-created lamp models, and to manage an automatic or interactive light switiching.
- skybox creates the day and night versions for the skybox.
Graphic techniques :
- STATIC TEXTURES AND BUMP MAPS for several elements such as floors, walls, windows, doors and wall lamps.
- KEYFRAME for robot and door animations
- VIDEO TEXTURE for the tv screen
- AUDIO for the mp3 base player
- SKYBOX with day/night switch
- AUDIO FADING for video and audio elements
- DIRECTIONAL LIGHT + AMBIENT LIGHT for day/night effect
- OBJ + MTL IMPORT for room detailing
- FIRST PERSON CAMERA with camera switch controls
- FIXED CAMERA for robot view
- PARTICLE ENGINE for clouds
- OBJECT PICKING for element interactions
- OBJECT CONTROL for mouse control door and windows opening