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◾ About the project

Meteo station is my small after-hours project that contains of three repositories:

As the name suggest, is a DIY self-sufficient weather measuring device. I decided to design it as a PCB board with goldpins to stick-in or stick-out individual components and sensors (ESP32, BME280 etc.) to make it more reusable. It could have - of course - been integrated on board, but it would be more expensive and time-consuming to create.

The code was written using Arduino IDE. It was meant to be quick and clear, not the best.

This is a hobbyist project, so I take no responsibility for any possible issues you may encounter :)

I was inspired by solution created by this guy on Instructables. He did a good job, so I strongly recommand exploring his meteo projects!

◾ How to run this code?

  1. Install Arduino IDE.
  2. Add ESP32 board to Arduino IDE as it is described e.g. here.
  3. Install needed libraries - OneWire, BH1750, Adafruit_BME280, DallasTemperature etc.
  4. Copy data-example.h and rename it to data.h. Uncomment all lines and fill it with your values:
    • SSID - your WiFi name,
    • Password = your WiFi password,
    • Influx = fill [IP_ADDRESS] and [DB-NAME] fields with your Influx instance data (see next paragraph "Server setup").
  5. Check if your ESP32 connects to WiFi and sends data to Influx properly. If you set IsDebug to True you will see additional debugging logs via UART.

◾ Server setup

  1. Install Influx on the Raspberry Pi or other computer that you use as a local server. This code works with Influx v. 1.8.
  2. Set up Influx to be always running on port 8086 (or change the port in the data.h').
  3. Create a database for the data.
  4. That's all 😊 The ESP32 should connect to it (after filling up data.h) and send all the information to the created database. I recommend Grafana to preview all charts real-time.

◾ Adjust it to your needs!

This is an absolutely hobbyst project :) You can use it as a reference to create something a lot better.

◾ License

Meteo Station project is available on Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license (more in license file). You are free to use it, modify it and produce as many of your own boards as you need.

◾ Final result

Cable tie and tape for the win ;)

Meteo station