- This project is in development
- This project is a part of my graduation - thesis project
- This project is being developed using flask-restful, pymongo, boto3, scikit-learn, tensorflow and keras
- Project uses a NoQSL MongoDB to store users and models details
- This project runs 6 different classification algorithm from scikit-learn and neural network with different parameters from keras
- Heroku to publish python-flask server app
- MongoDB cloud for nosql database
- AWS S3 for file storage
- Keras for neural network construction
- Tensorflow as backend to Keras
It has following methods that can be requested:
MainPage ()
Test ()
Register (email, username, password)
Login (username, password)
GetUserPlan (username, password)
UpdateUserPlan (username, password, usertype)
ColumnsInfos (username, password, columns, dataset)
Train (username, password, modelname, dataset, columns, target, categoricalcolumns, numericalcolumns, modelType = None, {classifier specific variables})
Predict (username, password, modelname, predictset)
ModelList(username, password)
CheckTrainStatus (username, password)
RemoveModel (username, password, modelname)
Also there is GMS(Generative Model Selector) class working in background to find best algorithm and parameters for given dataset
GMS has 8 different classification algorithm to try with different parameters:
- Logistic Regression
- Naive Bayes
- Kernel SVM
- Decision Tree
- Random Forest
- Neural Network
- XGBoost
Live version of this code is in:
You can send requests to following URLs:
GET https://churn-analysis-api.herokuapp.com/
GET https://churn-analysis-api.herokuapp.com/test
POST https://churn-analysis-api.herokuapp.com/register
POST https://churn-analysis-api.herokuapp.com/login
POST https://churn-analysis-api.herokuapp.com/getUserPlan
POST https://churn-analysis-api.herokuapp.com/updateUserPlan
POST https://churn-analysis-api.herokuapp.com/columnsInfos
POST https://churn-analysis-api.herokuapp.com/train
POST https://churn-analysis-api.herokuapp.com/predict
POST https://churn-analysis-api.herokuapp.com/modelList
POST https://churn-analysis-api.herokuapp.com/checkStatus
POST https://churn-analysis-api.herokuapp.com/removeModel
- Using Cross Validation metrics to find best model and eliminate overfitted models
- Grid Search to find best parameters
- Optimization
- Encapsulation