🤳 Full-stack social media app, inspired by Twitter, IG, and FB!
👨👩👦 Primary user CRUD functionalities, with advanced backend architecture
🛡️ Secure & private user authentication
Full Stack social media app using MERN stack with CRUD functionalities. Features include auth using JWT & Google Oauth, creating posts with captions/images (hosted @ cloudinary), likes/comments, adding posts to bookmarks tab, navigating through users' profiles, follow/unfollow users, etc. Check it out here I started the project by first designing the whole UI from absolute scratch using Figma, then Built the app using the MERN stack, where I worked onn designing the backend architecture first working with node.js, express, and mongoose, then moving to the frontend with React.js.
I've created this app on my free time as a side project. I was inspired by many similar social media giants such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, and thus I decided to test out my client/server side skills to build and design this app from absolute scratch. I tend to work on many side projects on my free time to keep a refreshed memory, while it's also a lot of fun! If you like what I do, hit me up & lets chat!
Check out my Portfolio website & Github Profile for more cool projects.