Framework to simplify the setup and configuration of UITableView
data sources and cells. It allows a type-safe setup of UITableViewDataSource
and (optionally) UITableViewDelegate
. DataSource
also provides out-of-the-box diffing and animated deletions, inserts, moves and changes.
An example app is included demonstrating DataSource's functionality. The example demonstrates various uses cases ranging from a simple list of strings to more complex uses cases such as setting up a dynamic form.
Create a DataSource
with a CellDescriptor
that describes how the UITableViewCell
(in this case a TitleCell
) is configured using a data model (Example
Additionally, we also add a handler for didSelect
which handles the didSelectRowAtIndexPath
method of UITableViewDelegate
let dataSource: DataSource = {
cellDescriptors: [
CellDescriptor<Example, TitleCell>()
.configure { (example, cell, indexPath) in
cell.textLabel?.text = example.title
cell.accessoryType = .disclosureIndicator
.didSelect { (example, indexPath) in
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: example.segue, sender: nil)
return .deselect
Next, setup your dataSource
as the dataSource
and delegate
of UITableView
tableView.dataSource = dataSource
tableView.delegate = dataSource
Next, create and set the models. Don't forget to call reloadData
dataSource.sections = [
Section(items: [
Example(title: "Random Persons", segue: "showRandomPersons"),
Example(title: "Form", segue: "showForm"),
Example(title: "Lazy Rows", segue: "showLazyRows"),
Example(title: "Diff & Update", segue: "showDiff"),
dataSource.reloadData(tableView, animated: false)
can also be used to configure section headers and footers. Similar to CellDescriptors
you can define one or more SectionDescriptors
let dataSource: DataSource = {
cellDescriptors: [
.configure { (person, cell, indexPath) in
cell.configure(person: person)
sectionDescriptors: [
.header { (title, _) in
Sections headers and footers can have custom views (.view(...)
) or simple titles (.title(...)
). Delegate methods such as heightForHeaderInSection
are supported as well (headerHeight
Diffing and animated changes between two sets of data are supported if your data models implement the Diffable
public protocol Diffable {
var diffIdentifier: String { get }
func isEqualToDiffable(_ other: Diffable?) -> Bool
is a String
identifier which describes whether the identity of two models is different. Think of it as a primary key in a database. Different diffIdentifiers
will lead to an animated insert, delete or move change. Additionally, isEqualToDiffable
can be used to describe whether the data or content of a models has changed even if the diffIdentifier
is the same. For example, if the name of a person was changed in a database, the primarykey of that person would usually remain the same. In such cases you usually don't want an insert, delete or move but instead and (potentially animated) update of the corresponding row in your table.
Diffing is demonstrated by two examples:
creates a random set of persons in two sections and animates the changes between the datasets.
private func randomData() -> [SectionType] {
let count = Int.random(5, 15)
let persons = (0 ..< count).map { _ in Person.random() }.sorted()
let letters = Set(["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L"])
let firstGroup = persons.filter {
$0.lastNameStartsWith(letters: letters)
let secondGroup = persons.filter {
!$0.lastNameStartsWith(letters: letters)
return [
Section("A - L", items: firstGroup),
Section("M - Z", items: secondGroup),
@IBAction func refresh(_ sender: Any) {
dataSource.sections = randomData()
dataSource.reloadData(tableView, animated: true)
creates rows of numbers where the diffIdentifier
is the number itself and the content is the name of that number in English or German. This shows how the animated row changes can be accomplished.
struct DiffItem {
let value: Int
let text: String
let diffIdentifier: String
init(_ value: Int, text: String) {
self.value = value
self.text = text
self.diffIdentifier = String(value)
extension DiffItem: Diffable {
public func isEqualToDiffable(_ other: Diffable?) -> Bool {
guard let other = other as? DiffItem else { return false }
return self.text == other.text
Please refer to the examples for the full code.
Both, CellDescriptor
and SectionDescriptor
provide an isHidden
closure, which allow to simply hide and show rows based on any custom criteria.
The FormViewController
example uses this to only show the last name field whenever the first name is not empty, and also shows an "additional fields" section whenever a switch is enabled:
lazy var dataSource: DataSource = {
cellDescriptors: [
.isHidden { (field, indexPath) in
if == {
return self.firstNameField.text?.isEmpty ?? true
} else {
return false
sectionDescriptors: [
.headerHeight { .zero },
.header {
.title("Additional Fields")
.isHidden {
The isHidden
closure is evaluated whenever dataSource.reloadData(...)
is called.
provides a convenient way to handle all UITableViewDelegate
methods in a type-safe and simple way using closures. In most cases you define those closures on the CellDescriptor
or SectionDescriptor
. However, sometimes this leads to duplicated code if, for example, you have different cells but the code executed for a selection is the same. In these cases you can set the delegate closures on the DataSource
dataSource.didSelect = { (row, indexPath) in
return .deselect
These closures will be used as a fallback if no closure for the specific delegate method is defined on CellDescriptor
(or SectionDescriptor
Additionally, you can set a fallback UITableViewDelegate
and UITableViewDataSource
, which are again used if the matching closure on CellDescriptor
or SectionDescriptor
is not set.
dataSource.fallbackDelegate = self
dataSource.fallbackDataSource = self
Using these fallback mechanisms you can choose which parts of DataSource
you want to use in your specific use case. For example, you could use it to setup and configure all your cells, animate changes between datasets but keep your existing UITableViewDelegate
The fallbackDelegate
can be used to implement methods that don't belong to DataSource
, like e.g. UIScrollViewDelegate
methods. You should take extra care that the fallback delegate needs to be set before setting the table view delegate, otherwise certain delegate methods will never be called by UIKit
// Always set the fallback before setting the table view delegate
dataSource.fallbackDelegate = self
tableView.dataSource = dataSource
tableView.delegate = dataSource
Cells can be registered from custom bundles. You can specify in the cell descriptor from which bundle the cell should be loaded. The bundle defaults to the main bundle.
let descriptor = CellDescriptor(bundle: customBundle)
If you define your cell types in a separate xib(outside your tableView definition in a storyboard) or entirely in code your cell needs to be registered with the tableView you want to use it with.
You can either register the cell with the tableView manually(see UITableView docs) or let DataSource do that for you by conforming to the AutoRegisterCell
Current Swift compatibility breakdown:
Swift Version | Framework Version |
5.1 | 8.x |
5.0 | 7.x |
4.2 | 6.x |
4.1 | 5.x |
3.x | 3.x, 4.x |
Add the following dependency to your Package.swift
.package(url: "", from: "8.0.0")
Add the following line to your Cartfile.
github "allaboutapps/DataSource", ~> 8.0
Then run carthage update
For DataSource, use the following entry in your Podfile:
pod 'MBDataSource'
Then run pod install
In any file you'd like to use DataSource in, don't forget to import the framework with import DataSource
Just drag and drop the .swift
files in the DataSource
folder into your project.
- Create something awesome, make the code better, add some functionality, whatever (this is the hardest part).
- Fork it
- Create new branch to make your changes
- Commit all your changes to your branch
- Submit a pull request
Contact me at or follow me on Twitter.