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Terraform EVM Provider

Quick way to integrate Ethereum and other EVM blockchains to your deployment. Currently supports generating random deployer accounts, deploying smart contracts and executing transactions on arbitrary smart contracts.



Below is a quick example of how you can add the EVM provider to your Terraform script.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    evm = {
      source = "allbridge-io/evm"

// Declare provider
provider "evm" {
  node_url = ""

// Generate random accounts
resource "evm_random_pk" "deployer" {}
resource "evm_random_pk" "token_holder" {}

// Deploy smart contract
resource "evm_contract" "test_token" {
  artifact = file("./internal/provider/testdata/Token.json")
  signer   =
  constructor_args = [
    1000000000 * pow(10, 18),

// Execute transaction
resource "evm_contract_tx" "token_transfer" {
  address = evm_contract.test_token.address
  signer  =
  method  = "transfer(address,uint256)"
  args = [
    20 * pow(10, 18),

// Use outputs to print computed values
output "deployer_address" {
  value = evm_random_pk.deployer.address
output "holder_address" {
  value = evm_random_pk.token_holder.address
output "token_contract_address" {
  value = evm_contract.test_token.address
output "transfer_tx_id" {
  value = evm_contract_tx.token_transfer.tx_id

Deployment and transaction args

Arguments to contract calls should be supplied as the list of strings. EVM provider will interpret constructor arguments from the contract ABI or provided method signature to infer their types.

Following types are currently supported:

  • bool supporting values true/false or 1/0
  • signed int8 to int256 and unsigned uint8 to uint256
  • address with empty string, 0x or 0 as shorthands for zero address
  • unsized bytes and bytes1 to bytes32 byte arrays, values should be specified as hex strings (e.g. 0x0102 for bytes2 value)
  • fixed size or dynamic single-dimension arrays of all types listed above (e.g. address[] or int32[4]). Values for arrays should be comma-separated (e.g. 1,2 for int32[2] or one,two for string[])

Not yet supported types:

  • multi-dimensional arrays
  • user structs (encoded as tuples)


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Use go generate to update generated docs.

Local Development

To build the EVM provider locally you will need Go version 1.20+ installed. To build the provider use:

go install

EVM provider will be installed in the directory named by the GOBIN environment variable, which defaults to $GOPATH/bin or $HOME/go/bin if the GOPATH environment variable is not set. Executables in $GOROOT are installed in $GOROOT/bin or $GOTOOLDIR instead of $GOBIN.

Then create a .terraformrc file in your home folder to override EVM provider to use your locally built installation.

provider_installation {

  dev_overrides {
      "allbridge-io/evm" = "/path/to/your/go/bin/folder"

  # For all other providers, install them directly from their origin provider
  # registries as normal. If you omit this, Terraform will _only_ use
  # the dev_overrides block, and so no other providers will be available.
  direct {}

Running Tests

You do not need an interface to an actual blockchain to run tests, they are executed on a simulated backend.

In order to run the full suite of Acceptance tests, run:

make testacc


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