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Technical Questions

1. What is OOP?

OOP means: Object Oriented Programming. It is programming paradigm that organizes software design around objects and classes which can contain both data and functions.

2. Difference between Polymorphism vs Inheritance

  • Inheritance allows classes to inherit properties and behaviors from other classes.
  • Polymorphism means providing single interface to entities of different types.

Inheritance establishes a parent-child relationship between classes and promotes code reuse and supports hierarchy. Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common superclass. Inheritance and Polymorphism are closely related, as Polymorphism is achieved through Inheritance. and Inheritance sets the foundation for Polymorphism.

3. SOLID principle

  • Single Responsibility: each class should have a single Responsibility.
  • Open / Closed principle: Open for Extension, Close for Modification
  • Liskov Substitution Principle: objects of a superclass should be able to be replaced with objects of its subclass without affecting the correctness of the program.
  • Interface Segregation principle: Segregation means keeping things as separate. Segregating large interfaces into smaller, more specific ones. so that consumers only need to depend on the interfaces that are relevant to them.
  • Dependency Inversion: Classes should depend upon interfaces or abstract classes instead of concrete classes and functions.

4. Difference between Architecture & System Design

Architecture deals with the macro-level structure and principles guiding the design, whereas system design deals with the micro level details and implementation of individual system components.

5. Coding Standard

It is a set of guidelines and best practices that define how code should be written and formatted in a consistent manner. It has indentation & formatting, comments & documentation, error & exception handling, code reusability and modularity, testing and debugging, performance considerations, version control and collaboration. Coding standard should align with project or organization specific requirements.

6. Benefit and Drawback of Having test

Benefit is improved code quality, increased confidence and faster development, easier maintenance. Drawback is time and effort, maintenance overhead.

7. Class component lifecycle : Hooks useEffect

useEffect(() => {}, []) replaces the combination of componentDidMount, componentWillUnmount.

useEffect(() => {}) runs after every render by default. it is equivalent to componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate and the cleanup part of componentWillUnmount.

8. Design Pattern, commonly used in React

  • Component Based Pattern: React is concept of components. that promotes reusability and modularity.
  • Higher Order Component Pattern: takes a component and returns an enhanced version of the component
  • Context Pattern, helps to avoid props drilling
  • Controlled vs Uncontrolled Component

9. Event driven programming

It is a programming paradigm in which the flow of a program is determined by events or user actions rather than being strictly sequential. In event-driven programming, the program waits for and responds to events triggered by the user, the operating system or other software components.

10. What is React?

It is a open-source JavaScript library for building frontend. React uses a in-memory/virtual representation of the actual DOM that allows it to efficiently update only the necessary parts of the UI when the data changes, resulting in better performance.


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