- The project has two goals: 1) first to classifiy the handwritten digit 2) predict the bounding box around the hand-written digit
- I am using a branched neural network architecture using TensorFlow functional API:
- feature_extractor: these convolutional layers extract the features of the image.
- classifier: This define the output layer that predicts among 10 categories (digits 0 through 9)
- bounding_box_regression: This defines the output layer that predicts 4 numeric values, which define the coordinates of the bounding box (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- The link to the dataset: Handwritten digits dataset.
- The model achieves an accuracy of 99% for the classification and MSE of 0.0012 for the regression on the validation set after 10 epochs.
- The notebook has the capability to run on either TPUs, GPUs or CPUs. It uses tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy in case of multiple GPUs and tf.distribute.experimental.TPUStrategy in case of TPU.
- Python
- Tensorflow
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Keras
Created by Miralireza Nabavi - feel free to contact me!