I wanted to use Windty for my next eleventy project before I realised I need more than just a single page with Tailwindcss. So I kept the good work and added more.
- Publication to github pages (on merge)
- Deployment to stand alone server via ssh (manual action)
- Make sure you keep the lighthouse 💯 💯 💯 💯 (check on PR)
- Tailwind css are processed directly by 11ty
- The navigation menu is generated from the page structure
- Render markdown with styles
- Process images to make them responsive
- reder "SEO" meta tags on all pages
- Installed Sveltia and Decap CMS with content flow
- Possibility to use Sveltia CMS with the same config
- Manage meta data and images on a per page basis
- Documentation comes with the starter as an example
- Explains how features are developped
- dark mode
- Create a new repository from huwindty’s template, or clone huwindty where you want.
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start development:
npm start
- See your website at http://localhost:8080/
- To build the release version:
npm run build
- When ready, push to GitHub and the action will build and publish your site to GitHub Pages (needs configuration)