Adds syntax highlighting and autocomplete snippets for AmigaOS API to C/C++ files in Atom.
Knows all reserved symbols in the API1 and highlights them respectively2:
(1): OS symbols are from OS3.9 & OS4.1, MUI symbols are from mui3.8.
(2): Most suitable for One Dark Syntax theme (default Atom theme).
Provides instant function suggestions with complete synopsis and powerful snippets for API functions3.
AutoComplete now also suggests the values and identifiers required in specific arguments of API functions.
(3): Only OS3.9, OS4.1, MUI and AHI symbols (yet).
You can choose which symbols to be highlighted and suggested.4
(4): A restart is required after changes in highlight preferences to apply.
Requesters to automatically create new Amiga projects (ready to be compiled with working helloworld code and a makefile5).
A dialog to create subclass code is also available.
Now a new dialog to create multi platform Amiga library code is also available.
Dependencies : (0.57.0 and higher)
IMPORTANT : On Atom v.1.32 and above you should deactivate Tree Sitter Parsers for highlighting to work properly (Settings -> Core -> Use Tree Sitter Parsers)
Contributions are greatly appreciated. Please fork this repository and open a pull request to add snippets, make grammar tweaks, etc.