✨ Features
add pages' create time and last edited time in the frontmatter (261de93 )
add pages' flattened properties in the frontmatter (0be8b1b )
make preview possible in development mode (7a889b3 )
provide a cache mechanism for the client (b4ffd32 )
provide a gatsby node handler (22c949d )
provide a notion to markdown parser (f477672 )
provide a property content extractor (8edd425 )
provide a simple Notion client (d3676ef )
provide the essential procedures for generating nodes (4599a28 )
type: add a placeholder for types (66e33b1 )
type: provided data types in relation to content blocks (8ef3461 )
type: provided data types in relation to metadata and richtext (07ae633 )
type: provided data types in relation to pages and databases (5db89f4 )
type: provided data types in relation to users (c48f8ad )
use Gatsby cache for preserving data across APIs (93d65bb )
🐛 Bug Fixes
avoid any escape in content for frontmatter by using js-yaml (64bbdc9 )
ignore cache if last_edit_time is within the last minute (ed7f863 )
🛠 Builds
whitelist the root gatsby-node.js
for npm release (ad7a2e6 )
📦 Code Refactoring
use a helper for synchronising nodes (310ce69 )
use generalised Gatsby Node API argument (24b3e43 )
use the universal property extractor to get the title (0a954af )
user a helper for filling the default config in one place (99c04f9 )
📚 Documentation
add a demo for the preview mode (f2204c4 )
add a guide for contribution (40f4e64 )
enrich the documentation (e1b7368 )
♻️ Chores
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