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Fruits Store

Static e-commerce store with React.





The app contains the standard e-commerce store features and uses fruits as example products (with fun fruit emojis). Users can easily browse, search, view detailed product info, add products to bag or favorites, edit the bag contents, and visit the bag to simulate a mock checkout process. The app focuses on simplicity and user-friendliness. The demo comes with some fruits in bag and favorites for demonstration purposes, play around with it and change it as desired!


  • Home, Store, Bag and Product pages
  • Filter fruits by categories or search (see Fruit Filtering)
  • Add to bag or favorites
  • Hover on bag for a preview of its contents
  • Feedback, minimalistic design and smooth animations
  • Performant: mainly animates opacity and transform, minimizing browser repaints
  • Home page carousel previewing featured items
  • Responsive
  • Products and filters in the store are data-based, allowing for customization with minimal code changes

Fruit Filtering

Filters narrow down the displayed fruits.

  • Filter the fruits by colors, family, vitamins, favorites or a search query
  • Multiple filters can be combined
  • Active filter tags
  • Results update in real-time

Search Query

  • Use it to search a fruit using text, it works with name, colors, family or vitamins
  • Case, spaces and symbols insensitive
  • Try these examples:
    • Searching um yields Cucumber, Pumpkin
    • Searching b6 yields Banana, Pineapple, Cocounut (i.e. fruits with Vitamin B6)
    • Searching pepper and selecting the Red checkbox yields Hot Pepper (example of filters combined)

Tech Stack

  • UI Library: React
  • Languages: TypeScript, CSS, HTML
  • Build Tool: Vite
  • Deployment: Netlify
  • Dependencies:
    • react-burger-menu: Expandable burger menu for mobile
    • react-flip-toolkit: Transition effect when fruits re-arrange
    • react-router-dom: Routing
    • react-slick: Home page carousel
    • react-tooltip: Bag tooltip
    • uuid: Unique ID's

Main Directories

Located in src:

  • components: React components and their CSS modules
  • data: Storage of initial fruit and filter data and its type definitions
  • utils: Utility functions used multiple times throughout the app
  • css: Global CSS styles
  • Context.tsx: Context API provider component
  • Router.tsx: React router provider component
  • main.tsx: Entry point for the React app

Located in the root:

  • public: Fruit emoji images, _redirects file (for Netlify with React Router) and app screenshots
  • index.html: Entry point for the app

Data & Functionality

The following state data is used to manage the fruits and filters of the store. It's shared throughout the whole app using Context API.

1. Fruits Array (initialized in fruits.ts)

Represents all the fruits in the store, contains fruit objects. Example:

  id: uuidv4(),
  name: "Blueberries",
  slug: "blueberries",
  price: 4.5,
  quantity: 1,
  colors: ["Blue", "Black"],
  family: "Berry",
  vitamins: ["Vitamin C", "Vitamin K"],
  isFavorite: false,
  inBag: true,
// etc...

2. Filters Object (initialized in filters.ts)

Represents all the filters and their active or inactive state. Example:

  colors: [
    { name: "Purple", isChecked: false },
    { name: "Green", isChecked: false },
    // ...etc
  families: [
    { name: "Rose", isChecked: false },
    { name: "Citrus", isChecked: true },
    // ...etc
  vitamins: [
    { name: "Vitamin C", isChecked: false },
    { name: "Vitamin A", isChecked: false },
    // ...etc
  favorite: false,
  query: "tangeri",

How does the filtering functionality work?

The filterFruits function is the key to this functionality. It takes both fruits and filters and returns an array of the fruits that match the filters.

The fruitSection component is rendering this resulting array, effectively showing only the matching fruits on screen.

Because fruits and filters are state variables, a re-render is triggered everytime they change and filterFruits is re-called, ensuring the shown fruits are always up-to date with the the filters.

Run Locally

Clone the project

git clone

Go to the project directory

cd fruits-store

Install dependencies

npm install

Start the server

npm run dev

