This is a sample project showcasing how a simple API test can be written in Karate for functional automation which can then be re-used to do performance testing by passing tests into Gatling.
The results from gatling are then pushed to Influxdb with Graphite protocol which is then visualised in a Grafana dashboard.
Command to run Karate Tests: mvn clean test
The html functional test report generated by karate can be found at target/surefire-reports/
Command to run the Gatling performance tests: mvn clean test-compile gatling:test
The html performance test report generated by gatling can be found at results/uploadsimulation-*/
The monitoring stack can be brought up using the docker compose file present inside the Docker-Grafana-InfluxDb
Individual configurations of Grafana, Influxdb and Graphite protocol are already set in the respective configuration file inside this folder.
The Gatling config to push data with Graphite protocol to the monitoring container is set in the gatling.conf
file under src/test/resources
The following command docker-compose up -d --build
can be used to bring up the stack with in the Docker-Grafana-InfluxDb
Grafana can be reached at http://localhost:3000’