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Introduce code linting #1024

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14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions .editorconfig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# EditorConfig is awesome:

root = true

end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = false
trim_trailing_whitespace = false

insert_final_newline = false
trim_trailing_whitespace = false
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 2
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions .eslintignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@

# only because of CRLF
41 changes: 21 additions & 20 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
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This btw is a prefect example of why you need linting. This file clearly had CRLF line breaks, and because I added 1 small change at the end my editor detected inconsistencies and normalized it. The .eslintignore file actually has a list of such files in the *.js realm which fail to be consistent with the rest of the project.

271 changes: 271 additions & 0 deletions lib/.eslintrc.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
# Carefully curated

env: { es6: true, node: true, browser: true }
parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 2018 }

# ==> Possible Errors
for-direction: error
getter-return: error
# no-async-promise-executor: error
no-await-in-loop: error
no-compare-neg-zero: error
# no-cond-assign: error
no-console: 0
# no-constant-condition: error
no-control-regex: error
no-debugger: error
no-dupe-args: error
no-dupe-else-if: error
no-dupe-keys: error
no-duplicate-case: error
# no-empty: error
no-empty-character-class: error
no-ex-assign: error
no-extra-boolean-cast: error
# no-extra-parens: error
# no-extra-semi: error
no-func-assign: error
no-import-assign: error
# no-inner-declarations: error
no-invalid-regexp: error
no-irregular-whitespace: error
no-loss-of-precision: error
no-misleading-character-class: error
no-obj-calls: error
no-promise-executor-return: error
# no-prototype-builtins: error
no-regex-spaces: error
no-setter-return: error
no-sparse-arrays: error
no-template-curly-in-string: error
no-unexpected-multiline: error
# no-unreachable: error
no-unreachable-loop: error
no-unsafe-finally: error
no-unsafe-negation: error
no-useless-backreference: error
# require-atomic-updates: error
use-isnan: error
valid-typeof: error
# ==> Best Practices
accessor-pairs: error
# array-callback-return: error
# block-scoped-var: error
class-methods-use-this: error
# complexity: [error, 3]
# consistent-return: [error, { treatUndefinedAsUnspecified: true }]
# curly: error
# default-case: error
default-case-last: error
default-param-last: error
# dot-location: [ error, object ]
# dot-notation: error
# eqeqeq: [ error, smart ]
grouped-accessor-pairs: error
# guard-for-in: error
max-classes-per-file: error
no-alert: error
no-caller: error
no-case-declarations: error
no-constructor-return: error
no-div-regex: error
# no-else-return: error
# no-empty-function: error
no-empty-pattern: error
# no-eq-null: error
# no-eval: error
no-extra-bind: error
no-extra-label: error
no-fallthrough: error
no-floating-decimal: error
no-global-assign: error
# no-implicit-coercion: error
# no-implicit-globals: error
no-implied-eval: error
no-invalid-this: error
no-iterator: error
no-labels: error
no-lone-blocks: error
# no-loop-func: error
# no-magic-numbers: error
# no-multi-spaces: error
no-multi-str: error
no-new: error
no-new-func: error
no-new-wrappers: error
no-octal: error
no-octal-escape: error
# no-param-reassign: error
no-proto: error
# no-redeclare: error
no-restricted-properties: 0
# no-return-assign: error
no-return-await: error
no-script-url: error
no-self-assign: error
no-self-compare: error
# no-sequences: error
# no-throw-literal: error
no-unmodified-loop-condition: error
# no-unused-expressions: error
no-unused-labels: error
no-useless-call: error
no-useless-catch: error
no-useless-concat: error
# no-useless-escape: error
# no-useless-return: error
# no-void: error
no-warning-comments: 0
no-with: error
prefer-named-capture-group: error
# prefer-promise-reject-errors: error
prefer-regex-literals: error
radix: error
# require-await: error
require-unicode-regexp: 0
# vars-on-top: error
wrap-iife: [error, outside]
# yoda: error
# ==> Strict Mode
strict: 0
# ==> Variables
# init-declarations: error
no-delete-var: error
no-label-var: error
no-restricted-globals: error
# no-shadow: error
no-shadow-restricted-names: error
# no-undef: error
no-undef-init: error
# no-undefined: error
# no-unused-vars: error
# no-use-before-define: error
# ==> Stylistic Issues
# array-bracket-newline: error
array-bracket-spacing: error
# array-element-newline: error
# block-spacing: error
# brace-style: error
# camelcase: error
# capitalized-comments: error
# comma-dangle: error
# comma-spacing: error
# comma-style: error
computed-property-spacing: error
# consistent-this: error
# eol-last: error
func-call-spacing: error
# func-name-matching: error
# func-names: error
# func-style: error
# function-call-argument-newline: error
# function-paren-newline: error
id-denylist: error
# id-length: error
id-match: error
implicit-arrow-linebreak: error
# indent: error << okay wow
jsx-quotes: error
# key-spacing: error
# keyword-spacing: error
# line-comment-position: error
linebreak-style: error
# lines-around-comment: error
lines-between-class-members: error
# max-depth: error
# max-len: error
# max-lines: error
# max-lines-per-function: error
max-nested-callbacks: error
# max-params: error
# max-statements: error
# max-statements-per-line: error
# multiline-comment-style: error
# multiline-ternary: error
# new-cap: error
# new-parens: error
# newline-per-chained-call: error
no-array-constructor: error
# no-bitwise: error
# no-continue: error
# no-inline-comments: error
# no-lonely-if: error
# no-mixed-operators: error
# no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: error
# no-multi-assign: error
# no-multiple-empty-lines: error
# no-negated-condition: error
# no-nested-ternary: error
no-new-object: error
# no-plusplus: error
no-restricted-syntax: error
# no-tabs: error
# no-ternary: error
# no-trailing-spaces: error
# no-underscore-dangle: error
no-unneeded-ternary: error
no-whitespace-before-property: error
# nonblock-statement-body-position: error
# object-curly-newline: error
# object-curly-spacing: error
# object-property-newline: error
# one-var: error
# one-var-declaration-per-line: error
# operator-assignment: error
# operator-linebreak: error
# padded-blocks: error
padding-line-between-statements: error
prefer-exponentiation-operator: error
# prefer-object-spread: error
# quote-props: error
# quotes: error
# semi: error
# semi-spacing: error
# semi-style: error
# sort-keys: error
# sort-vars: error
# space-before-blocks: error
# space-before-function-paren: error
# space-in-parens: error
# space-infix-ops: error
# space-unary-ops: error
# spaced-comment: error
switch-colon-spacing: error
template-tag-spacing: error
unicode-bom: error
wrap-regex: error
# ==> ECMAScript 6
# arrow-body-style: error
# arrow-parens: error
# arrow-spacing: error
constructor-super: error
generator-star-spacing: error
no-class-assign: error
# no-confusing-arrow: error
no-const-assign: error
no-dupe-class-members: error
no-duplicate-imports: error
no-new-symbol: error
no-restricted-exports: error
no-restricted-imports: error
no-this-before-super: error
no-useless-computed-key: error
no-useless-constructor: error
no-useless-rename: error
# no-var: error
# object-shorthand: error
# prefer-arrow-callback: error
# prefer-const: error
# prefer-destructuring: error
prefer-numeric-literals: error
# prefer-rest-params: error
prefer-spread: error
# prefer-template: error
require-yield: error
rest-spread-spacing: error
sort-imports: error
# symbol-description: error
template-curly-spacing: error
yield-star-spacing: error
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions lib/monotype.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
;var monotype = monotype || (function(monotype){
;var monotype = monotype || ((function(monotype){
monotype.range = function(n){
var R, s, t, n = n || 0, win = || window, doc = win.document;
if(!arguments.length) return doc.createRange();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
t = m.deep(n, o);
(!t.offset && !r.H.e.length) && (c += 0.1); // Same as above.
return c;
})(r.R.endContainer, r.R.endOffset);
}(r.R.endContainer, r.R.endOffset));
//console.log(r.s, r.R.startOffset, r.H.s, 'M',r.d,'E', r.H.e, r.R.endOffset, r.e);
t = r.root.text();
r.L = t.length;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,8 +208,8 @@
e = p(e, r.H.e);
//console.log("START", parseInt(s.i), 'in """',(s.$[0]),'""" with hint of', r.H.s, 'from original', r.s);
//console.log("END", parseInt(e.i), 'in """',(e.$[0]),'""" hint clue of', r.H.e, 'from original', r.e);
R.setStart(s.$[0], parseInt(s.i));
R.setEnd(e.$[0], parseInt(e.i));
R.setStart(s.$[0], parseInt(s.i, 10));
R.setEnd(e.$[0], parseInt(e.i, 10));
return R;
r.restore = function(R){
Expand All @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
return monotype.late(r,opt);
//return r;
monotype.late = function(r,opt){
var u, m = r //monotype(r,opt)
, strhml = function(t){
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lib/normalize.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

$.normalize = function(html, customOpt){
html = html || '';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,4 +288,4 @@