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Amazon Connect Chat SDK for Android

Table of Contents


The Amazon Connect Chat SDK for Android is a Kotlin library that gives you the power to easily integrate Amazon Connect Chat directly into your native Android applications. The Amazon Connect Chat SDK helps handle client side chat logic and back-end communications similar to the Amazon Connect ChatJS Library. The SDK wraps the Amazon Connect Participant Service APIs and abstracts away the management of the chat session and WebSocket. This allows you to focus on the user interface and experience while relying on the Amazon Connect Chat SDK to interact with all the back-end services. This approach still requires using your own chat back end to call the Amazon Connect StartChatContact API to initiate contact. You can read instructions on how to quickly set up a StartChatContact Lambda from our startChatContactAPI example.

Installation Steps

There are two options to install the Amazon Connect Chat SDK for Android to your project:

Install via Maven

To obtain the dependencies from Maven, add the dependencies to your app's (module-level) build.gradle.

Update build.gradle in root/app and add the following under dependencies:

dependencies {
    implementation '$SDK_VERSION'

The version numbers could be found under the Releases page.

Install via Binaries Directly from GitHub Releases

  1. Go to the Amazon Connect Chat SDK for Android GitHub Releases page.
  2. Download the latest release of the AmazonConnectChatAndroid.aar.
  3. Unzip the downloaded file, if necessary.
  4. Copy the AmazonConnectChatAndroid.aar file into your Android project into the project's lib directory.
  5. In your build.gradle file, add AmazonConnectChatAndroid.aar to your dependency list.


dependencies {
    implementation(name: 'AmazonConnectChatAndroid', ext: 'aar')

Getting Started

The first step to leveraging the Amazon Connect Chat SDK after installation is to import the library into your file. Next, let's call the StartChatContact API and pass the response details into the SDK’s ChatSession object. Here is an [example](TODO - Add link to UI Example) of how we would set this up in Kotlin. For reference, you can visit the AndroidChatExample demo within the Amazon Connect Chat UI Examples GitHub repository.

The majority of the SDKs functionality will be accessed through the ChatSession object. In order to use this object in the file, you can inject it using @HiltViewModel:

class ChatViewModel @Inject constructor(
    private val chatSession: ChatSession, // Injected ChatSession
    private val chatRepository: ChatRepository,
    private val sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences,
) : ViewModel() {

If you are not using Hilt, then you can initialise ChatSession like this:

private val chatSession = ChatSessionProvider.getChatSession(context)

In this example, we are using a ChatViewModel class that helps bridge UI and SDK communication. This class is responsible for managing interactions with the SDK's ChatSession object. From here, we can access the SDK's suite of APIs from the chatSession property.

Before using the chatSession object, we need to set the config for it via the GlobalConfig object. Most importantly, the GlobalConfig object will be used to set the AWS region that your Connect instance lives in. Here is an example of how to configure the ChatSession object:

private suspend fun configureChatSession() {
      val globalConfig = GlobalConfig(region = chatConfiguration.region)

From here, you are now ready to interact with the chat via the ChatSession object.

How to receive messages

The Amazon Connect Chat SDK for Android provides two methods to receive messages.

  1. Use ChatSession.onTranscriptUpdated
  • This event will pass back the entire transcript every time the transcript is updated. This will return the transcript via a List of TranscriptItem
  1. Use ChatSession.onMessageReceived
  • This event will pass back each message that is received by the WebSocket. The event handler will be passed a single TranscriptItem.

API List


The GlobalConfig object is used to configure both the AWS ConnectParticipant client as well as some of the chat behavior.


The initializer for the GlobalConfig class requires the AWSRegionType and the enabled Features

data class GlobalConfig(
    var region: Regions = defaultRegion,
    var features: Features = Features.defaultFeatures,
    var disableCsm: Boolean = false,
  • region
    • This property is used to set the region of the ConnectParticipant client. This should be set to the region of your Connect instance (e.g. .USEast1)
    • Type: AWSRegionType
  • features: Features
    • The features property dictates the enablement of certain features as well as their configurations. If no value is passed for this property, the chat will be configured with default values. See Features for more details.
    • Type: Features
  • disableCsm
    • This property acts as a setting to enable or disable our client side metric service. Client side metrics can provide insights into the real performance and usability, it helps us to understand how customers are actually using the SDK and what UI experiences they prefer.
    • Default: false

Updating configuration

If you have set the GlobalConfig object or want to update the configurations, you can call ChatSession.configure to update the config object.

val globalConfig = GlobalConfig(region = chatConfiguration.region)


The SDKLogger class is responsible for logging relevant runtime information to the console which is useful for debugging purposes. The SDKLogger will log key events such as establishing a connection or failures such as failing to send a message.


This API will allow you to override the SDK's built-in logger with your own ChatSDKLogger implementation. This is especially useful in cases where you would want to store logs for debugging purposes. Attaching these logs to issues filed in this project will greatly expedite the resolution process.

fun configureLogger(logger: ChatSDKLogger) {
    this.logger = logger


The ChatSDKLogger is an interface used for the SDKLogger. Users can override the SDKLogger with any class that implements the ChatSDKLogger interface.

interface ChatSDKLogger {
    fun logVerbose(message: () -> String)
    fun logInfo(message: () -> String)
    fun logDebug(message: () -> String)
    fun logWarn(message: () -> String)
    fun logError(message: () -> String)

ChatSession APIs


Configures the chat service with a GlobalConfiguration object.

fun configure(config: GlobalConfig)


Attempts to connect to a chat session with the given details.

suspend fun connect(chatDetails: ChatDetails): Result<Boolean>

data class ChatDetails(
    var contactId: String? = null,
    var participantId: String? = null,
    var participantToken: String
  • chatDetails
    • The details of the chat session to connect to. ChatDetails data is extracted from StartChatContact response.
    • Type: ChatDetails


Disconnects the current chat session.

suspend fun disconnect(): Result<Boolean>


Sends a message within the chat session.

suspend fun sendMessage(contentType: ContentType, message: String): Result<Boolean>
  • contentType
  • message
    • The message to send.
    • Type: String


Sends an event within the chat session.

suspend fun sendEvent(contentType: ContentType, event: String): Result<Boolean>
  • event
  • content
    • The event content to send.
    • Type: String


Sends read receipt for a message.

suspend fun sendMessageReceipt(transcriptItem: TranscriptItem, receiptType: MessageReceiptType): Result<Boolean>
  • transcriptItem
    • The transcript item associated with the message receipt.
    • Type: TranscriptItem
  • receiptType
    • The type of read receipt to send (either MessageReceiptType.MESSAGE_DELIVERED or MessageReceiptType.MESSAGE_READ)
    • Type: MessageReceiptType


Retrieves the chat transcript.

suspend fun getTranscript(
        scanDirection: ScanDirection?,
        sortKey: SortKey?,
        maxResults: Int?,
        nextToken: String?,
        startPosition: String?
    ): Result<TranscriptResponse>
  • scanDirection
    • The direction to scan the transcript.
    • Type: ScanDirection? (String: 'FORWARD' | 'BACKWARD')
    • Default: BACKWARD
  • sortOrder
    • The order to sort the transcript.
    • Type: SortKey? (String: 'DESCENDING | 'ASCENDING')
    • Default: ASCENDING
  • maxResults
    • The maximum number of results to retrieve.
    • Type: Int?
    • Default: 15
  • nextToken
    • Type: String
    • The token for the next set of results.
  • startPosition
    • The start position for the transcript.
    • Type: StartPosition?. See StartPosition
  • Return result type: TranscriptResponse


Sends an attachment within the chat session.

suspend fun sendAttachment(fileUri: Uri): Result<Boolean>
  • fileUri
    • The Uri of the file to attach.
    • Type: Uri


Downloads an attachment to the app's temporary directory given an attachment ID.

suspend fun downloadAttachment(attachmentId: String, filename: String): Result<URL>
  • attachmentId
    • The ID of the attachment to download.
    • Type: String
  • filename
    • The name of the file to save the attachment as.
    • Type: String
  • Return result type: URL
    • The return URL points to the location of the downloaded attachment in the local temporary storage.


Returns the download URL link for the given attachment ID.

suspend fun getAttachmentDownloadUrl(attachmentId: String): Result<URL>
  • attachmentId
    • The ID of the attachment.
    • Type: String
  • Return result type: URL
    • This return URL points to the S3 download URL of the attachment.

ChatSession Events


Callback for when the connection is established.

var onConnectionEstablished: (() -> Unit)?


Callback for when the connection is broken.

var onConnectionBroken: (() -> Unit)?


Callback for when a WebSocket message is received. See TranscriptItem.

var onMessageReceived: ((TranscriptItem) -> Unit)?


Callback for when the transcript is updated. See TranscriptItem

var onTranscriptUpdated: ((List<TranscriptItem>) -> Unit)?


Callback for when the chat ends.

var onChatEnded: (() -> Unit)?


Callback for when the connection is re-established.

var onConnectionReEstablished: (() -> Unit)?

Classes and Structs


Features are a list of optional chat functions that users may choose to enable, disable or reconfigure.

data class Features(
    var messageReceipts: MessageReceipts = MessageReceipts.defaultReceipts
) {
    companion object {
        val defaultFeatures: Features
            get() = Features(messageReceipts = MessageReceipts.defaultReceipts)

the default value for Features will contain the default values for all containing features.

Message Receipts

This feature enables the use of Read and Delivered receipts for messages. This is used to indicate whether agents have read texts that the client has sent and vice versa.

data class MessageReceipts(
    var shouldSendMessageReceipts: Boolean = true,
    var throttleTime: Double = Constants.MESSAGE_RECEIPT_THROTTLE_TIME,
    var deliveredThrottleTime: Double = Constants.MESSAGE_RECEIPT_DELIVERED_THROTTLE_TIME
) {
    companion object {
        val defaultReceipts: MessageReceipts
            get() = MessageReceipts(
                shouldSendMessageReceipts = true,
                throttleTime = Constants.MESSAGE_RECEIPT_THROTTLE_TIME
  • shouldSendMessageReceipts
    • Type: Boolean
    • This is the flag that dictates whether message receipts will be sent from the client side. Note that this will not block message receipt events from being sent from the agent.
    • Default: true
  • throttleTime
    • Type: Double
    • This is used to determine how long to throttle message receipt events before firing them. We recommend having at least some throttling time before each event to reduce unnecessary network requests
    • Default: 5.0
  • deliveredThrottleTime
    • Type: Double
    • When sending a delivered receipt, we generally want to wait a couple seconds to see if a read receipt comes for the same message to avoid unnecessary network requests. This is used to determine the wait period after sending a delivered receipt.
    • Default: 3.0


data class ChatDetails(
    var contactId: String? = null,
    var participantId: String? = null,
    var participantToken: String
  • contactId
  • particpantId
  • participantToken


ContentType describe the type of events and messages that come through the WebSocket.

enum class ContentType(val type: String){


MessageReceiptType is a subset of ContentType for message receipt related events.

enum class MessageReceiptType(val type: String){


data class TranscriptResponse(
    val initialContactId: String = "",
    val nextToken: String? = null,
    val transcript: List<TranscriptItem> = emptyList()
  • initialContactId
    • This is the id of the chat contact
    • Type: String
  • nextToken
    • The nextToken is used to retrieve the next batch of messages from the server. This can be passed into ChatSession.getTranscript
    • Type: String
  • transcript
    • This contains the messages that were loaded
    • Type: List of TranscriptItem


This is the base class for all renderable messages in the transcript.

open class TranscriptItem(
    id: String = "",
    timeStamp: String,
    override var contentType: String,
    override var serializedContent: String? = null
  • id
    • Id for the message. Unique to each message in the transcript.
    • Type: String
  • timeStamp
    • Time when the message or event was sent. Formatted in ISO 8601 (e.g. yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ or 2019-11-08T02:41:28.172Z)
    • Type: String
  • contentType
  • serializedContent
    • The raw JSON format of the received WebSocket message
    • Type: Map of String?

Message (extends TranscriptItem)

The Message type of TranscriptItem is reserved for all messages sent by bots, contact flow or other participants. This includes interactive messages, attachments and plain text messages.

class Message(
    override var participant: String,
    override var text: String,
    contentType: String,
    override var displayName: String? = null,
    override var messageDirection: MessageDirection? = null,
    timeStamp: String,
    var attachmentId: String? = null,
    id: String,
    override var metadata: MessageMetadataProtocol? = null,
    serializedContent: String?? = null
  • participant
    • This is the participant role of the message sender (e.g. AGENT)
    • Type: String
  • text
    • This is the text content of the message
    • Type: String
  • contentType
    • This is the type of message.
    • Type: String (See ContentType
  • displayName
    • This is the display name of the message
    • Type: String
  • messageDirection
    • This is the direction of the message
    • Type: MessageDirection (OUTGOING | INCOMING | COMMON)
  • attachmentId
    • This is the id of the attachment. Only defined if this message contains an attachment.
    • Type: String
  • id
    • This is the id of the message
    • Type: String
  • metadata
    • This is the metadata associated with the message.
    • Type: Metadata
  • serializedContent
    • This is the serialized message data that comes through the WebSocket which is used to create the message object.
    • Type: String?

Event (extends TranscriptItem)

The Event type of the TranscriptItem is for events that come through the WebSocket. See ContentType for a list of possible events.

class Event(
    override var participant: String? = null,
    override var text: String? = null,
    override var displayName: String? = null,
    override var eventDirection: MessageDirection? = MessageDirection.COMMON,

    // TranscriptItem properties
    timeStamp: String,
    contentType: String,
    id: String,
    serializedContent: String? = null
  • participant
    • This is the participant role of the message sender (e.g. AGENT)
    • Type: String?
  • text
    • This is the text content of the event
    • Type: String?
  • displayName
    • This is the display name of the event
    • Type: String
  • eventDirection
    • This is the direction of the event
    • Type: eventDirection (Outgoing | Incoming | Common)

MessageMetadata (extends TranscriptItem)

The MessageMetadata event is used to receive additional data on a given message such as message receipt status.

class MessageMetadata(
    override var status: MessageStatus? = null,
    override var eventDirection: MessageDirection? = MessageDirection.COMMON,

    // TranscriptItem properties
    timeStamp: String,
    contentType: String,
    id: String,
    serializedContent: String? = null
  • status
    • This is the receipt status for the event.
    • Type: MessageStatus ('Read' | 'Delivered')
  • eventDirection
    • This is the direction of the metadata event.
    • Type: eventDirection (Outgoing | Incoming | Common)


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.