graph-ruby is a Ruby gem that allows you to graph items without leaving the terminal. You don't need JavaScript and you don't need the browser.
See the gem homepage here. ##Setup
In the terminal run
gem install graph-ruby
Add the following to the top of your Ruby file
require 'graph-ruby'
###Simple Histogram
# You must store your data as a hash
points = {me: 8, you: 6}
# You must pass in the data as a hash
GraphRuby.histogram{data: points}
# If you want it to clear the screen before it prints the graph use a bang (!)
GraphRuby.histogram!{data: points}
###Percentage Histogram
points = {me: 20, you: 20, DHH: 20, Matz: 20, Ada: 20, Rosalind: 20}
# The histogram will graph the percentage of the values
GraphRuby.histogram{data: points, percent: true}
points = {me: 80, you: 60}
# The Xs in this histogram will each have a value of 10.
# So "me" will have 8 Xs, and "you" will have 6 Xs. Ha, I win.
GraphRuby.histogram{data: points, axis: 10}