E-Commerce applications provide an added advantage to customers to buy a product with added suggestions in the form of reviews.
Obviously, reviews are useful and impactful for customers who are going to buy the products.
But these enormous amounts of reviews also create problems for customers as they are not able to segregate useful ones.
Regardless, these immense proportions of reviews make an issue for customers as it becomes very difficult to filter informative reviews.
- To develop a solution for this problem of ranking reviews I have been using a pairwise ranking approach that ranks reviews based on their relevance with the product and rank down irrelevant reviews.
I developed the solution to this problem in four phases:
Data preprocessing (which includes Language Detection, Gibberish Detection, Profanity Detection)
Feature extraction
Pairwise review ranking
Outcome of the model is a list of reviews for a particular product ranking on the basis of relevance using a pairwise ranking approach.