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ReactNative Expo proof of concepts app

GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub Release Date GitHub last commit GitHub

This app includes the following proof of concept

  • material design theme using react-native-paper
  • encryption and decryption
  • files read/write/delete/update using Expo
  • Expo file sharing
  • archiving and encrypting multiple files into a single file archive using expo-sqlite
  • picture region selector using react-native-reanimated and react-native-gesture-handler
  • signature pad screen using reanimated and gesture-handler and react-native-svg
  • OAuth 2 federatedSignIn authentication using expo-web-browser, aws-amplify and expo-linking
  • 3D Viewer with scene and orbit controls by integrating Three.js library

Screen recordings of some POCs

Picture Zooming Drawing surface Region Selector Image Tagger 3D glTF Viewer


  1. Install the dependencies:
npm install 
  1. Start the application:
npm start 
  1. Run on Android or iOS device:
npm run android  # for Android devices 
npm run ios      # for iOS devices  

Future POCs (TODO list)

Some ideas about next features to explore...

  • 3D Viewer: load model from asset and call loader.parse() directly passing base64 model
  • add a full demo of a RN custom library integration with both Swift and Kotlin implementations