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Pre-commit hooks used for Anaconda projects

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Anaconda pre-commit hooks

This repo contains custom pre-commit hooks.


The generate-renovate-annotations hook is used to add Renovate comments to conda environment files. The format of these comments is prescribed with a RegEx rule, with more details in the .documentation

By default, this hook will work for all files matching the environment.*\.ya?ml regular expression. This matches common formats like environment.yaml, environment.yml, and environment-suffix.yml.

To pull pip packages from an alternate index, each package must be specified with the --internal-pip-package option (multiple allowed). The index URL is specified with the --internal-pip-index-url option.

Note: The Renovate worker must be configured with adequate credentials if this URL requires authentication.

An example usage is shown below:

- repo:
  rev: main  # Use the ref you want to point at
    - id: generate-renovate-annotations
      args: [
      --create-command="make setup",     # Default value
      --environment-selector="-p ./env", # Default value
      --disable-environment-creation     # Creation enabled by default

The hook is backed by a CLI command, whose help output is reproduced below:

Usage: generate-renovate-annotations [OPTIONS] ENV_FILES... COMMAND [ARGS]...

 Generate Renovate comments for a list of conda environment files.
 For each file, we:

  • Run a command to ensure the environment is created/updated
  • Extract a list of installed packages in that environment, including pip
  • Generate a Renovate annotation comment, including the package name and
    channel. This step also allows for overriding the index of pip packages.
  • Pin the exact installed version of each dependency.

╭─ Arguments ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    env_files      ENV_FILES...  A list of conda environment files,         │
│                                   typically passed in from pre-commit        │
│                                   automatically                              │
│                                   [default: None]                            │
│                                   [required]                                 │
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --internal-pip-package                TEXT  One or more packages to pull     │
│                                             from the                         │
│                                             --internal-pip-index-url         │
│                                             [default: None]                  │
│ --internal-pip-index-url              TEXT  An optional extra pip index URL, │
│                                             used in conjunction with the     │
│                                             --internal-pip-package option    │
│ --create-command                      TEXT  A command to invoke at each      │
│                                             parent directory of all          │
│                                             environment files to ensure the  │
│                                             conda environment is created and │
│                                             updated                          │
│                                             [default: make setup]            │
│ --environment-selector                TEXT  A string used to select the      │
│                                             conda environment, either        │
│                                             prefix-based (recommended) or    │
│                                             named                            │
│                                             [default: -p ./env]              │
│ --disable-environment-creation              If set, environment will not be  │
│                                             created/updated before           │
│                                             annotations are added.           │
│ --help                                      Show this message and exit.      │


The run-cog hook can be used to run the cog tool automatically to generate code when committing a file. One common example is to generate command-line output in a README file.

The example below will run cog on all text-like files, ensuring the working directory is set to the directory in which the file is located. This is particularly useful if the cog script itself uses subprocess to execute command-line applications.

-   repo:
    rev: main  # Use the ref you want to point at
    -   id: run-cog
        args: ["--working-directory-level", "-1"]


A simple wrapper around the mjml tool to use as a pre-commit hook.

Using mjml-hook with pre-commit

Add this to your .pre-commit-config.yaml

-   repo:
    rev: main  # Use the ref you want to point at
    -   id: mjml

What does the hook do?

The pre-commit hook will execute any time a file with the pattern *.mjml is staged for commit. For each of these files, the following command is run:

mjml <filename>.mjml -o <filename>.html

where the base filename remains the same, and the extension is changed.

If the HTML file is already being tracked by git and is changed by the hook, pre-commit will raise an error. If this is a new template, pre-commit will not fail and you may need to do an amend commit to add the initial HTML file to the git history.

git commit --amend path/to/file.html

Dev setup

We have a dev setup that uses conda for environment management. We also use make to automate common tasks. The targets are documented below:

Target Description
help Display help on all Makefile targets
setup Setup local conda environment for development
install-hooks Download + install all pre-commit hooks
pre-commit Run pre-commit against all files
type-check Run static type checks
test Run all the unit tests
cog-readme Run cog on the to generate command output

Note: Interestingly, the table above is generated by the cog hook defined in this repo 😄