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C++ DataDog StatsD Client

This is a simple library to allow you to submit custom metrics from your C++ apps in to your DataDog account.

The source code for this library was ported from the official PHP DataDog StatsD client library.

The library supports Linux, any Linux distro should work but we've tested against CentOS 7.4. It also supports Windows, tested on Windows 10.


There is a simple makefile to allow you to build a so library file that you can link against. The library requires CURL and RapidJSON

How you link to the library is up to you, but for our installation we did the following:

mkdir /usr/lib64/BoardiesITSolutions
cp /usr/lib64/BoardiesITSolutions

Then add /usr/lib64/BoardiesITSolutions to /etc/

Run ldconfig and if you check the directory above you should then see a symlink that points ->

Store your header files somewhere as your C++ application will need to use them during its build process

In your C++ applications make file update your CFLAGS to include -I</path/to/headers/

Update your LDFLAGS to include -L/usr/lib64/BoardiesITSolutions

Sending Metrics to DataDog

Sending metrics couldn't be simpler. The first thing to do is to create an instance of the library as follows:

DataDogStatsD dataDogStatsD;

You can configure the agent via envionment variables. If you instantiate your the library where the host and the port number is not set, then it checks if DD_AGENT_HOST and/or DD_DOGSTATSD_PORT and sets them appropriately. If there is no environment variable found, then it defaults to and port 8125.

You can also set an environment variable called DD_ENTITY_ID. If this is provided then whenever a metric is submitted to datadog then the tag dd.internal.entity_id is applied. This is only applied though if the agent is running from inside a container.

General Notes for all Metrics

All methods available to send metrics to your DataDog account have an optional value of sending tags. The tags can be in the form of a standard string, a list of strings (vector) or a key/value list of tags (map); In order for you to successfully send metrics with tags, they need to be seralized correctly.

The return value in the 3 examples of returnSerializedTagsString is then used as the tags parameter for all the metric submission methods

Serializing a string tag

std::string myTag = dogStatsd.returnSerializedTagsString("MyTag");

Serializing a string array (vector)

std::vector<std::string> myTags;
std::string tags = dogStatsd.returnSerializedTagsString(myTags);

Serializing a key/value array (map)

std::map<std::string, std::string> myTags;
myTags["item_1"] = 1;
myTags["item_2"] = 2;
myTags["item_3"] = 3;
std::string tags = dogStatsd.returnSerializedTagsString(myTags);


To increment how many times something happens a second, e.g. page views

DataDogStatsD dataDogStatsD;
//No Tags
//Using tags
dogStatsD.increment("app.TestApp", myTags);


Decrement the counter for how many times an event has happened

DataDogStatsD dataDogStatsD;
//No Tags
//Using tags
dogStatsD.increment("app.TestApp", myTags);


Track the ebb and flow of a particular metric over time - e.g. the number of active users on a site

DataDogStatsD dataDogStatsD;
//No tags
dogStatsD.gauge("app.TestApp.Gauge", value);
//With tags
dogStatsD.gauge("app.TestApp.Gauge", value, myTags);


Count the number of unique elements in a group, such as unique visitors

DataDogStatsD dataDogStatsD;
//No tags
dogStatsD.set("app.TestApp.Set", value);
//With tags
dogStatsD.set("app.TestApp.Set", value, myTags);


Timers measures the amount of time something happens, e.g. how long a particular function takes to run. There's a helper function here in order to return the correct time format. To get the time use dogStatsD.getTimeInMicroSeconds as shown below

DataDogStats dataDogStatsD;
long startTime = dogStatsD.getTimeInMicroSeconds();
...Run some function...
//No tags
dogStatsD.timing("app.TestApp.Timing", dogStatsD.getTimeInMicroSeconds() - startTime);
//With tags
dogStatsD.timing("app.TestApp.Timing", dogStatsD.getTimeInMicroSeconds() - startTime, myTags);


Histograms calculate the statistical distribution of any kind of value

DataDogStatsD dataDogStatsd;#
//No tags
dogStatsD.histogram("app.TestApp.Histogram", value);
//With tags
dogStatsD.histogram("app.TestApp.Histogram", value);


There are two ways to send events. Over UDP, which uses the agent installed on the server to forward the event to your Datadog account. This has no guarantees that it will succeed as it is over UDP, and there is no way from your application whether or not it was successful (chances are if the agent is running and your server is successfully sending data to datadog, it will most likely send the event).

If on the other hand, you want/need to know whether the event did successfully get submitted to datadog, the library also supports sending over HTTP (TCP). This can be done in blocking and non blocking mode. In blocking mode your applications thread will stop, while the event submission is being executed and then continue once done. You'll receive true on success or false on failure, if you want more details, such as why the event submission failed, you can pass in an optional call back to receive the error response.

If you send the event in non blocking mode, a new thread will be created to perform the HTTP event. This will allow your app to continue running its own code, while in the background the library is sending the event. If in non blocking mode, you must pass in a call back function so that you can receive the success/failure result.

Sending Events

No matter how you decide to send the event, you will always need to do the same thing, create the event object. Add the header DDEvent.h to your application.

You then need to create an instance of the DDEvent class. To do this you need to pass in two parameters to the constructor. The event title (or the header) and the event text (or the description), e.g. DDEvent ddEvent("My Event", "Here is my event description");

There are then multiple methods that you can use to set the rest of the event data if required. Below is a list of the methods and what parameters they take.

  • setDateHappened(size_t epochTime)
  • setPriority(enum Priority)
  • setHost(string)
  • setAlertType(enum AlertType)
  • setAggregationKey(string)
  • setTags(string)
  • setTags(vector)
  • setTags(map<string, string)

You may have noticed, that there are 3 different setTags functions. This allows you to send the event with a single string, multiple strings, or key/value pairs. When using HTTP events do not set the tag string to be what is returned from returnSerializedTagsString() as this method is only required for sending metrics, NOT events.

Now that you have created your event object, you can now use to send an event to DataDog.

Sending Event over UDP

If you are sending an event to DataDog over UDP, then you need to create an instance of DataDogStatsD with no parameters (it doesn't matter if you do use parameters, but they're not needed). Then call the event method within the DataDogStatsD class with only the 1 parameter, the parameter being your DDEvent object as below.

DataDogStatsD dataDogStatsD;
DDEvent myDDEvent("Here is my event", "Here is the event description");

That's it your event should have been submitted.

Sending Event over HTTP (TCP)

When sending an event over TCP you need to create the instance of the DataDogStatsD class slightly differently. You need to pass 2 parameters to the constructor, one being your API key, and the second being your app key. For more information on creating/finding your API and App key visit DataDog API Integration.

To send the event, you need to call the event function, but for it to send it over HTTP you need to pass in some extra parameters (if you just pass in the DDEvent object it will send it over UDP).

The event method for sending over HTTP takes the following parameters:

  • DDEvent: Your DDEvent class object that contains the event details
  • bool: Whether or not to send the HTTP event in blocking or non blocking mode
  • void(eventCallBack)(bool, string): This is an optional (only optional in blocking mode) function pointer to a callback method where the library will return the result of the HTTP event submission, and in the event of an error, the response from DataDog explaining why it failed.

Sending in Blocking Mode

As mentioned earlier, sending in blocking mode will result in your applications thread to stop, while waiting for the response to be returned from DataDog. Doing this too often, or if there is a network issue somewhere, could cause unexpected delays in your application.

If you want to send the event in blocking mode, then the second parameter should be false, with the callback parameter being optional. If you don't want to use the callback method then you can pass nullptr as the 3rd parameter. If you do want to the callback method, then pass your callback function as the 3rd parameter (creating the callback function is explained below).

Below is an example on how to send the event in blocking mode.

DataDogStatsD dataDogStatsD("<your api key>", "<your app key>");
DDEvent myDDEvent("My Event", "Here is the description of my event");
dataDogStatsD.event(myDDEvent, false, nullptr); //Send without using the callback method
dataDogStatsD.event(myDDEvent, false, callbackFunc); //Send using the callback method

When in blocking mode, regardless of whether the callback method was used, the event method will return true on success, or false on failure. When using the callback method, the event method will still return true or false, but your callback function will also be called with true on success, or false on failure. If a failure has occurred then the string in the second parameter of your callback method will contain the response from DataDog.

Sending in Non Blocking Mode

If you send the HTTP event in non blocking mode, the library will create a new thread in order to perform the event submission, this will allow your application to continue running while the event is being submitted. You can only send 1 event at a time, so if there is already an event submission in progress when you try sending another, you will get false returned from the event function.

To send in non blocking mode the second parameter will be true, the callback method has to be provided, sending a nullptr for this parameter will result in false being returned from the event method and your event will not be submitted.

Below is an example of sending the event in non blocking mode.

DataDogStatsD dataDogStatsD("<your api key>", "<your app key>");
DDEvent myDDEvent("My Event", "Here is the description of my event");
dataDogStatsD.event(myDDEvent, true, callbackFunc); //Send using the callback method

Although the event call is required for non blocking mode, it may also be useful to check the return value of the event method. If the event submission thread is already running, then the event method will return false, and your event callback response will contain the message HTTP Event thread is already sending an event, wait until the current event has been finished.

If the event thread wasn't already running, then the event method will return true. Returning true does not mean that the event was successfully submitted, only that the thread was successfully started, you will receive the event submission result within your callback.

Creating the Event Submission Callback Method

First of all, in your header file, create the prototype, for your callback method (Note that the example below was done from main.cpp, if you are doing it from a class, then the class will likely needed to prefixed in your actual callback method code, e.g. MyClass:myCallback()).

void(eventCallback)(bool, std::string);`

Now in your cpp file add the code for your callback method, below is an example callback method.

void eventCallback(bool result, string error)
	    if (result)
		    cout << "HTTP Event Executed Successfully" << endl;
		    cout << "HTTP Event Failed. Error: " << error << endl;

Whatever you call your call back method is what goes into the 3rd parameter for the event method.

If you have any issues or questions, then please either submit them via the GitHub issue tracker or via our support portal.

If using our support portal, then, for general help, please submit a support ticket at or if you are reporting a bug/issue then please submit it via our issue tracker at


If you wish to contribute to this project, then great, check our contribution guidelines


Send metrics from your C++ applications to your Datadog account



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  • C++ 96.0%
  • Makefile 2.1%
  • CMake 1.9%