🐳 docker-compose stack that allows you to turn on a full MongoDB sharded cluster with the following components :
- configserver replicaset: 3x mongod with configsrv enabled
- first replicaset shard: 3x mongod
- second replicaset shard: 3x mongod
- third replicaset shard: 3x mongod
- mongo query router: 1x mongos
- authentication enabled + global auth key certificate between nodes
# Usage :
$ git clone git@github.com:jfollenfant/mongodb-sharding-docker-compose.git
$ mongodb-sharding-docker-compose
$ ./up.sh
You can also edit mongo-auth.init.js to change admin credentials before turning up the cluster
admin = db.getSiblingDB("admin")
user: "admin",
pwd: "admin",
roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]
🍹 Then you should be able to log into the cluster:
$ docker exec -it mongodbdocker_mongo-router-01_1 mongo admin -u'admin' -p'admin'
MongoDB shell version v3.4.2
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.4.2
🍺 And turn it down with:
$ ./down.sh
- Generate random data to populate shards through balancing
- Update compose syntax to v3
- Use swarm capabilities for production grade deployment