Create type safe mock React components to use in tests
Check out the chai plugin as well.
import React from 'react';
import createReactMock from 'react-mock-component';
import { $render } from '@tdd-buffet/react';
import { expect } from 'tdd-buffet/expect/chai';
interface BarProps {
bar: number;
interface FooProps {
Bar: React.ComponentType<BarProps>;
function Foo({ Bar }) {
return <Bar bar={42} />;
const Bar = createReactMock<BarProps>();
Bar.withProps({ bar: 42 }).renders(<span>fake content</span>);
const $foo = $render(<Foo Bar={Bar} />);
expect(Bar.renderedWith({ bar: 42 }));
expect($foo.text()).to.contain('fake content');
You can of course use this library without TypeScript, you just won't get any errors if you for instance check for the wrong prop.
In an IDE with good support for TypeScript e.g. WebStorm you can get automatic renaming of props across code and tests: