Drvperf is a console utility to measure various characteristics of mass storage devices and mass storage subsystem as a whole in Linux environment. It is supplementary to the article Storage subsystem performance: analysis and recipes, 2016.
It includes following common and exotic tests:
- sequential access performance [MB/s]
- random access performance [IOPS, ms]
- (SSD/RAID) determine optimal concurrency factor
- (HDD) determine empirically fullstroke seek time [ms] and rotationl speed [RPM]
- (HDD) determine empirically track-to-track seek time [ms] and rotational speed [RPM]
Full description is provided by manual page: $ man -l drvperf.1
Build steps:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
$ make
$ ./drvperf --help