This application combines a Kanban board and a Todo list for seamless task management. Developed with Next.js and TypeScript, it includes internationalization and authentication features to meet various user requirements. With modern technologies like MongoDB for data storage, bcryptjs for secure authentication, and next-intl for language support.
next js, typescript, tailwind, shadcn, mongo db, bcryptjs, next-intl, next-auth, vercel.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd kando-nextjs
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env
API_URL= The base URL for your API requests.
MONGODB_URL= The connection string for your MongoDB database.
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID= The client ID for Google OAuth authentication.
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET= The client secret for Google OAuth authentication.
NEXTAUTH_URL= The base URL of your Next.js application for NextAuth.
NEXTAUTH_SECRET= A secret key for signing and encrypting NextAuth tokens.