Cordova Android plugin for checking for updates and auto updating app with Google Play Store In-App updates API.
- Android
- Browser (filler platform)
- AndroidX ready (plugin version 2.x.x)
- Check for updates
- Install flexible updates
- Install immediate updates
- Customize snackbar message and button for Flexible updates
- Customize snackbar button color for Flexible updates
Plugin version | Cordova >= | Cordova Android | AndroidX | targetSdkVersion |
1.0.6 | 9.0.0 | 8.0.0 | No | 29 |
2.0.5 | 10.0.0 | 9.0.0 | Yes | 30/31 |
2.1.0 | 10.0.0 | 11.0.0 | Yes | 32 |
2.2.0 | 10.0.0 | 12.0.0 | Yes | 33 |
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-in-app-updates
cordova plugin add
Invokes the AppUpdateManager and return one of the updateAvailability codes as string.
cordova.plugins.InAppUpdate.getUpdateAvailability(successCallback, errorCallback)
ℹ️ Browser platform does nothing and always returns UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE
When this method returns UPDATE_AVAILABLE, your app is ready to use the following methods to prompt the user for update.
var onSuccess = function (strSuccess) {
var onFailure = function (strError) {
cordova.plugins.InAppUpdate.getUpdateAvailability(onSuccess, onFailure);
Starts a flexible update process and prompts the user with a dialog to download the new version now or when Wi-Fi is available.
cordova.plugins.InAppUpdate.updateFlexible(successCallback, errorCallback)
- UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE: No updates available in Play Store.
- DEVELOPER_TRIGGERED_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS: Either flexible or immadiate update is in progress.
- UPDATE_PROMPT: The user has been presented with the Play Store dialog to download or ignore the flexible update.
- RESULT_OK: User accepted to download flexible update.
- RESULT_CANCELED: User declined the flexible update dialog or update was aborted while in progress.
- RESULT_IN_APP_UPDATE_FAILED: Something went wrong with the update dialog response.
- ACTIVITY_RESULT_UNKNOWN: Unknown result code returned by the dialog.
- DOWNLOADING: An update is currently being downloaded in the background.
- DOWNLOADED: The update was downloaded and the snackbar with RESTART button has been shown.
ℹ️ Browser platform does nothing and always returns UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE
var onSuccess = function (strSuccess) {
var onFailure = function (strError) {
cordova.plugins.InAppUpdate.updateFlexible(onSuccess, onFailure);
Starts an immediate update process and prompts the user with a fullscreen dialog to download now or when Wi-Fi is available. The update is downloaded and installed in the foreground, preventing the user from interacting with your app until the installation succeeds and the app is automatically restarted.
cordova.plugins.InAppUpdate.updateImmediate(successCallback, errorCallback)
- UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE: No updates available in Play Store.
- DEVELOPER_TRIGGERED_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS: Either flexible or immadiate update is in progress.
- RESULT_OK: User accepted to download immediate update.
- RESULT_CANCELED: User declined the immediate update dialog.
- RESULT_IN_APP_UPDATE_FAILED: Something went wrong with the update dialog response.
- ACTIVITY_RESULT_UNKNOWN: Unknown result code returned by the dialog.
- DOWNLOADING: An update is currently being downloaded in the foreground.
- DOWNLOADED: The update was downloaded and will be installed immediately.
ℹ️ Browser platform does nothing and always returns UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE
var onSuccess = function (strSuccess) {
var onFailure = function (strError) {
cordova.plugins.InAppUpdate.updateImmediate(onSuccess, onFailure);
Sets the label and the button text for the snackbar shown after downloading a flexible update. You are free to call this method at any time. You can also call it again to show different snackbar messages after the snackbar was shown.
cordova.plugins.InAppUpdate.setSnackbarOptions(successCallback, errorCallback, snackbarText, snackbarButton, snackbarButtonColor)
ℹ️ Browser platform does nothing and always returns SUCCESS
var onSuccess = function (strSuccess) {
var onFailure = function (strError) {
var snackbarText = "An update has just been downloaded.";
var snackbarButton = "RESTART";
var snackbarButtonColor = "#76FF03";
cordova.plugins.InAppUpdate.setSnackbarOptions(onSuccess, onFailure, snackbarText, snackbarButton, snackbarButtonColor);
If this method is not called, default messages in English will be shown as follows.
- snackbarText = "An update has just been downloaded."
- snackbarButton = "RESTART"
- snackbarText = "#76FF03"
- onSuccess = "SUCCESS"
- onFail = Internal error description.
- Compiled APK and reference including testing procedure instructions
- Latest demo app version in Play Store
- Source code for www folder
- Optimized for android-compileSdkVersion 33
- Minimum cordova-android version set to 12
- Updated androidx.appcompat:appcompat to 1.6.1
- Updated to 1.8.0
- Optimized for android-compileSdkVersion 32
- Minimum cordova-android version set to 11
- Replaced with the standalone Play In-App Updates Library 2.1.0
- Updated androidx.appcompat:appcompat to 1.5.1
- Updated to 1.3.0
- Removed the
rule that was settingandroid:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar"
- Tested on Android 5.1, 8.1, 10.
- Optimized for android-compileSdkVersion 30
- Updated androidx.appcompat:appcompat to 1.3.0
- Updated to 1.8.0
- Updated to 1.2.0