A Julia library to reversibly encode "any" value so that it can be used as a type parameter.
You need this if you have an error like:
ERROR: TypeError: apply_type: in Val, expected Type{T}, got XXX
when you try to create a "complicated" dependent type.
That error is (partly) explained here - it occurs because the kinds of things that can be types in Julia is limited. Partly for sensible reasons (you don't want a mutable type), but also because of arbitrary implementation details.
This package has two functions - freeze()
and thaw()
- that translate
arbitrary values back and forth into a form that is accepted by Julia.
You can choose between two encondings.
By default, freeze()
takes the output from showall()
and converts it into
a Symbol, while thaw()
uses eval()
to convert it back into a "real" value:
julia> using AutoTypeParameters
julia> freeze("a string")
symbol("ATP \"a string\"")
julia> thaw(eval, symbol("ATP \"a string\""))
"a string"
The advantage of the default approach is that the type parameter is readable.
The disadvantage, of course, is that it requires showall()
to generate
output that eval()
can handle.
Alternatively (eg for values which do not have a useful showall()
the base64 encoded output from serialize()
can be used:
julia> using AutoTypeParameters
julia> freeze("a string"; format=:serialize)
julia> thaw(eval, symbol("ATP=JhWGYSBzdHJpbmc="))
"a string"
Because this package uses eval()
it should not be passed arbitrary values
rom an untrusted user.
julia> using AutoTypeParameters
julia> type MyType{N}
julia> MyType{"strings not allowed"}(42)
ERROR: TypeError: apply_type: in MyType, expected Type{T}, got ASCIIString
julia> MyType(N, x) = MyType{freeze(N)}(x)
julia> MyType("strings not allowed", 42)
MyType{symbol("ATP \"strings not allowed\"")}(42)
julia> extract_type{N}(x::MyType{N}) = thaw(eval, N)
extract_type (generic function with 1 method)
julia> extract_type(MyType("strings not allowed", 42))
"strings not allowed"