this is an opensource hardware monitoring app based on the eDEX-UI opensource project, please give them credit for the wide majority of the work.
Please checkout the original creator at here
The theme file should be called cyber.json and cyber-inv.json
The app is located in the dist/
sudo chmod +x [app name].AppImage
./[app name].AppImage
- Removed the terminal, filesystem, and keyboard widgets.
- Set the globe to diplay: none
- Resized, and modified the harware monitoring widgets to fit small screens and be readable
- Change the opacity of most of the text to make it more readable.
This uses electron, electron is very inneficient, you can use cpu limit sudo apt-get install cpulimit
to limit how much of your processor this app can use, it will make it a lot slower, but as a hardware monitor, you don't need it at 120fps.
Also the app takes a good 15 seconds to start on my pc, so be gentle with it.
The creators of eDex made awesome themes with cool colors that can fit your build, to set a theme you need to edit the Settings.json file usually loacted in your /home/name/.config/eDEX-UI/
You can also use that same file to default the app to start fullscreen or windowed screen on a specific monitor.
See all settings option here:
IMPORTANT NOTE: the following instructions are meant for running eDEX from the latest unoptimized, unreleased, development version. If you'd like to get stable software instead, refer to these instructions.
on *nix systems (You'll need the Xcode command line tools on macOS):
- clone the repository
npm run install-linux
npm start
on Windows:
- start cmd or powershell as administrator
- clone the repository
npm run install-windows
npm start
Note: Due to native modules, you can only build targets for the host OS you are using.
npm install
)npm run build-linux
The script will minify the source code, recompile native dependencies and create distributable assets in the dist
Currently, development is done directly on the master
branch. The version tag on this branch is the version tag of the next release with the -pre
suffix (e.g v2.6.1-pre
), to avoid confusion when both release and source versions are installed on one's system.
I use gitmoji to make my commit messages, but I'm not enforcing this on this repo so commits from PRs and the like might not be formatted that way.
Dependabot runs weekly to check dependencies updates. It is setup to auto-merge most of them as long as the builds checks passes.
eDEX-UI's source code was primarily written by me, Squared. If you want to get in touch with me or find other projects I'm involved in, check out my website.
PixelyIon helped me get started with Windows compatibility and offered some precious advice when I started to work on this project seriously.
IceWolf composed the sound effects on v2.1.x and above. He makes really cool stuff, check out his music!
Of course, eDEX would never have existed if I hadn't stumbled upon the amazing work of Seena on r/unixporn.
This project uses a bunch of open-source libraries, frameworks and tools, see the full dependency graph.
I want to namely thank the developers behind xterm.js, systeminformation and SmoothieCharts.
Huge thanks to Rob "Arscan" Scanlon for making the fantastic ENCOM Globe, also inspired by the TRON: Legacy movie, and distributing it freely. His work really puts the icing on the cake.
Licensed under the GPLv3.0.