Fanart Handler is a plugin for MediaPortal (MP). The plugin has two main purposes;
Search and download music fanart (scrape) from the Last.FM/Fanart.TV/TheAudioDB/CoverArtArchive site.
For all artists stored in your MP music database.
For any artist currently being played (on the fly).
Push fanart that you store on your local harddrive to the current used MP skin.
push fanart for now played music
push fanart for selected music or movie
push random images from selected folders
push random images for Latests media
push weather images for current weather
push holiday images for current holiday
and more ...
The scope of this plugin is to:
scrape sites for music fanart for all artists stored in your MP music database.
scrape sites for music fanart for currently played artist.
push music fanart for now played music track (artist images)
push music fanart for browsed music artist in myMusic plugin
push music fanart for browsed/played music artist in myMusicPlaylist plugin
push music fanart for browsed music artist in GlobalSearch plugin
push music fanart for browsed music artist in Music Videos plugin
push music fanart for browsed music artist in mVidsplugin
push music fanart for browsed music artist in YouTube.FM plugin
push movie fanart for browsed video title in myVideo plugin
push scorecenter fanart for browsed category in myScoreCenter plugin
push weather fanart for current weather from World Weather / World Weather Lite
push fanart for current Holiday
push fanart for pictures from Windows 10 Spotlight
push cycling fanart from the following folders for use anywhere in a skin for
- thumbs\Skin Fanart\UserDef\games
- thumbs\Skin Fanart\UserDef\movies
- thumbs\Skin Fanart\UserDef\music
- thumbs\Skin Fanart\UserDef\albums
- thumbs\Skin Fanart\UserDef\pictures
- thumbs\Skin Fanart\UserDef\plugins
- thumbs\Skin Fanart\UserDef\tv
- thumbs\Skin Fanart\UserDef\scorecenter
- thumbs\Skin Fanart\UserDef\Holidays
- thumbs\Skin Fanart\Scraper\movies
- thumbs\Skin Fanart\Scraper\music
- thumbs\MovingPictures\Backdrops\FullSize
- thumbs\MyFilms\Fanart
- thumbs\Fan Art\fanart\original
- thumbs\Skin Fanart\Media\Weather\Backdrops
- thumbs\Music\Artists
- thumbs\Music\Albums
- thumbs\mvCentral\Artists\FullSize
- thumbs\mvCentral\Albums\FullSize
- Theme|Skin|\Media\Logos\Genres - Thumb\Skin Fanart\Media\Logos\Genres
- Theme|Skin|\Media\Logos\Genres\Music - Thumb\Skin Fanart\Media\Logos\Genres\Music
- Theme|Skin|\Media\Logos\Genres\Characters - Thumb\Skin Fanart\Media\Logos\Genres\Characters
- Theme|Skin|\Media\Logos\Studios - Thumb\Skin Fanart\Media\Logos\Studios
- Theme|Skin|\Media\Logos\Awards - Thumb\Skin Fanart\Media\Logos\Awards
- Theme|Skin|\Media\Logos\Holidays - Thumb\Skin Fanart\Media\Logos\Holidays
- Installation Guide
- User Guide
- Skinners Guide
- MediaPortal
- A skin that supports the Fanart Handler. NOTE! This plugin only supports JPG images.
- Studios -
- Genres -
- Awards -
- Weather -
- Holiday -
Titan ( full support in ajs Theme for Titan - ) DWHD aMPed X-Factor Please let me know if your skin supports the Fanart Handler and I will add it to the list.
Please see the installation guide (link).
A sub-forum is located on the MediaPortal website. For up-to-date information and community support please use this forum. Link:
To the team behind the MP Moving Picture plugin. From who I have used some of the utils code and also got the idea for using two images for smoth image transitions.
#fanarthandler.scraper.task #fanarthandler.scraper.percent.completed #fanarthandler.scraper.percent.sign #fanarthandler.movingpicture.latests.available #fanarthandler.movingpicture.available #fanarthandler.movingpicture.backdrop1.any #fanarthandler.movingpicture.backdrop2.any #fanarthandler.movingpicture.latests.backdrop1.any #fanarthandler.movingpicture.latests.backdrop2.any #fanarthandler.mvcentral.latests.available #fanarthandler.mvcentral.latests.backdrop1.any #fanarthandler.mvcentral.latests.backdrop2.any #fanarthandler.picture.userdef.available #fanarthandler.picture.backdrop1.selected #fanarthandler.picture.backdrop2.selected #fanarthandler.picture.userdef.backdrop1.any #fanarthandler.picture.userdef.backdrop2.any #fanarthandler.scorecenter.userdef.available #fanarthandler.scorecenter.backdrop1.selected #fanarthandler.scorecenter.backdrop2.selected #fanarthandler.scorecenter.userdef.backdrop1.any #fanarthandler.scorecenter.userdef.backdrop2.any #fanarthandler.tvseries.latests.available #fanarthandler.tvseries.available #fanarthandler.tvseries.backdrop1.any #fanarthandler.tvseries.backdrop2.any #fanarthandler.tvseries.latests.backdrop1.any #fanarthandler.tvseries.latests.backdrop2.any #fanarthandler.tvseries.clearart.selected #fanarthandler.tvseries.clearlogo.selected #fanarthandler.myfilms.latests.available #fanarthandler.myfilms.available #fanarthandler.myfilms.backdrop1.any #fanarthandler.myfilms.backdrop2.any #fanarthandler.myfilms.latests.backdrop1.any #fanarthandler.myfilms.latests.backdrop2.any #fanarthandler.plugins.userdef.available #fanarthandler.plugins.userdef.backdrop1.any #fanarthandler.plugins.userdef.backdrop2.any #fanarthandler.showtimes.available #fanarthandler.showtimes.backdrop1.any #fanarthandler.showtimes.backdrop2.any #fanarthandler.spotlight.available #fanarthandler.spotlight.backdrop1.any #fanarthandler.spotlight.backdrop2.any - Holiday name - Holiday icon
#useRandomGamesUserFanart:Yes #useRandomMoviesUserFanart:Yes #useRandomMoviesScraperFanart:Yes #useRandomMovingPicturesFanart:Yes #useRandomMusicUserFanart:Yes #useRandomMusicScraperFanart:Yes #useRandomPicturesUserFanart:Yes #useRandomPluginsUserFanart:Yes #useRandomScoreCenterUserFanart:Yes #useRandomTVUserFanart:Yes #useRandomTVSeriesFanart:Yes #useRandomMyFilmsFanart:Yes #usePlayFanart:Yes #useRandomLatestsMusicFanart:Yes #useRandomLatestsMvCentralFanart:Yes #useRandomLatestsMovieFanart:Yes #useRandomLatestsMovingPicturesFanart:Yes #useRandomLatestsTVSeriesFanart:Yes #useRandomLatestsMyFilmsFanart:Yes #useRandomSpotLightsFanart:Yes
91919297 - Random/Random Latests Fanart 1 Showed 91919298 - Random/Random Latests Fanart 2 Showed 91919299 - Random/Random Latests Fanart Available 91919291 - Selected Fanart 1 Showed 91919292 - Selected Fanart 2 Showed 91919293 - Selected Fanart Available 91919295 - Playing Fanart 1 Showed 91919296 - Playing Fanart 2 Showed 91919294 - Playing Fanart Available 91919283 - Current Weather Fanart 1 Showed 91919281 - Current Weather Fanart 2 Showed 91919282 - Current Weather Fanart Available 91919285 - Holiday Fanart 1 Showed 91919286 - Holiday Fanart 2 Showed 91919284 - Holiday Fanart Available
<section name="FanartHandler">
<entry name="HolidayCountry">UA</entry>
- HolidayCountry - The country of the holiday coincides, defaults to the language selected in the Mediaportal. (UA, DE, HE, RU, etc)
<section name="OtherPicturesView">
<entry name="MaxAwards">10</entry>
<entry name="MaxGenres">10</entry>
<entry name="MaxStudios">10</entry>
<entry name="MaxRandomFanart">10</entry>
- MaxAwards - Max awards images per stack
- MaxGenres - Max genres images per stack
- MaxStudios - Max studios images per stack
- MaxRandomFanart - Max Random Fanart pack images for show, ie if MaxRandomFanart = 10, then Random images for show = 10 * ScraperMaxImages.
<section name="SpotLight">
<entry name="Max">10</entry>
- Max - Max Windows 10 SpotLight images in MP Thumb folder, The oldest ones are deleted, the new ones are added.
<section name="MBID">
<entry name="ArtistProviders">TheAudioDB|LastFM|MusicBrainz</entry>
<entry name="AlbumProviders">MusicBrainz|TheAudioDB|LastFM</entry>
- Allows you to change the priority of the search MBID by providers, as well as turn off the necessary ones (remove from the list).
<section name="Advanced">
<entry name="SkipFeatArtist">yes</entry>
- SkipFeatArtist - When processing, skip feat Artists (Default: no - Don't skip)
<section name="Debug">
<entry name="AdvancedDebug">yes</entry>
- Displays the maximum debug information in log (the amount of information depends on the plugin version).
Suitable for cleaning images that were downloaded while listening to the radio. Or when deleting music from the collection. If the image has not been used for more than 100 days, it is subject to cleaning.
<section name="CleanUp">
<entry name="CleanUpOldFiles">yes</entry>
<entry name="CleanUpDelete">yes</entry>
- CleanUpOldFiles - Look for outdated image files.
- CleanUpDelete - Delete outdated image files, if value no, just output them to the FanartHandler log file.
Find information about Actors, Albums and update the music database. Replacement for MusicInfoHandler
<section name="MusicInfo">
<entry name="GetArtistInfo">yes</entry>
<entry name="GetAlbumInfo">yes</entry>
<entry name="InfoLanguage">EN</entry>
<entry name="FullScanInfo">yes</entry>
- GetArtistInfo - Get info for Artists.
- GetAlbumInfo - Get info for Albums.
- InfoLanguage - Info language.
- FullScanInfo - Make full scan of Music DB (Once in 30 days).
<section name="MoviesInfo">
<entry name="GetMoviesAwards">yes</entry>
- GetMoviesAwards - Get info for Movies Awards. Used scripts from MP Config folder (..\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\FanartHandler\Scripts)