Browserify transform for using Sweet.js macros.
Install via npm:
% npm install sweetify
and then use with browserify:
% browserify -t sweetify ./mycode.sjs
Sweeten transform kicks in only for files with .sjs
You can use a restricted form of ES6 module import statement to import macros in current module's scope:
import macros from './my-macros.sjs'
import macros from 'some-pkg'
// use everything exported from ./my-macros.sjs or some-pkg node module
As an example, you can see how you can re-use macros already present on npm:
% npm install sparkler
Then create a source file called sparkler-example.sjs
import macros from 'sparkler/macros';
function myPatterns {
case 42 => 'The meaning of life'
case a @ String => 'Hello ' + a
case [...front, back] => back.concat(front)
case { foo: 'bar', x, 'y' } => x
case Email{ user, domain: '' } => user
case (a, b, => rest
case [...{ x, y }] =>, y)
case x @ Number if x > 10 => x
This example uses excellent sparkler macros library which implements pattern matching for JavaScript. Just run
% browserify -t sweetify ./sparkler-example.sjs
to produce a JavaScript which you can run in a browser or any other runtime (all pattern matching constructs are compiler into plain JS constructs).