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Jetpack Pro (WIP: Model-View-Intent) 👷🔨

Basically it just a project to show Movie and TV Show from MovieDb to fulfill Dicoding Task.


  • AndroidX
  • Kotlin
  • RXJava
  • Retrofit for network request
  • Room
  • Glide
  • Mockito and Spek for unit testing
  • Espresso for UI testing
  • Dagger for DI

In this project I'm using MVVM - Clean Architecture. By implementing clean architecture, it will give us :

  • clean separation of concern; making your code easier to navigate and maintain
  • easier to test the code

Clean Architecture will not be appropriate for every project, so it is down to you to decide whether or not it fits your needs

How to use it?

  • Clone this project using git clone [url]
  • build the project by using ./gradlew clean :app:assembleDebug
  • You can run the Unit test by using ./gradlew clean test


I'm still working with MVI Pattern, so please checkout mvi-branch If you have any concern and question, please kindly contact me!!