👓 A curated list of awesome android kotlin apps by open-source contributors.
Awesome Android Kotlin Apps aims to be the starting point for developers to find an Android app with a particular Tech Stack / Libraries.
🔃 Last updated : Thu Oct 12 18:02:44 UTC 2023
🎨 Pattern
Name | Author ✍️ | Description 🗒️ | Reputation 💪 |
awesome-jetpack-compose-android-apps | androiddevnotes | 👓 A curated list of awesome Jetpack Compose android apps by open-source contributors. Last commit: 8 months ago |
🌟 995 🍴 103 👁️ 21 |
🌟 1 🍴 0 👁️ 1 |
RickNMortyCompose | a914-gowtham | A Jetpack compose android app based on Rick and Morty Graphql Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 23 🍴 0 👁️ 1 |
Name | Author ✍️ | Description 🗒️ | Reputation 💪 |
showly-2.0 | michaldrabik | Showly 2.0 is modern, slick, open-sourced Android TV Shows Tracker. Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firebase Messaging, WorkManager, Navigation, Dynamicanimation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 10 minutes ago |
🌟 611 🍴 41 👁️ 14 |
Inure | Hamza417 | An elegant and beautiful premium Android app manager for both rooted and non-rooted devices and a built-in terminal, analytics panel and an independent custom theme engine, developed with purely custom APIs created for this app. Tech Stack : LiveData, ViewModel, WebKit, APK Parser, libsu Last commit: 1 hour ago |
🌟 667 🍴 43 👁️ 14 |
vocable-android | willowtreeapps | Vocable for Android Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Room, Data Binding, AR, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 hours ago |
🌟 96 🍴 12 👁️ 106 |
alkaa | igorescodro | Open-source app to manage your tasks quickly and easily Tech Stack : Koin, Espresso, UiAutomator, Mockk, Coroutines, Navigation, Room, MotionLayout, KTX, Modularization, Dynamic Delivery, Dark Theme, klint, Detekt, codebeat, CodeFactor, Codacy, MPAndroidChart, Groupie, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 5 hours ago |
🌟 1057 🍴 114 👁️ 18 |
MyCuration | phicdy | RSS Reader for Android with article filtering and curation Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Jsoup, WorkManager, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 15 hours ago |
🌟 27 🍴 9 👁️ 1 |
SoMovie | LouisFn | Tech Stack : Compose, Kotlin, Coroutines, Gradle Kotlin DSL, Multi Module, View Model, Room, DataStore, Paging 3, Hilt, Retrofit, Coil, JUnit, Jacoco, Ktlint, Detekt, Github Actions Last commit: 19 hours ago |
🌟 12 🍴 2 👁️ 2 |
NotyKT | PatilShreyas | 📒 NotyKT is a complete 💎Kotlin-stack (Backend + Android) 📱 application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation🦸. Tech Stack : Backend - Ktor, PostgreSQL; Android = Coroutines, Flow, Navigation Architecture, LiveData, ViewModel, Room DB, DataStore, Jetpack Security, WorkManager, Dagger Hilt DI, Jetpack Compose, Material UI, Retrofit, Moshi Last commit: 2 days ago |
🌟 1575 🍴 224 👁️ 25 |
Nekome | Chesire | Nekome is an Android application to manage tracked Anime and Manga lists. Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 days ago |
🌟 338 🍴 40 👁️ 3 |
plees-tracker | vmiklos | Plees Tracker is a simple sleep tracker for your Android phone. Tech Stack : Room, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 4 days ago |
🌟 121 🍴 32 👁️ 7 |
apkupdater | rumboalla | APKUpdater is an open source tool that simplifies the process of finding updates for your installed apps. Tech Stack : Koin, JSoup, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 4 days ago |
🌟 1853 🍴 170 👁️ 88 |
libbra | nuhkoca | A currency tracker app demonstration. It refreshes currency list every single second based on the main currency. In addition to that, main currency is selectable. Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 4 days ago |
🌟 53 🍴 11 👁️ 1 |
WallPortal | zedlabs | Minimal Wallpapers for Android using Kotlin+Compose+MVVM+Hilt+Coroutines+Jetpack(Room, Paging, Navigation) Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Paging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 5 days ago |
🌟 278 🍴 48 👁️ 4 |
Pokedex | skydoves | 🗡️ Pokedex demonstrates modern Android development with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture. Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 5 days ago |
🌟 7069 🍴 933 👁️ 212 |
Kotlin-Pokedex | mrcsxsiq | 🌀 A Pokedex app using ViewModel, ViewBinding, LiveData, Room and Navigation Tech Stack : LiveData, Navigation Jetpack, ViewModel, Room, Gradle Kotlin DSL, Databinding, Retrofit, Koin and Ktlint Last commit: 6 days ago |
🌟 1448 🍴 210 👁️ 24 |
flexbooru | flexbooru | A booru client for Android, support Danbooru, Moebooru, Gelbooru, Shimmie, etc. Tech Stack : Kodein, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Exoplayer, Navigation, Tikxml, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 1 week ago |
🌟 771 🍴 70 👁️ 29 |
habitica-android | HabitRPG | Native Android app for Habitica Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Retrofit, Realm, Firebase Messaging, Paging, Navigation, Facebook, FlowLayout, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 1 week ago |
🌟 1237 🍴 492 👁️ 57 |
rugby-ranker | ricknout | An Android app for viewing and predicting the latest World Rugby rankings 🏉 Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, insetter, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 1 week ago |
🌟 288 🍴 48 👁️ 10 |
muzei | muzei | Muzei Live Wallpaper for Android Tech Stack : Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firebase Perf, WorkManager, Paging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 weeks ago |
🌟 4553 🍴 961 👁️ 185 |
Eyepetizer | VIPyinzhiwei | 🔥基于 Kotlin 语言仿写「开眼 Eyepetizer」的一个短视频 Android 客户端项目,采用 Jetpack + 协程实现的 MVVM 架构。 Tech Stack : Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, WorkManager, GSYVideoPlayer, Data Binding, PermissionX, EventBus, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 weeks ago |
🌟 1762 🍴 405 👁️ 34 |
Photos | SIKV | Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase-ML, Firebase-Analytics, Paging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 weeks ago |
🌟 80 🍴 17 👁️ 5 |
awaker | ruzhan1116 | article app for android Tech Stack : RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, ExoPlayer, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 months ago |
🌟 526 🍴 87 👁️ 17 |
raffler-kotlin | fibelatti | A raffling app developed as a playground to study many topics related to Android. Kotlin + Coroutines + MVVM Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Room, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 months ago |
🌟 47 🍴 3 👁️ 4 |
GitExplorer-Android | Shashank02051997 | Find the right git commands 🔥 without digging through the web.😊😊😉 Tech Stack : LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 months ago |
🌟 134 🍴 23 👁️ 7 |
open-event-attendee-android | fossasia | Open Event Attendee Android General App https://github.com/fossasia/open-event-android/blob/apk/open-event-dev-app-playStore-debug.apk Tech Stack : Koin, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Stripe, PayPal, Mapbox, Paging, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 months ago |
🌟 1946 🍴 563 👁️ 30 |
The-Movie-DB-Kotlin | dangquanuet | The Movie DB app using Kotlin with updated Android features Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Paging, Data Binding, Easy Permissions, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 months ago |
🌟 390 🍴 92 👁️ 8 |
DroidNotes | mrcsxsiq | 📝 Note List app based on MVVM architecture (ViewModel, LiveData, Coroutines, Room and Jetpack Compose) Tech Stack : ViewModel, LiveData, Coroutines, Room, Jetpack Compose Last commit: 4 months ago |
🌟 56 🍴 5 👁️ 3 |
qksms | moezbhatti | The most beautiful SMS messenger for Android Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Realm, ExoPlayer, Conductor, Data Binding, ShortcutBadger, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 4 months ago |
🌟 4264 🍴 1065 👁️ 131 |
Presently | alisonthemonster | Android app for recording gratitude journal entries -- over 1 million installs, contribute today! Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Room, Firebase Messaging, WorkManager, Dropbox, Calendar view, Paging, Biometric, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 5 months ago |
🌟 348 🍴 75 👁️ 14 |
Praxis | mutualmobile | Example Android project using MVVM, DaggerAndroid, Jetpack Compose, Retrofit, Coroutines and Multi module architecture ✌🏽 Tech Stack : Dagger, Retrofit, Coroutines, RXJava2, ViewModel, Data Binding Last commit: 5 months ago |
🌟 320 🍴 46 👁️ 10 |
wanandroid | lulululbj | Jetpack MVVM For Wanandroid 最佳实践 ! Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Navigation, FlowLayout, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 5 months ago |
🌟 1362 🍴 234 👁️ 20 |
ForgetMeNot | tema6120 | A flashcard app for Android. Tech Stack : Coroutines + Flow, SQLDelight, Kotlin Serialization, Klock, Brackeys-IDE EditorKit Last commit: 6 months ago |
🌟 333 🍴 37 👁️ 9 |
Updoot | adityam49 | A reddit client built for android Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, ExoPlayer, WorkManager, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose Last commit: 6 months ago |
🌟 66 🍴 7 👁️ 4 |
TvFlix | reactivedroid | TvFlix android app using Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, KTX, Jetpack(Room, ViewModel, Paging3, Lifecycle) based on MVVM with clean code architecture purely written in Kotlin Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Paging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 6 months ago |
🌟 410 🍴 60 👁️ 15 |
Resplash | b-lam | Unofficial Unsplash Android App Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase In-App Messaging, Paging, Navigation, Google Play Billing, Muzei, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 7 months ago |
🌟 591 🍴 106 👁️ 14 |
fenix | mozilla-mobile | Tech Stack : Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firebase Perf, WorkManager, Paging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 8 months ago |
🌟 6553 🍴 1316 👁️ 144 |
Portfolio-App | ashucoder1 | Tech Stack : Kotlin, Room, Basic Intents, Gallery Image Picker Last commit: 8 months ago |
🌟 0 🍴 0 👁️ 1 |
iiCnma | ImnIrdst | A playground android app, showcasing the latest technologies and architectures using the Movie Database APIs. Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Testing, Coroutines + Flow, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel, Paging, Navigation Last commit: 8 months ago |
🌟 46 🍴 6 👁️ 2 |
MVVM-Architecture-Android | amitshekhariitbhu | MVVM architecture using Kotlin, Dagger, Retrofit, Coroutines, Flow, StateFlow, and etc. Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RXJava2, ViewModel, Data Binding, LiveData. Last commit: 8 months ago |
🌟 435 🍴 106 👁️ 14 |
iosched | The Google I/O Android App Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Firebase Messaging, Firebase Functions, Navigation, ARCore, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 9 months ago |
🌟 21786 🍴 6269 👁️ 1438 |
apturicovid-android | ApturiCOVID | Apturi Covid Android lietotne Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Data Binding, ShortcutBadger, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 10 months ago |
🌟 38 🍴 7 👁️ 8 |
DeezerClone | fevziomurtekin | This Application using Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, LiveData),Navigation based on MVVM architecture. Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel,Navigation LiveData), Retrofit, Paging, Testing Last commit: 11 months ago |
🌟 92 🍴 9 👁️ 1 |
MovieMan | calvinnor | An open-source Android app for viewing Movies / TV information. Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 11 months ago |
🌟 81 🍴 13 👁️ 7 |
ChangeDetection | bernaferrari | Automatically track websites changes on Android in background. Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, WorkManager, Paging, Data Binding, Navigation, JSoup, js-evaluator-for-android, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 11 months ago |
🌟 675 🍴 91 👁️ 19 |
flexbooru-ap | flexbooru | An anime-pictures.net client for Android. Tech Stack : Kodein, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, Markwon, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 12 months ago |
🌟 69 🍴 7 👁️ 4 |
Instant-Weather | mayokunadeniyi | An Android weather application implemented using the MVVM pattern, Retrofit2, Dagger Hilt, LiveData, ViewModel, Coroutines, Room, Navigation Components, Data Binding and some other libraries from the Android Jetpack. Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Paging, Data Binding, Navigation, Algolia Search, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 1 year ago |
🌟 734 🍴 159 👁️ 19 |
MovieCatalogue | ryanrvldo | Tech Stack : ViewModel, LiveData, Coroutines, Firebase Cloud Messaging, Retrofit, Room, Glide, Dagger Hilt, and Google Material. Last commit: 1 year ago |
🌟 22 🍴 3 👁️ 1 |
AnimeXStream | mukul500 | An Android app to watch anime on your phone without ads. Tech Stack : Retrofit, RxJava, Epoxy, ViewModel, LiveData, Navigation, Realm, ExoPlayer v2.0, Glide Last commit: 1 year ago |
🌟 2470 🍴 214 👁️ 132 |
MovieHunt | enginebai | Movie Android App written in Kotlin, MVVM, RxJava, Jetpack Compose (implementing), Android Architecture Components and Coroutine (Upcoming). Tech Stack : Koin, RxJava, Room, Paging, Navigation, Epoxy, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 1 year ago |
🌟 684 🍴 82 👁️ 16 |
space-app | ValterKasper | An Android app which shows timeline of upcoming rocket launches and showcases architecture of real application. Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 1 year ago |
🌟 153 🍴 17 👁️ 5 |
Upgur | xiprox | A very simple offline-first Imgur client app Tech Stack : Dagger, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, android-upload-service, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 1 year ago |
🌟 13 🍴 3 👁️ 2 |
WallpaperApp-mvvm | androiddevnotesforks | App for viewing and downloading wallpapers Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Lottie, Zoomy, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 1 year ago |
🌟 2 🍴 0 👁️ 0 |
feedapp | dievskiy | Calorie tracker for android that supports recipes and products search. Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Facebook Login, WorkManager, MPAndroidChart, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 1 year ago |
🌟 67 🍴 14 👁️ 3 |
MusicPlayer | ZahraHeydari | Implemented using Clean Arch, MVVM, LiveData, Room, Koin, Coil, Service, Notification and ExoPlayer Tech Stack : Koin, Testing, Room, Firebase Storage, Firebase Auth, Firebase Messaging, Firebase Perf, Firebase Functions, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 1 year ago |
🌟 573 🍴 87 👁️ 12 |
Our-chat | ganainy | Private chat app with realtime notification and support audio messages,image sharing,file sharing using MVVM architecture,Firebase authentication firestore,storage,FCM,cloud functions and facebook login Tech Stack : Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Firebase Messaging, Facebook Login, WorkManager, Dexter, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 1 year ago |
🌟 29 🍴 8 👁️ 1 |
Kripto | sauravrao637 | Kripto - A Cryptocurrency app for Android. Tech Stack : Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, State FLow, ViewModel Last commit: 1 year ago |
🌟 12 🍴 2 👁️ 1 |
andriod-movie-collection-application | Ratheshan03 | Tech Stack : Kotlin, Json, XML, SQLlite, OMBD-API, Room, Coroutines, CI-CD, ViewModel, Navigation Last commit: 1 year ago |
🌟 0 🍴 0 👁️ 1 |
android-arithmetic-game | Ratheshan03 | Tech Stack : Kotlin, Json, XML, SQLlite, OMBD-API, Room, Coroutines, ViewModel Last commit: 1 year ago |
🌟 0 🍴 0 👁️ 1 |
MVVM-Architecture | qingmei2 | The practice of MVVM + Jetpack architecture in Android. Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Paging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 1795 🍴 286 👁️ 45 |
NYTimes-App | TheCodeMonks | 🗽 A Simple Demonstration of the New York Times App 📱 using Jsoup web crawler with MVVM Architecture 🔥 Tech Stack : Coroutines, Room, JSoup, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 503 🍴 62 👁️ 14 |
SimpleBible | mithun17 | Simple Bible is a light weight Bible app that lets you read the Bible, take notes, bookmark them and share with your friends. Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines + Flow, ViewModel, Retrofit, Room, Navigation Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 27 🍴 5 👁️ 1 |
Tedu | PHELAT | Todo app but minimal, open-source, and free. Tech Stack : Dagger, Room, Coroutines, Firebase Messaging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 142 🍴 22 👁️ 5 |
Pokedex-AR | skydoves | 🦄 Pokedex-AR demonstrates ARCore, Sceneform, and modern Android tech stacks — such as Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, LiveData) based on MVVM architecture. Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, ARCore, Sceneform, ViewModel, Data Binding, LiveData. Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 576 🍴 55 👁️ 17 |
kotlin-mvvm-covid19 | rizmaulana | This repository contains simple COVID19 data monitoring with android stack MVVM, Live Data, Koin, RxJava, RxBinding, Offline first with simple caching, etc Tech Stack : LiveData, Koin, RxJava, RxBinding, Offline first with simple caching, Spek2Framwework for Unit Testing, etc Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 435 🍴 115 👁️ 13 |
Foodium | PatilShreyas | 🍲Foodium is a sample food blog Android application 📱 built to demonstrate the use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Flow, Dagger 2/Hilt, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Retrofit, Moshi, Material Components). Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 2228 🍴 419 👁️ 57 |
Dads | ErickSumargo | BA DUM TSSS Tech Stack : Hilt, Coroutines + Flow, UI Testing, Room, ViewModel, WorkManager, Apollo Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 243 🍴 26 👁️ 8 |
Noted-Android | YahiaAngelo | Noted app for android Tech Stack : Koin dependency injection, Coroutines, Realm db, Material Components, Markdown, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 94 🍴 12 👁️ 2 |
TypiCodeRio | Rarj | Tech Stack : Coroutines, Koin, Data Binding, View Binding, Live Data, Retrofit2, GSON Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 0 🍴 0 👁️ 1 |
android-modular-architecture | vmadalin | 📚 Sample Android Components Architecture on a modular word focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack. Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, Paging, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 2367 🍴 381 👁️ 99 |
expenses | nominalista | App written in Kotlin for budget tracking. Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Firebase Messaging, WorkManager, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 362 🍴 83 👁️ 19 |
DrawingsApp | Sharkaboi | An app to add and manage floor plan drawings with markers. Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Room, Dhaval2404/ImagePicker, Subsampling Scale Image View, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 28 🍴 3 👁️ 1 |
topcorn | theapache64 | A minimalistic movie listing app to browse IMDB's top 250 movies, built to demonstrate MVVM with latest hot-trending Android development tools. Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 217 🍴 42 👁️ 11 |
GithubVisualizer | dheerajkotwani | 📲 Android Application to track any user activity on Github built using the Github Developers API. Used Retrofit to fetch data and MVVM Architecture. Tech Stack : Retrofit, Firebase Auth, Coroutines, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 114 🍴 25 👁️ 3 |
wanandroid | jianjunxiao | Kotlin+JetPack+协程实现的MVVM架构Wanandroid客户端 Tech Stack : Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 250 🍴 49 👁️ 7 |
MixUp | GerardBradshaw | An Android app for creating photo collages. This app demonstrates NavigationUI, Espresso testing, Robolectric testing, custom views, low-level UI manipulation, and more. Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Navigation, ColorPicker, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 44 🍴 15 👁️ 5 |
roka-recipe-app | fabirt | Android recipes search App Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel, Paging, Navigation, DataStore Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 63 🍴 14 👁️ 2 |
jetpack-release-tracker | lmj0011 | Stay up to date on the latest AndroidX library releases. Tech Stack : Coroutines, Testing, Fuel, Room, WorkManager, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 81 🍴 15 👁️ 3 |
Bitlue | androiddevnotesforks | Bitlue is an app where you can check the Bitcoin's current market price value (Bitcoin + value = Bitlue) and its records. Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines + Flow, MPAndroidChart, Retrofit, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 16 🍴 4 👁️ 1 |
flows-guide | Shivamdhuria | Android Application 🐕 based on offline first approach built using Dagger Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines + Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, LiveData) based on MVVM architecture. Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Flows, Retrofit, Room, Material Design Components, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 192 🍴 29 👁️ 7 |
droidconKE2020App | droidconKE | Android app fully written in Kotlin for droidconKE2020 Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Google Auth, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 120 🍴 43 👁️ 14 |
SpaceXFollower | OMIsie11 | Android app that helps You keep up with SpaceX 🚀 Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, MPAndroidChart, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 50 🍴 9 👁️ 3 |
PexWalls | GreyLabsDev | Wallpaper app based on pexels.com API. Kotlin/Clean/MVVM-like/SingleActivity Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, Markwon, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 45 🍴 15 👁️ 3 |
TrackMyPath | gs-ts | An Android app written in Kotlin that demonstrates a clean architecture with MVVM, Fused Location Provider, LifecycleService, and Coroutines. It is used as lab to test new Android features. Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 71 🍴 13 👁️ 3 |
BitfinexClient | gs-ts | An Android app written in Kotlin that demonstrates a clean architecture with MVVM, websockets using WebScoket client Scarlet, and RxAndroid/RxKotlin. Tech Stack : Koin, RxJava, Testing, Scarlet, Room, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 16 🍴 8 👁️ 2 |
Gallerit | auron567 | A sample Android gallery to search images posted on Reddit, built using modern Android development tools (Architecture Components, MVVM, Coroutines, Flow, Navigation, Retrofit, Room, Koin) Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 220 🍴 21 👁️ 4 |
hiya-hiya-hiya | utsmannn | Whatsapp Clone base on Firebase Cloud Messaging Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Firebase Messaging, Firebase Auth, WorkManager, Google Maps, Paging, JSoup, vanniktech/Emoji, afollestad/inline-activity-result, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 176 🍴 47 👁️ 6 |
Covid-19-Tracker | HariKulhari06 | Android app to track COVID-19 cases in India and globally. Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, WorkManager, Navigation, MPAndroidChart, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 133 🍴 38 👁️ 5 |
Cryptotracker | CharlieChristensen | Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, socketIO, Retrofit, Room, MPAndroidChart, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 4 🍴 1 👁️ 2 |
NotesSync | KumarManas04 | Notes Sync is the answer to your everyday note taking requirements. It can encrypt and sync everything to the user's own Google Drive or Dropbox accounts Tech Stack : Coroutines, Testing, Room, Google Drive, Dropbox, WorkManager, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 44 🍴 16 👁️ 2 |
Photosen | commonpepper | Android app for viewing and downloading Flickr photos. Tech Stack : Retrofit, Room, Paging, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 7 🍴 2 👁️ 0 |
MoonShot | haroldadmin | A SpaceX companion app for Android Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 161 🍴 18 👁️ 9 |
PukaPuka | Devansh-Maurya | An Android app to identify books from their covers and give info, built using ML Kit's Text Recognition API, Android Jetpack Libraries and Google Books API Tech Stack : LiveData, ViewModel, Navigation Components, CameraKit, Firebase ML Kit Text Recognition API, Glide, Volley, Lottie Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 19 🍴 2 👁️ 2 |
Football-App | fionicholas | ⚽ Football App using MVVM, LiveData, RxJava2, DI, Room, Repository Patern Tech Stack : LiveData, ViewModel, Retrofit, Room, Koin, RxJava, etc Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 27 🍴 7 👁️ 2 |
Knote | edkluivert | Knote is a standard note taking app Tech Stack : ViewModel, LiveData, Koin, Room db, Coroutines etc Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 13 🍴 2 👁️ 2 |
AwesomeGithub | idisfkj | 🔥Android Github客户端,基于组件化开发,支持账户密码与认证登陆。使用Kotlin语言进行开发,项目架构是基于JetPack&DataBinding的MVVM;项目中使用了Arouter、Retrofit、Coroutine、Glide、Dagger与Hilt等流行开源技术。 Tech Stack : Coroutines, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Paging, Navigation, Data Binding, ARouter, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 228 🍴 44 👁️ 5 |
CovidNow | OMIsie11 | Simple application for tracking Covid-19 info. Stay safe.😷 Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, MPAndroidChart, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 20 🍴 8 👁️ 2 |
LetsChat | satyamurti | 🇮🇳 Open source Indian Chat application with new cool concepts. Tech Stack : Coroutines, Retrofit, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Firebase Messaging, Firebase Storage, Cloud Functions, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 81 🍴 30 👁️ 6 |
Yet-Another-Anime-List | sanmiAde | A personal anime list app that shows currently airing animes, upcoming animes developed using TDD. That's the plan anyway. Essential dependencies are Dagger2 , RxKotlin with RxAndroid, Room, Retrofit, Junit, mockito, mockwebserver, Truth, MVVM , bitrise, Firebase Tech Stack : Dagger, RxJava, Testing using Fakes, MockWebserver, RxRetrofit, Room, Navigation Components, Lottie, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 12 🍴 2 👁️ 3 |
PasswordVault | abhinav0612 | An application where you can store all your password, bank details, card details in one place and access everything with only one master PIN. The application works totally offline. Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Room, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 31 🍴 9 👁️ 3 |
PokemonGo | jnkforks | Jetpack 实战项目 PokemonGo(神奇宝贝)基于 MVVM 架构和 Repository 设计模式,如果这个仓库对你有帮助,请仓库右上角帮我 star 一下,非常感谢。 Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Koin, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Paging, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 1 🍴 0 👁️ 1 |
AppDevToolbox | andyb129 | Collection of tools for Android app development in one place 🔧 🔨 Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Room, Venom, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 21 🍴 5 👁️ 2 |
PopularPeople | KhaledSherifSayed | A 📱 Popular People app using Shared Elements between fragments with transformation motions based on MVVM (ViewModel, Coroutines, LiveData, Repository, Koin) architecture. Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Data Binding, Sandwich, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 16 🍴 3 👁️ 3 |
Movie | weylar | A simple movie app Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Paging, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 9 🍴 2 👁️ 2 |
wiqaytna-android | Wiqaytna-app | Tech Stack : RxJava, Testing, Room, Firebase Storage, Firebase Auth, Firebase Messaging, Firebase Perf, Firebase Functions, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 161 🍴 66 👁️ 26 |
NewsFeed | KevinGitonga | A localized News reader Android app powered by newsapi.org Tech Stack : Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Pretty Time, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 13 🍴 6 👁️ 1 |
TukoNewsClient | KevinGitonga | A simple and sleek Android client consuming the Tuko News Api..I built to demonstrate use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Retrofit, Material Components). !! https://www.tuko.co.ke/ Tech Stack : Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 8 🍴 0 👁️ 0 |
ArchApp | PhilippeBoisney | Simple Android app to show how to design a multi-modules MVVM Android app (fully tested) Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 4 years ago |
🌟 617 🍴 100 👁️ 17 |
Heyyoo | ardakazanci | Heyyoo is a sample social media Android application 📱 built to demonstrate use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Retrofit, Material Components). Tech Stack : Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Algolia, LocGetter, EasyValidation, Dexter, Splashy, secure-preferences, Paging, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 4 years ago |
🌟 44 🍴 5 👁️ 3 |
AppLocker | iammert | 🔐 Open source app locker, vault, call blocker application Tech Stack : Dagger, RxJava, Room, WorkManager, Data Binding, RxPermissions, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 4 years ago |
🌟 445 🍴 106 👁️ 22 |
software-engineering-daily-android | SoftwareEngineeringDaily | Android client for Software Engineering Daily Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Exoplayer, Navigation, Android-Permissions, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 4 years ago |
🌟 88 🍴 29 👁️ 15 |
Social-Note | mars-amn | Social Note - Note-taking, sharing, time & location reminder Tech Stack : Koin, RxJava, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Firebase Storage, Firebase Messaging, WorkManager, Data Binding, Paging, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 4 years ago |
🌟 56 🍴 9 👁️ 3 |
youtube-dl-android | cuongpm | 📦📦Video downloader for Android - Download videos from Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Dailymotion, Vimeo and more than 1000 other sites Tech Stack : Dagger, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 4 years ago |
🌟 476 🍴 136 👁️ 20 |
file.io-Android-Client | rumaan | ☁️ Unofficial file.io Android App 📱 Tech Stack : Testing, Fuel, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, PermissionsDispatcher, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 5 years ago |
🌟 21 🍴 13 👁️ 3 |
Name | Author ✍️ | Description 🗒️ | Reputation 💪 |
android-showcase | igorwojda | 💎 Android application following best practices: Kotlin, Coroutines, JetPack, Clean Architecture, Feature Modules, Tests, MVVM, DI, Static Analysis... Tech Stack : Kodein, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, KAndroid, Lottie, Detekt, Navigation, Dynamic Feature Modules, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 19 hours ago |
🌟 6157 🍴 868 👁️ 118 |
Rick-and-Morty | akhilesh0707 | The Rick And Morty - MVVM with a clean architecture approach using some of the best practices in Android Development. Tech Stack : Kotlin, Coroutines, Flow, Dagger-Hilt, Kotlin-DSL, LiveData, Lifecycle, ViewModel, Room, Navigation, Data Binding, Material-Components, Retrofit, OkHttp, Moshi, Timber, Glide Last commit: 4 weeks ago |
🌟 95 🍴 23 👁️ 3 |
BLTaxi | VladimirWrites | 🚕 BL Taxi is a simple app for calling a taxi in the city Banja Luka built using modern Android development tools Tech Stack : Koin, Retrofit, Room, Data Binding, LiveData, View Model, Work Manager, Material Components Last commit: 2 months ago |
🌟 348 🍴 39 👁️ 7 |
SpaceX-prepare-for-Clean-Architecture-liftoff | ferPrieto | Clean Architecture Modular Project: MVVM + Jetpack Compose + Coroutines + Flows + Dagger2 + LiveData + UnitTests + UITests + Screenshot Tests + MockWebServer Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 5 months ago |
🌟 631 🍴 84 👁️ 6 |
CoolWeather | akoufa | Weather App that uses Android best practices. Android Jetpack, clean architecture. Written in Kotlin Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 6 months ago |
🌟 190 🍴 18 👁️ 10 |
Slootnime-APP | bakharaalief | Slootnime is simple android app to learn graphql API with Apollo and clean architecture Tech Stack : Kotlin, Coroutine, Dagger-Hilt, LiveData, Lifecycle, ViewModel, Apollo, Glide, Pagging, Lottie Last commit: 9 months ago |
🌟 3 🍴 0 👁️ 2 |
Android-Kotlin-Clean-Architecture | sanogueralorenzo | Android Sample Clean Architecture App written in Kotlin Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Testing, RxJava, Retrofit, AssistedInject, Epoxy, RxPaper, MvRx, ViewModel Last commit: 1 year ago |
🌟 1733 🍴 329 👁️ 56 |
PropertyFindAR | SmartToolFactory | 🏘 🎃 Real Estate Sample App with RxJava3+Coroutines Flow, Dynamic Feature Modules, Dagger Hilt, Offline First, ConcatAdapter, Animations and tests for Room, Retrofit, useCase and ViewModels with TDD. Tech Stack : RxJava3, Coroutines Flow, Retrofit, Room, Dagger Hilt, Dynamic Feature Modules, ConcatAdapter, LiveData, ViewModel, SavedStateHandle, WorkManager, Glide, Lottie, MpCharts, MockWebServer, MockK, FlowTestObserver, ktLint, detekt, Git Hooks, Git Flow Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 254 🍴 36 👁️ 14 |
Theatre | andremion | Pet project using Clean Architecture + MVVM + Reactive Extensions + Android Architecture Components. The data are fetched from LondonTheatreDirect API. 🎭 Tech Stack : Dagger, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 646 🍴 97 👁️ 27 |
Android-Clean-Architecture | happysingh23828 | This is a sample movie list Android application built to demonstrate use of Clean Architecture tools. Dedicated to all Android Developers - (Kotlin, MVVM, Clean Architecture, Rx-Java, Dagger, OkHttp, Unit Testing, SOLID principles, Code Coverage) Tech Stack : Dagger, Unit Testing for modules, Mockito, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, CI-CD, SOLID, Code Coverage, Jacoco, Detekt, ktlint, Stetho, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 295 🍴 51 👁️ 5 |
android-clean-architecture | sansets | Sample for Android Clean Architecture. Tech Stack : Navigation Component, Dagger, Coroutines Flow, Room, Retrofit, LiveData, ViewModel, View Binding, Dynamic Feature Modules. Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 122 🍴 14 👁️ 2 |
Clean-MVVM-ArchComponents | odaridavid | 👽 Built with MVVM pattern, Koin , Coroutines + Flows ,Architecture Components, Data Binding , Firebase , Unit/UI Tests ,Motion Layout Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Data Binding, Motion Layout, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 654 🍴 112 👁️ 23 |
CoronavirusWorldStatus | HamdiBoumaiza | An app to stay up to date with the latest stats of the coronavirus , using Kotlin with MVVM ,Coroutines , Android Architecture Components and Dagger Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel , Stetho Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 22 🍴 2 👁️ 1 |
Name | Author ✍️ | Description 🗒️ | Reputation 💪 |
ComicReaderApp-MVI-Coroutine-RxKotlin-Jetpack | hoc081098 | ⚡️Comic reader app 📘 Learning MVVM / MVI with 🌀 RxKotlin, Retrofit, Kotlinx Coroutine, Work Manager, Room, Firebase, AndroidX Startup, Clean Architecture, Arrow.Kt Functional Programming ... ❄️ androidx-startup, androidx-room, androidx-viewmodel, arrow-kt Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Firebase Storage, WorkManager, Navigation, Paging, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 5 days ago |
🌟 239 🍴 46 👁️ 7 |
Open-API-Android-App | mitchtabian | Kotlin, MVI, Hilt, Retrofit2, Coroutines, Room Persistence, REST API, Token Authentication Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 7 months ago |
🌟 650 🍴 225 👁️ 26 |
GameDealz | R4md4c | A non-official Android client for IsThereAnyDeal.com Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, acra, fastAdapter, Paging, JSoup, dropbox/Store, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 1 year ago |
🌟 27 🍴 2 👁️ 4 |
NewsFeed-MVI-Dagger | HadySalhab | Android News Application built in kotlin: MVI+Dagger+NetworkBoundResource+ViewModel+Livedata. Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 4 years ago |
🌟 12 🍴 7 👁️ 2 |
Name | Author ✍️ | Description 🗒️ | Reputation 💪 |
StarWarsSearch-MVI | Ezike | Star wars sample android project showcasing the use of View components for rendering UI in Fragments and Activities. Uses Android Jetpack, clean architecture with MVI (Uni-directional data flow), dagger hilt, and kotlin coroutines with StateFlow Tech Stack : Jetpack, Dagger hilt, Coroutines & StateFlow, Room, Retrofit, FlowBinding Last commit: 2 months ago |
🌟 197 🍴 29 👁️ 8 |
CleanRxArchitecture | lopspower | Clean Rx Kotlin Architecture sample on GitHub Api 🚀 Tech Stack : Dagger, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, Clean Architecture, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 1 year ago |
🌟 387 🍴 49 👁️ 15 |
Baking-App-Kotlin | Ezike | Android architecture sample with dynamic feature modularisation, clean architecture with MVI (Uni-directional data flow), dagger hilt, DFM Navigation, kotlin coroutines with StateFlow and Exo player. Tech Stack : Dagger hilt, Coroutines & StateFlow, Unit Testing, Retrofit, DFM Navigation, FlowBinding, Exoplayer Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 440 🍴 82 👁️ 11 |
Clean-Notes | mitchtabian | Clean Architecture by layer Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Navigation, Markdown Processor, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 496 🍴 137 👁️ 17 |
Name | Author ✍️ | Description 🗒️ | Reputation 💪 |
tachiyomi | tachiyomiorg | Free and open source manga reader for Android. Tech Stack : Inorichi injekt, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, DiskLruCache, Jsoup, WorkManager, Duktape Android, Conductor Last commit: 2 hours ago |
🌟 24848 🍴 2670 👁️ 589 |
UTair-MVP-Sample | ImangazalievM | Android Clean Architecture + MVP Sample written in Kotlin Tech Stack : Clean Architecture, Coroutines, RxJava 2, Coroutines, Toothpick, Moxy, Unit-tests (Spek, Mockk), UI-tests (Kaspresso) Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 30 🍴 5 👁️ 4 |
Name | Author ✍️ | Description 🗒️ | Reputation 💪 |
shadowsocks-android | shadowsocks | A shadowsocks client for Android Tech Stack : Testing, Room, Firebase Ads, WorkManager Last commit: 2 weeks ago |
🌟 34025 🍴 11641 👁️ 1574 |
countin | Husseinfo | An Android Application that remembers your life events. Tech Stack : Room, Coroutines, Compose, Material3 Last commit: 9 months ago |
🌟 6 🍴 0 👁️ 1 |
kotlinbaseproject | aasif1297 | Tech Stack : Foursquare APIs, Koin, Coroutines, Moshi, Room, Retrofit, Viewbinding, Google Play Services Last commit: 12 months ago |
🌟 0 🍴 0 👁️ 1 |
Scarlet-Notes | BijoySingh | [Discontinued and Unsupported Project] Simple yet powerful rich note taking android application, with a lot of flexibilty of usage Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Room, Firebase Auth, Firebase Database, Paging, Navigation, Evernote android-job, Facebook Litho, Facebook SoLoader, Biometric Last commit: 2 years ago |
🌟 345 🍴 97 👁️ 19 |
Screenaway | DimaBrody | Phone Screen Forced Locker Tech Stack : Room, Play Install Referrer Library Last commit: 3 years ago |
🌟 15 🍴 2 👁️ 1 |
- Dagger, Koin, Kodein, Inorichi Injekt, Coroutines, Rx, Testing, Retrofit, Fuel, Room, Realm, Firebase Products, WorkManager, ExoPlayer, Paging, Navigation, Lottie, Zoomy, JSoup, js-evaluator-for-android, Algolia Search, Conductor, Call Control DataShare, libphonenumber-android, Mixpanel Android, Venom, FlowLayout, ARCore, GSYVideoPlayer, PermissionX, EventBus, Dynamicanimation, Google Drive, Dropbox, MPAndroidChart, Facebook Products, PayPal, Stripe, Easy Permissions, socketIO, Dexter, Tikxml, Markwon, Scarlet, Android-Permissions, RxPermissions, android-upload-service, PermissionsDispatcher, ShortcutBadger, ARouter, Sandwich, Calendar view, Biometric, Pretty Time, Markdown Processor, DiskLruCache, Duktape Android, Evernote android-job, Facebook Litho, Facebook SoLoader, Data Binding, TimelineView
See contributing.md
- @theapache64 automated this repo and designed a beautiful layout for awesome-android-kotlin-apps.
Contributors are cool people.
If you contributed and are missing in this list, please send a PR including your entry in the list below! 🐣