This project was tested with the following software packages/modules:
Software | Version |
azure-cli | 2.20.0 2.21.0 |
Python | 3.6 3.7 3.8 |
azure-batch | 9.0.0 10.0.0 |
azure-common | 1.1.25 1.1.26 |
azure-core | 1.9.0 1.12.0 |
azure-storage-blob | 12.5.0 12.8.0 |
If you want to use the portal please refer to the official documentation on how to Create a Batch Account with the Azure portal and how to Authenticate Batch service solutions with Active Directory.
If you prefer a programmatic approach, you can follow the steps below:
#Set values for Azure resources
subscription="Microsoft Internal Subscription"
#Azure login with MFA, opens in a new broswer window
az login
az account set --subscription "${subscription}"
az configure --defaults location="${region}"
# Create a resource group which will contain all resources of this helloworld example (output skipped ...)
az group create --name "${rg}"
# Create a storage account to be used by Azure Batch in the resource group created (output skipped ...)
az storage account create --resource-group "${rg}" --name "${storageAcc}" --sku Standard_LRS
# Create an Azure batch account in the specified resource group with the created storage account and note the accountEndpoint (output reduced)
az batch account create --resource-group "${rg}" --name "${batchAcc}" --storage-account "${storageAcc}"
"accountEndpoint": "",
# Create an Azure service principal and note appID, password and tenant
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "http://${servicePrincipal}" --role Contributor --years 1
"appId": "#####################################",
"displayName": "spbatchdemo",
"name": "http://spbatchdemo",
"password": "#####################################",
"tenant": "#####################################"
# Checkout and prepare Python venv
git clone
cd az_batch_hellodocker
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip3 install azure-batch azure-common azure-core azure-storage-blob
# Fill Batch account and service principal information which have been created previously and check if the other parameters fit the needs
# common/
APP_ID = ''
# Run the script that launches a job on a newly created pool, and a task that launches a Docker container that runs the task
# When it finishes, it waits for any key to be pressed, then deletes the pool, job, and task
Attempting to create pool: container-test-pool-20210324-150514
Created pool: container-test-pool-20210324-150514
waiting for all nodes in pool container-test-pool-20210324-150514 to reach one of: frozenset({<ComputeNodeState.start_task_failed: 'starttaskfailed'>, <ComputeNodeState.idle: 'idle'>, <ComputeNodeState.unusable: 'unusable'>})
waiting for 1 nodes to reach desired state...
waiting for 1 nodes to reach desired state...
waiting for 1 nodes to reach desired state...
pool created successfully and 1 nodes are up and ready for job execution
Creating job [container-test-job-20210324-150755]...
Creating task [container-test-task-20210324-150755]...
Pool [container-test-pool-20210324-150514], job [container-test-job-20210324-150755] and task [container-test-task-20210324-150755] will be deleted...
Press any key to continue...
# Delete the resource group and all contained resources
az group delete --resource-group "${rg}" --yes
# Delete the service principal and its role assignments
az ad sp delete --id http://${servicePrincipal}