Workshop material for the xcms (version >= 3) workshop at the Metabolomics Society conference 2018 in Seattle ( The workshop provides an overview of recent developments in Bioconductor to work with mass spectrometry (MSnbase) and specifically LC-MS data (xcms) and walks through the preprocessing of a toy data set emphasizing on selection of data-dependent settings for the individual pre-processing steps.
Covered topics are:
- Data import and representation.
- Accessing, subsetting and visualizing data.
- Centroiding of profile MS data.
- Chromatographic peak detection.
- Empirically determine appropriate settings for the analyzed data set.
- Evaluation of identified peaks.
- Alignment (retention time correction).
- Correspondence (grouping of chromatographic peaks across samples).
The full R code of all examples along with comprehensive descriptions is
provided in the xcms-preprocessing.Rmd file. This
file can be opened with e.g. RStudio which allows execution of the individual R
commands (see section below for additionally required R packages). The R command
would generate the html file
For those that can not attend the workshop: you can have a look at the presentation online xcms-preprocessing-ioslides.html.
The analysis in this document requires an R version >= 3.5.0 and recent versions
of the MSnbase
and xcms
(version >= 3.3.1 is needed) packages. The code
below installs all packages for the analysis.
biocLite(c("xcms", "MSnbase", "doParallel", "msdata", "magrittr", "devtools"))
## Need xcms version > 3.3.1
if (packageVersion("xcms") < "3.3.1")
devtools::install_github("sneumann/xcms", ref = "master")
xcms-preprocessing.Rmd: file containing the complete R code and expanded description. Can be converted to a html file with
. -
xcms-preprocessing-ioslides.Rmd: R markdown file that is rendered (with
into the html (ioslides-based) presentation for the conference. This file contains most of the R commands fromxcms-preprocessing.Rmd
but only few descriptions. -
xcms-preprocessing-bullets.Rmd: file with complete R code but strongly reduced descriptive content (in form of bullet points). This file is thought to be used for an interactive presentation with RStudio (i.e. live execution of commands).