Our website is a combination of Google Classroom elements and JupiterEd. This is basically a student management site/homework assignment site for teachers, and a grade site/homework submission site for students. Teachers will be able to create classes which students can join, and assign homework that students have to hand in either through a typed plain-text response or a file upload. Teachers can view, change, and add grades and notes for every student, and students can see them. Students and teachers can also send/receive messages.
- Go to root repository and click "Clone or Download"
- Copy the ssh/https link and run
$ git clone <link>
- Have the latest version of Python installed, which is currently Python 3.7.1.
- Install virtualenv by running
$ pip install virtualenv
- Make a venv by running
$ python3 -m venv VENV_NAME
- Activate it by running
$ . ~/path_to_venv/VENV_NAME/bin/activate
- Deactivate it by running
$ deactivate
- Activate your virtual environment.
- In the root of the directory, run
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- To obtain API keys, look below for the instructions.
- Now you are ready to run the flask app. Run the command
$ python app.py.
(Make sure your virtual enviornment is actvated) - This should appear in the terminal after running the python file.
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
* Restarting with stat
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: 248-748-502
- Open a web browser and navigate to the link http://localhost:5000/.
- Flask==1.0.2
$ pip install Flask
- Jinja2==2.10
$ pip install Jinja2
- google-api-python-client==1.7.7
$ pip install google-api-python-client
- google-auth==1.6.2
$ pip install google-auth
- google-auth-httplib2==0.0.3
$ pip install google-auth-httplib2
- Google calendar - Used to create events on the calendar based on teacher assignments
- Head to https://console.developers.google.com/ to get a json file with client data (make sure to enable Calendar API)
- Put client_secret.json in keys directory
- favQ - Used for random quotes on the site
- Head to https://favqs.com/api to get an API key
- Put quotes_key.txt in keys directory
- Adorable Avatars from http://avatars.adorable.io/