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CloudCmp (v0.1)


CloudCmp is a benchmark suite for cloud platforms. It runs on a cloud instance
as a web service, receiving commands from the clients and executing the
corresponding benchmark tasks.

CloudCmp supports a plenthora of benchmark tasks, which are described with more
detail in our IMC'10 paper (./doc/imc10-cloudcmp.pdf).  There are three general
categories: computation, storage, and network. Their implementations can be
found under the packages org.cloudcmp.tasks.compute/store/network respectively.
Extra tasks can be added by extending the Task class.

The current version of CloudCmp comes with four "adaptors": Amazon, Microsoft,
Google, and Rackspace. The purpose of the adaptors is to normalize the
differences across multiple cloud platforms, and to offer a common interface
for the upper-layer benchmarks. New adaptors can be added by extending the
Adaptor base class, and implementing part or all of the member methods.

- Requirements:

Java 1.6
Apache Ant
Tomcat 6 (or other web servers supporting Java Servlets)
SPECjvm2008 (can be downloaded for free from

- Before building Cloudcmp:

Edit build.xml and update the configurations for Tomcat, AppEngine SDK, etc.

Install SPECjvm2008, and then run ./ to integrate some SPEC
benchmark tasks into the suite.

- Build CloudCmp (for all clouds except Google AppEngine):

ant war

This will generate a file named "cloudcmp.war" in ./dist. Deploy the package in
your target cloud platform and start using the tool. How to deploy a Java web
application in Microsoft Azure:

- Build CloudCmp (for Google AppEngine):

First edit "./WebContent/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml" and change
"cloudcmp-test-suite" to the name of your AppEngine application. Then execute:

ant appengine

This will automatically upload the benchmark suite to AppEngine (if you set the
username/password correctly in build.xml). You should be able to use the tool
through the URL "".

- Use CloudCmp:

All requests should be sent to the handler at "http://.../cloudcmp/api"
(without the "cloudcmp" part for AppEngine), and all responses are encoded in
JSON. Only GET requests are supported. The main HTTP parameter is "op", which
tells the tool what to do. Here are a list of supported op values. For more
detail, please read the handler code at

"listadaptors"  :   list all adaptors.

"listtasks"     :   list all supported benchmark tasks. Requires a parameter "adaptor"
                    for the target adaptor (same for all following operations).

"listservices"  :   list all services. Services are required to run network-related
                    tasks. They serve as the "sinks" for those tasks.

"listadaptorconfigs"    :   list the configurable items and their default values of
                            the chosen adaptor.

"listtaskconfigs"       :   list the configurable items and their default values of
                            the chosen adaptor and the chosen task (identified by a
                            "task" parameter).

"startservice"  :   start a chosen service (parameter "service")

"runtask"       :   run a chosen benchmark task (parameter "task")

"starttask"     :   start a chosen task asynchronously and return immediately with
                    a handle. Not all adaptors/tasks support this feature.

"stoptask"      :   stop a run-away task. Set "handle" to be the task handle returned
                    by "starttask".

"taskisfinished"    :   test whether an async task has finished or not. Also requires
                        the "handle" parameter.

"taskretrieveresults"   :   retrieve the results of a finished async task. Requires


Except for the "list*" operations, you can change the configurable items
returned by "listadaptorconfigs" and "listtaskconfigs". The configurations are
also specified as HTTP parameters. All adaptor configurations are in the form
of "ac_[name]=[value]", where [name/value] is the name/value of the
configurable item. Similarly, task configurations take the form of


Happy benchmarking!