A simple products management application for learning and sharing purpose which's based on Symfony 4 and implemented CQRS-ES within DDD tactical patterns approach:
- Aggregate, Entity, Domain Events, Value Object, Repository
- Layered and Hexagonal (Ports & Adapters) Architecture
Main using components:
- Messenger Component for dispatching command and query.
- JMS Serializer for object (de-)serializing data object
For Event Sourcing (ES), it just implemented a basic concept with a single events stream and synchronous projections. In advanced, it could have multiple streams and asynchronous projections.
Feel free to create your PR if you want to change something to make it better.
Watch the running app on Youtube:
- PHP >= 7.3
- MySQL >= 5.7
Clone the project
$ git clone https://github.com/anhchienhoang/sf4-cqrs-es-demo.git && cd sf4-cqrs-es-demo
Setup PHP dependencies
$ composer install
Run migrations
$ ./bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Build Front-end
$ yarn install && yarn build
$ npm install && npm run build
Nginx and PHP pool config you can find here
Start containers:
$ docker-compose up -d
For the first time, it will take a bit of time to get the page is ready (running composer, npm...) and if you access to the homepage, it will display the waiting text.
If there's a service that's not started yet, please run $ docker-compose up -d
Build Front-end while developing:
$ docker run -it --volume $(pwd):/app -w=/app node:9.0 /bin/bash -c "npm run watch"
$ ./npm.sh run watch
In order to build FE assests, please run
$ ./npm.sh run build
Next you have to update your hosts file (commonly located at /etc/hosts) with the following demo.local
Open your browser and go to
Add some products, try to update them and check the data in the database to see how it works :)