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Command Line Interface

Aniket Prajapati edited this page Dec 5, 2020 · 4 revisions


   firejsx <flag>


[-p, --pro]

  use production chunks. NODE_ENV : production

[-e, --export]

  export project for distribution

[-d, --disk]

  store chunks to disk instead of memory while in dev server

[-s, --ssr]

  Server Side Render. Available only with -d and -e

[-E, --export-fly]

  export project for distribution and for fly build

[-c, --conf]

  path to FireJS config file


  port for dev server, default: 5000


  address for dev server, default: localhost


  Disable gzip in dev server

[-V, --verbose]

  print webpack stats on error

[-l, --log-mode]

  Log Mode. silent (log errors only) | plain (Log without styling i.e colors and symbols)


  disable plugins


  path to pages dir, default : root/src/pages


  path to output-dir, default: root/out


  path to dir where the build is exported, default: root/out/dist


  path to dir where the fly build is exported, default: root/out/fly

[-h, --help]

  print help

[-v, --version]

  print version


firejsx -esp

  export server-side rendered production build

firejsx -dsp

  write to disk when using dev server with the server-side rendered production build
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