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Parodos Operator: Deploy and manage Parodos on Kubernetes with ease.


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When you want to delete it You can either run make -f Makefile_reference init to create the helm charts from the manifests and initiliaze the helm operator

$ make -f Makefile_reference init
curl -LO
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 10040  100 10040    0     0  34476      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 34476
cat manifests.yaml | helmify helm-charts/parodos-v1-0-19
find helm-charts/parodos-v1-0-19/templates/*.yaml -type f -exec sed -i "s/{{ include \"parodos-v1-0-19.fullname\" . }}-//g" {} \; 
yq -iY '.postgresSecretsTh27274644.pgdata="/var/lib/postgresql/data/mydata"' helm-charts/parodos-v1-0-19/values.yaml 
yq -iY '.postgresSecretsTh27274644.postgresDb="parodos"' helm-charts/parodos-v1-0-19/values.yaml 
yq -iY '.postgresSecretsTh27274644.postgresPassword="parodos"' helm-charts/parodos-v1-0-19/values.yaml 
yq -iY '.postgresSecretsTh27274644.postgresUser="parodos"' helm-charts/parodos-v1-0-19/values.yaml 
chmod -R +r helm-charts
/usr/local/bin/operator-sdk init --plugins helm --domain --kind Parodos --helm-chart helm-charts/parodos-v1-0-19
Writing kustomize manifests for you to edit...
Creating the API:
$ /usr/local/bin/operator-sdk create api --kind Parodos --helm-chart helm-charts/parodos-v1-0-19
Writing kustomize manifests for you to edit...
Created helm-charts/parodos-v1-0-19
Generating RBAC rules
WARN[0000] The RBAC rules generated in config/rbac/role.yaml are based on the chart's default manifest. Some rules may be missing for resources that are only enabled with custom values, and some existing rules may be overly broad. Double check the rules generated in config/rbac/role.yaml to ensure they meet the operator's permission requirements. 
cp Makefile_reference Makefile

Or the following manual steps.

Manual steps

$ make -f Makefile_reference download-manifest generate-helmchart 

Please note that the parodos version is hold by the parameters PARODOS_VERSION and PARODOS_VERSION_DNS in the Makefile file.

This will create the folder helm-charts/parodos-{PARODOS_VERSION_DNS}. We have to DNSify the name to avoid error while deploying the operator.

generate-helmchart target is replacing strings in templates and values.yaml and it is also granting read rights to the helm-charts folder, to change this behaviour take a look in the Makefile and Makefile_reference files. Makefile_reference is used to replace the generated Makefile when initializing the operator (see below)

Then initialize the helm chart by executing operator-sdk init --plugins helm --domain --kind

$ operator-sdk init --plugins helm --domain --kind Parodos --helm-chart helm-charts/parodos-v1-0-19 && cp Makefile_reference Makefile
    Writing kustomize manifests for you to edit...
    Creating the API:
    $ operator-sdk create api --kind Parodos --helm-chart helm-charts/parodos-v1-0-19
    Writing kustomize manifests for you to edit...
    Created helm-charts/parodos-v1-0-19
    Generating RBAC rules
    WARN[0000] Using default RBAC rules: failed to generate RBAC rules: failed to get server resources: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused 


The target kind_create creates a local K8S cluster with Kind. It uses the PARODOS_VERSION_DNS to set the cluster's name. It is run when executing make kind_deploy. The target kind_delete deletes this local cluster.

Quick deploy

You can either execute make kind_deploy

$ make kind_deploy
kind create cluster --name parodos-v1-0-19
Creating cluster "parodos-v1-0-19" ...
 ✓ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.25.3) 🖼
 ✓ Preparing nodes 📦  
 ✓ Writing configuration 📜 
 ✓ Starting control-plane 🕹️ 
 ✓ Installing CNI 🔌 
 ✓ Installing StorageClass 💾 
Set kubectl context to "kind-parodos-v1-0-19"
You can now use your cluster with:

kubectl cluster-info --context kind-parodos-v1-0-19

Not sure what to do next? 😅  Check out
sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288
Place your finger on the fingerprint reader
fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 524288
sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_instances=512
fs.inotify.max_user_instances = 512
docker build -t .
[+] Building 0.8s (9/9) FINISHED                                                                                                                             
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                                                       0.1s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                                                         0.0s
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                                                                    0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 233B                                                                                                                    0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for                                                                       0.6s
 => [1/4] FROM                 0.0s
 => [internal] load build context                                                                                                                       0.0s
 => => transferring context: 1.20kB                                                                                                                     0.0s
 => CACHED [2/4] COPY watches.yaml /opt/helm/watches.yaml                                                                                               0.0s
 => CACHED [3/4] COPY helm-charts  /opt/helm/helm-charts                                                                                                0.0s
 => CACHED [4/4] WORKDIR /opt/helm                                                                                                                      0.0s
 => exporting to image                                                                                                                                  0.0s
 => => exporting layers                                                                                                                                 0.0s
 => => writing image sha256:b7aef943fdf67bd166c41c2a3a1038a5e4806c104a11f3dd25df30d055ba0c84                                                            0.0s
 => => naming to                                                                                           0.0s
/home/gabriel/git/parados_stuff/parodos-operator/bin/kustomize build config/crd | kubectl apply -f - created
cd config/manager && /home/gabriel/git/parados_stuff/parodos-operator/bin/kustomize edit set image
/home/gabriel/git/parados_stuff/parodos-operator/bin/kustomize build config/default | kubectl apply -f -
namespace/parodos-operator-system created unchanged
serviceaccount/parodos-operator-controller-manager created created created created created created created created
service/parodos-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service created
deployment.apps/parodos-operator-controller-manager created
Deploying Parodos operator sample...
kubectl -n parodos-operator-system wait pod/$(kubectl get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns="" -n parodos-operator-system) --for=condition=Ready --timeout=60s
pod/parodos-operator-controller-manager-5548fc4ff6-bt94s condition met
kubectl create namespace local-test || true
namespace/local-test created
kubectl apply -f config/samples/charts_v1alpha1_parodos.yaml -n local-test created
It may take up to 5min for all pods to be ready
kubectl -n local-test wait pod/$(kubectl get pods -n local-test --no-headers -o custom-columns="" -l app=postgres) --for=condition=Ready --timeout=300s
pod/postgres-6dcfdf7b58-rwvtw condition met
kubectl -n local-test wait pod/$(kubectl get pods -n local-test --no-headers -o custom-columns="" -l app=backstage) --for=condition=Ready --timeout=300s
pod/backstage-7f78dbdc5f-6jz45 condition met
kubectl -n local-test wait pod/$(kubectl get pods -n local-test --no-headers -o custom-columns="" -l app=workflow-service) --for=condition=Ready --timeout=300s
pod/workflow-service-97697495b-bdckq condition met
kubectl -n local-test wait pod/$(kubectl get pods -n local-test --no-headers -o custom-columns="" -l app=notification-service) --for=condition=Ready --timeout=300s
pod/notification-service-64bc65f7c9-czq72 condition met
All set!
Run 'kubectl -n local-test port-forward backstage-7f78dbdc5f-6jz45 7007:7007 &' to access backstage UId

Then once validated, you can release the version in the official repo by pushing the image:

$ make docker-push
docker push
The push refers to repository []
5f70bf18a086: Layer already exists 
784e9b92b0c0: Layer already exists 
cf8333ebf2f5: Layer already exists 
9c9e5071d24a: Layer already exists 
f10ab75b4fc1: Layer already exists 
0d5fc27d682c: Layer already exists 
14946186767b: Layer already exists 
v1.0.19: digest: sha256:f03e402213488b44e2279210177541fc2b0e737f2661596537b98961439fe0dc size: 1776

or follow the step by step instructions

Manual deploy

To push the docker image to the remote repo (release)

$ make docker-build

Let's create a local K8S cluster with Kind:

$ make kind_create 
kind create cluster --name parodos-v1-0-19
Creating cluster "parodos-v1-0-19" ...
 ✓ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.25.3) 🖼
 ✓ Preparing nodes 📦  
 ✓ Writing configuration 📜 
 ✓ Starting control-plane 🕹️ 
 ✓ Installing CNI 🔌 
 ✓ Installing StorageClass 💾 
Set kubectl context to "kind-parodos-v1-0-19"
You can now use your cluster with:

kubectl cluster-info --context kind-parodos-v1-0-19

Have a nice day! 👋


$ make install deploy

Check the parodos-operator-controller-manager is running:

$ kubectl -n parodos-operator-system get pods
NAME                                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
parodos-operator-controller-manager-68f776c5fb-nvl2t   2/2     Running   0          19m

Once it is running, you can deploy the sample (here in the default namespace):

$ kubectl apply -f config/samples/charts_v1alpha1_parodos.yaml

Wait until the pods are up and running. It may take some times and some restarts as the posgresql needs to be available before anything else can start

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
backstage-5468f68f5b-pmfn6              1/1     Running   2 (54s ago)   3m10s
notification-service-649656d6cb-btv4j   1/1     Running   0             3m10s
postgres-7857bf5cf-vb2qj                1/1     Running   0             3m10s
workflow-service-d5c4884c-t8zl4         1/1     Running   2 (50s ago)   3m10s

Now we can port forward the backstage port (7007 by default) in order to access it from localhost:

$ kubectl port-forward parodos-backstage-7f46f49fb9-n4gx2 7007:7007 &
Forwarding from -> 7007
Forwarding from [::1]:7007 -> 7007
Handling connection for 7007

You should be able to access http://localhost:7007/ with test/test credentials.

To test, you can also run

$ kubectl port-forward backstage-7f78dbdc5f-dr5cl 7007:7007 &
$ make test_deploy

Then once validated, you can release the version in the official repo by pushing the image:

$ make docker-push
docker push
The push refers to repository []
5f70bf18a086: Layer already exists 
784e9b92b0c0: Layer already exists 
cf8333ebf2f5: Layer already exists 
9c9e5071d24a: Layer already exists 
f10ab75b4fc1: Layer already exists 
0d5fc27d682c: Layer already exists 
14946186767b: Layer already exists 
v1.0.19: digest: sha256:f03e402213488b44e2279210177541fc2b0e737f2661596537b98961439fe0dc size: 1776

Push to OperatorHub

Create the bundle


First, we need to create a bundle, see for more details

Make sure to update the VERSION in the Makefile or to export it first

$ make bundle
cp -r bundle_manifests/* config/manifests/.
/usr/local/bin/operator-sdk generate kustomize manifests -q
cd config/manager && /home/gabriel/git/parados_stuff/parodos-operator/bin/kustomize edit set image
/home/gabriel/git/parados_stuff/parodos-operator/bin/kustomize build config/manifests | /usr/local/bin/operator-sdk generate bundle -q --overwrite --version 0.0.3  
INFO[0000] Creating bundle.Dockerfile                   
INFO[0000] Creating bundle/metadata/annotations.yaml    
INFO[0000] Bundle metadata generated successfully       
/usr/local/bin/operator-sdk bundle validate ./bundle
INFO[0000] All validation tests have completed successfully 
Completing CSV...
/usr/local/bin/operator-sdk bundle validate ./bundle
INFO[0000] All validation tests have completed successfully 
Bundle ready

Please be aware that no prompts will appear as the requested values are already saved in the bundle_manifests folder, which will be automatically moved.

The bundle target is also doing the following automatically, no need to do it, it's kept there in order to keep history.

Steps done automatically by make bundle (no need to execute)

Then open bundle/manifests/parodos-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml and

  • add the following in metadata.annotations:
categories: "Modernization & Migration,Application Runtime,Developer Tools"
  • set metadata.namespace to parodos-operator
  • set spec.icon:
  - base64data: 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
    mediatype: image/png
  • add the following in the spec.description:
[Parodos]( is a Java toolkit to help enterprise's with a legacy footprint build internal developer platforms (IDP) that enable their developers to get access to the tools and environments required to start coding with less time, friction and frustration.
    ## About this Operator
    This Operator is based on a [Helm chart]( for Parodos. It supports all the parameters from the helm chart.
    ## Using the cluster
    Parodos operator deploys all components needed to have a fully functionnal platform.
    kubectl get pods
    NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
    backstage-5468f68f5b-pmfn6              1/1     Running   2 (54s ago)   3m10s
    notification-service-649656d6cb-btv4j   1/1     Running   0             3m10s
    postgres-7857bf5cf-vb2qj                1/1     Running   0             3m10s
    workflow-service-d5c4884c-t8zl4         1/1     Running   2 (50s ago)   3m10s

    kubectl get service
    NAME                   TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
    backstage              ClusterIP   <none>        7007/TCP   3m57s
    notification-service   ClusterIP    <none>        8080/TCP   3m57s
    postgres               ClusterIP       <none>        5432/TCP   3m57s
    workflow-service       ClusterIP     <none>        8080/TCP   3m57s
  • add a description in spec.owned.customresourcedefinitions.description
  • set spec.minKubeVersion to v1.18.0
  • below spec.version, add replaces: parodos-operator.v<previous_version> with <previous_version> being the previous version (ie: 0.0.1)

Prepare the operator

You can now fork To fork the repo, if you have the github CLI installed and configured you can run


  • create a new folder in operators/parodos-operator with the new operator's version as name (ie: 0.0.1)
  • copy the folder bundle and the file bundle.Dockerfile previously generated into the newly created folder
    • you do not need to do that if you run the quick test as a new folder folr the VERSION will be created with all the files needed

Testing the operator

You can now test it by following: and

Here we will mostly leverage operator sdk

You can either run make prepare_push_to_operatorhub from this repo and then copy the generated folder into your fork. At the end of this section you will then copy the generated folder into operators/parodos-operator of your fork. Or you can follow the step by step instructions.

Quick testing

/!\ Remember to either set LOCAL_REPO with you own repo in the makefile or override it while executing the target.

$ make prepare_push_to_operatorhub
cp -r bundle/* 0.0.3/.
cp bundle.Dockerfile 0.0.3/.
sed -i 's/bundle\///g' 0.0.3/bundle.Dockerfile
operator-sdk bundle validate 0.0.3 --select-optional suite=operatorframework || operator-sdk bundle validate 0.0.3 --select-optional suite=operatorframework
INFO[0000] All validation tests have completed successfully 
operator-sdk scorecard 0.0.3 || true
Entrypoint: [scorecard-test olm-spec-descriptors]
        Name: olm-spec-descriptors
        State: fail

                Add a spec descriptor for postgres
                Add a spec descriptor for pvc
                Add a spec descriptor for appConfig4Gh2B9Ghf4
                Add a spec descriptor for backstage
                Add a spec descriptor for kubernetesClusterDomain
                Add a spec descriptor for notificationService
                Add a spec descriptor for notificationServiceConfig
                Add a spec descriptor for config
                Add a spec descriptor for postgresSecretsTh27274644
                Add a spec descriptor for workflowService
                postgres does not have a spec descriptor
                pvc does not have a spec descriptor
                appConfig4Gh2B9Ghf4 does not have a spec descriptor
                backstage does not have a spec descriptor
                kubernetesClusterDomain does not have a spec descriptor
                notificationService does not have a spec descriptor
                notificationServiceConfig does not have a spec descriptor
                config does not have a spec descriptor
                postgresSecretsTh27274644 does not have a spec descriptor
                workflowService does not have a spec descriptor
                Loaded ClusterServiceVersion: parodos-operator.v0.0.3
                Loaded 1 Custom Resources from alm-examples

Entrypoint: [scorecard-test olm-crds-have-validation]
        Name: olm-crds-have-validation
        State: fail

                Add CRD validation for spec field `pvc` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Add CRD validation for spec field `workflowService` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Add CRD validation for spec field `appConfig4Gh2B9Ghf4` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Add CRD validation for spec field `config` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Add CRD validation for spec field `kubernetesClusterDomain` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Add CRD validation for spec field `notificationService` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Add CRD validation for spec field `postgres` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Add CRD validation for spec field `backstage` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Add CRD validation for spec field `notificationServiceConfig` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Add CRD validation for spec field `postgresSecretsTh27274644` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Loaded 1 Custom Resources from alm-examples
                Loaded CustomresourceDefinitions: [&CustomResourceDefinition{ObjectMeta:{      0 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC <nil> <nil> map[] map[] [] [] []},Spec:CustomResourceDefinitionSpec{,Names:CustomResourceDefinitionNames{Plural:parodos,Singular:parodos,ShortNames:[],Kind:Parodos,ListKind:ParodosList,Categories:[],},Scope:Namespaced,Versions:[]CustomResourceDefinitionVersion{CustomResourceDefinitionVersion{Name:v1alpha1,Served:true,Storage:true,Schema:&CustomResourceValidation{OpenAPIV3Schema:&JSONSchemaProps{ID:,Schema:,Ref:nil,Description:Parodos is the Schema for the parodos API,Type:object,Format:,Title:,Default:nil,Maximum:nil,ExclusiveMaximum:false,Minimum:nil,ExclusiveMinimum:false,MaxLength:nil,MinLength:nil,Pattern:,MaxItems:nil,MinItems:nil,UniqueItems:false,MultipleOf:nil,Enum:[]JSON{},MaxProperties:nil,MinProperties:nil,Required:[],Items:nil,AllOf:[]JSONSchemaProps{},OneOf:[]JSONSchemaProps{},AnyOf:[]JSONSchemaProps{},Not:nil,Properties:map[string]JSONSchemaProps{apiVersion: {  <nil> APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: string   nil <nil> false <nil> false <nil> <nil>  <nil> <nil> false <nil> [] <nil> <nil> [] nil [] [] [] nil map[] nil map[] map[] nil map[] nil nil false <nil> false false [] <nil> <nil> []},kind: {  <nil> Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: string   nil <nil> false <nil> false <nil> <nil>  <nil> <nil> false <nil> [] <nil> <nil> [] nil [] [] [] nil map[] nil map[] map[] nil map[] nil nil false <nil> false false [] <nil> <nil> []},metadata: {  <nil>  object   nil <nil> false <nil> false <nil> <nil>  <nil> <nil> false <nil> [] <nil> <nil> [] nil [] [] [] nil map[] nil map[] map[] nil map[] nil nil false <nil> false false [] <nil> <nil> []},spec: {  <nil> Spec defines the desired state of Parodos object   nil <nil> false <nil> false <nil> <nil>  <nil> <nil> false <nil> [] <nil> <nil> [] nil [] [] [] nil map[] nil map[] map[] nil map[] nil nil false 0xc0007d28b0 false false [] <nil> <nil> []},status: {  <nil> Status defines the observed state of Parodos object   nil <nil> false <nil> false <nil> <nil>  <nil> <nil> false <nil> [] <nil> <nil> [] nil [] [] [] nil map[] nil map[] map[] nil map[] nil nil false 0xc0007d28b1 false false [] <nil> <nil> []},},AdditionalProperties:nil,PatternProperties:map[string]JSONSchemaProps{},Dependencies:JSONSchemaDependencies{},AdditionalItems:nil,Definitions:JSONSchemaDefinitions{},ExternalDocs:nil,Example:nil,Nullable:false,XPreserveUnknownFields:nil,XEmbeddedResource:false,XIntOrString:false,XListMapKeys:[],XListType:nil,XMapType:nil,XValidations:[]ValidationRule{},},},Subresources:&CustomResourceSubresources{Status:&CustomResourceSubresourceStatus{},Scale:nil,},AdditionalPrinterColumns:[]CustomResourceColumnDefinition{},Deprecated:false,DeprecationWarning:nil,},},Conversion:nil,PreserveUnknownFields:false,},Status:CustomResourceDefinitionStatus{Conditions:[]CustomResourceDefinitionCondition{},AcceptedNames:CustomResourceDefinitionNames{Plural:,Singular:,ShortNames:[],Kind:,ListKind:,Categories:[],},StoredVersions:[],},}]

Entrypoint: [scorecard-test olm-bundle-validation]
        Name: olm-bundle-validation
        State: pass

                time="2023-07-20T12:33:36Z" level=debug msg="Found manifests directory" name=bundle-test
                time="2023-07-20T12:33:36Z" level=debug msg="Found metadata directory" name=bundle-test
                time="2023-07-20T12:33:36Z" level=debug msg="Getting mediaType info from manifests directory" name=bundle-test
                time="2023-07-20T12:33:36Z" level=debug msg="Found annotations file" name=bundle-test
                time="2023-07-20T12:33:36Z" level=debug msg="Could not find optional dependencies file" name=bundle-test

Entrypoint: [scorecard-test olm-status-descriptors]
        Name: olm-status-descriptors
        State: pass

       does not have status spec. Note thatAll objects that represent a physical resource whose state may vary from the user's desired intent SHOULD have a spec and a status. More info:
                Loaded ClusterServiceVersion: parodos-operator.v0.0.3
                Loaded 1 Custom Resources from alm-examples

Entrypoint: [scorecard-test olm-crds-have-resources]
        Name: olm-crds-have-resources
        State: fail

                Owned CRDs do not have resources specified
                Loaded ClusterServiceVersion: parodos-operator.v0.0.3

Entrypoint: [scorecard-test basic-check-spec]
        Name: basic-check-spec
        State: pass

kubectl delete pods -l app=scorecard-test
No resources found
docker build -f 0.0.3/bundle.Dockerfile -t 0.0.3/
[+] Building 0.1s (7/7) FINISHED                                                                                                                             
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                                                       0.0s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                                                         0.0s
 => [internal] load build definition from bundle.Dockerfile                                                                                             0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 954B                                                                                                                    0.0s
 => [internal] load build context                                                                                                                       0.0s
 => => transferring context: 24.97kB                                                                                                                    0.0s
 => CACHED [1/3] COPY manifests /manifests/                                                                                                             0.0s
 => CACHED [2/3] COPY metadata /metadata/                                                                                                               0.0s
 => CACHED [3/3] COPY tests/scorecard /tests/scorecard/                                                                                                 0.0s
 => exporting to image                                                                                                                                  0.0s
 => => exporting layers                                                                                                                                 0.0s
 => => writing image sha256:f2b5cd855d0d3ee6273a5319ababa386201af3d74b42224b18193ca89fde570f                                                            0.0s
 => => naming to                                                                                                        0.0s
docker push
The push refers to repository []
6541beb78fe2: Layer already exists 
2e50e8de3d07: Layer already exists 
5a3e566f3b16: Layer already exists 
v0.0.3: digest: sha256:4cf17b2e8d27361c29d608792f24722b4798854ef097676a95efb5bb0bafe3f4 size: 939
operator-sdk olm uninstall || true
INFO[0000] Fetching CRDs for version "v0.25.0"          
INFO[0000] Fetching resources for resolved version "v0.25.0" 
INFO[0001] Uninstalling resources for version "v0.25.0" 
INFO[0001]   Deleting CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0001]   Deleting CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0001]   Deleting CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0001]   Deleting CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0001]   Deleting CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0002]   Deleting CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0002]   Deleting CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0002]   Deleting CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0002]   Deleting Namespace "olm"                   
INFO[0012]   Deleting Namespace "operators"             
INFO[0017]   Deleting ServiceAccount "olm/olm-operator-serviceaccount" 
INFO[0017]     ServiceAccount "olm/olm-operator-serviceaccount" does not exist 
INFO[0017]   Deleting ClusterRole "system:controller:operator-lifecycle-manager" 
INFO[0017]   Deleting ClusterRoleBinding "olm-operator-binding-olm" 
INFO[0017]   Deleting OLMConfig "cluster"               
INFO[0017]     OLMConfig "cluster" does not exist       
INFO[0017]   Deleting Deployment "olm/olm-operator"     
INFO[0017]     Deployment "olm/olm-operator" does not exist 
INFO[0017]   Deleting Deployment "olm/catalog-operator" 
INFO[0017]     Deployment "olm/catalog-operator" does not exist 
INFO[0017]   Deleting ClusterRole "aggregate-olm-edit"  
INFO[0017]   Deleting ClusterRole "aggregate-olm-view"  
INFO[0017]   Deleting OperatorGroup "operators/global-operators" 
INFO[0017]     OperatorGroup "operators/global-operators" does not exist 
INFO[0017]   Deleting OperatorGroup "olm/olm-operators" 
INFO[0017]     OperatorGroup "olm/olm-operators" does not exist 
INFO[0017]   Deleting ClusterServiceVersion "olm/packageserver" 
INFO[0017]     ClusterServiceVersion "olm/packageserver" does not exist 
INFO[0017]   Deleting CatalogSource "olm/operatorhubio-catalog" 
INFO[0017]     CatalogSource "olm/operatorhubio-catalog" does not exist 
INFO[0017] Successfully uninstalled OLM version "v0.25.0" 
operator-sdk olm install
INFO[0000] Fetching CRDs for version "latest"           
INFO[0000] Fetching resources for resolved version "latest" 
I0720 14:34:05.379853  259265 request.go:690] Waited for 1.048795192s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:
INFO[0006] Creating CRDs and resources                  
INFO[0006]   Creating CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0006]   Creating CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0006]   Creating CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0006]   Creating CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0006]   Creating CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0006]   Creating CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0006]   Creating CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0006]   Creating CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0006]   Creating Namespace "olm"                   
INFO[0006]   Creating Namespace "operators"             
INFO[0006]   Creating ServiceAccount "olm/olm-operator-serviceaccount" 
INFO[0006]   Creating ClusterRole "system:controller:operator-lifecycle-manager" 
INFO[0006]   Creating ClusterRoleBinding "olm-operator-binding-olm" 
INFO[0006]   Creating OLMConfig "cluster"               
INFO[0008]   Creating Deployment "olm/olm-operator"     
INFO[0008]   Creating Deployment "olm/catalog-operator" 
INFO[0008]   Creating ClusterRole "aggregate-olm-edit"  
INFO[0008]   Creating ClusterRole "aggregate-olm-view"  
INFO[0008]   Creating OperatorGroup "operators/global-operators" 
INFO[0008]   Creating OperatorGroup "olm/olm-operators" 
INFO[0008]   Creating ClusterServiceVersion "olm/packageserver" 
INFO[0008]   Creating CatalogSource "olm/operatorhubio-catalog" 
INFO[0008] Waiting for deployment/olm-operator rollout to complete 
INFO[0008]   Waiting for Deployment "olm/olm-operator" to rollout: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available 
INFO[0012]   Deployment "olm/olm-operator" successfully rolled out 
INFO[0012] Waiting for deployment/catalog-operator rollout to complete 
INFO[0012]   Deployment "olm/catalog-operator" successfully rolled out 
INFO[0012] Waiting for deployment/packageserver rollout to complete 
INFO[0012]   Waiting for Deployment "olm/packageserver" to rollout: 0 of 2 updated replicas are available 
INFO[0015]   Deployment "olm/packageserver" successfully rolled out 
INFO[0015] Successfully installed OLM version "latest"  

NAME                                            NAMESPACE    KIND                        STATUS                          CustomResourceDefinition    Installed                  CustomResourceDefinition    Installed                            CustomResourceDefinition    Installed                              CustomResourceDefinition    Installed                      CustomResourceDefinition    Installed                          CustomResourceDefinition    Installed                               CustomResourceDefinition    Installed                           CustomResourceDefinition    Installed
olm                                                          Namespace                   Installed
operators                                                    Namespace                   Installed
olm-operator-serviceaccount                     olm          ServiceAccount              Installed
system:controller:operator-lifecycle-manager                 ClusterRole                 Installed
olm-operator-binding-olm                                     ClusterRoleBinding          Installed
cluster                                                      OLMConfig                   Installed
olm-operator                                    olm          Deployment                  Installed
catalog-operator                                olm          Deployment                  Installed
aggregate-olm-edit                                           ClusterRole                 Installed
aggregate-olm-view                                           ClusterRole                 Installed
global-operators                                operators    OperatorGroup               Installed
olm-operators                                   olm          OperatorGroup               Installed
packageserver                                   olm          ClusterServiceVersion       Installed
operatorhubio-catalog                           olm          CatalogSource               Installed

operator-sdk run bundle
INFO[0012] Creating a File-Based Catalog of the bundle "" 
INFO[0013] Generated a valid File-Based Catalog         
INFO[0016] Created registry pod: quay-io-gfarache-parodos-v0-0-3 
INFO[0016] Created CatalogSource: parodos-operator-catalog 
INFO[0016] OperatorGroup "operator-sdk-og" created      
INFO[0016] Created Subscription: parodos-operator-v0-0-3-sub 
INFO[0028] Approved InstallPlan install-lm45j for the Subscription: parodos-operator-v0-0-3-sub 
INFO[0028] Waiting for ClusterServiceVersion "default/parodos-operator.v0.0.3" to reach 'Succeeded' phase 
INFO[0028]   Waiting for ClusterServiceVersion "default/parodos-operator.v0.0.3" to appear 
INFO[0031]   Found ClusterServiceVersion "default/parodos-operator.v0.0.3" phase: Pending 
INFO[0033]   Found ClusterServiceVersion "default/parodos-operator.v0.0.3" phase: Installing 
INFO[0044]   Found ClusterServiceVersion "default/parodos-operator.v0.0.3" phase: Succeeded 
INFO[0044] OLM has successfully installed "parodos-operator.v0.0.3" 
kubectl  wait pod/$(kubectl get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns="" | grep parodos-operator-controller-manager) --for=condition=Ready --timeout=300s
pod/parodos-operator-controller-manager-cdf9df47c-nht4m condition met
kubectl create namespace operator-bundle-test || true
Error from server (AlreadyExists): namespaces "operator-bundle-test" already exists
kubectl apply -f config/samples/charts_v1alpha1_parodos.yaml -n operator-bundle-test unchanged
It may take up to 5min for all pods to be ready
kubectl -n operator-bundle-test wait pod/$(kubectl get pods -n operator-bundle-test --no-headers -o custom-columns="" -l app=postgres | head -n 1) --for=condition=Ready --timeout=300s
pod/postgres-6dcfdf7b58-6rvw8 condition met
kubectl -n operator-bundle-test wait pod/$(kubectl get pods -n operator-bundle-test --no-headers -o custom-columns="" -l app=backstage | head -n 1) --for=condition=Ready --timeout=300s
pod/backstage-7f78dbdc5f-8cvkq condition met
kubectl -n operator-bundle-test wait pod/$(kubectl get pods -n operator-bundle-test --no-headers -o custom-columns="" -l app=workflow-service | head -n 1) --for=condition=Ready --timeout=300s
pod/workflow-service-97697495b-2h62v condition met
kubectl -n operator-bundle-test wait pod/$(kubectl get pods -n operator-bundle-test --no-headers -o custom-columns="" -l app=notification-service | head -n 1) --for=condition=Ready --timeout=300s
pod/notification-service-64bc65f7c9-lstxs condition met
Operator bundle prepared and tested successfuly!
You can now copy 0.0.3 folder into operators/parodos-operator of your fork of

You can now copy the generated folder into operators/parodos-operator of your fork of

Step by step

Static tests

From your fork folder of community-operators, in operators/parodos-operator/<version>: (here version = 0.0.2)

$ operator-sdk bundle validate . --select-optional suite=operatorframework
INFO[0000] All validation tests have completed successfully 

You may need to run the following twice.

$ operator-sdk scorecard .
Entrypoint: [scorecard-test olm-status-descriptors]
        Name: olm-status-descriptors
        State: pass

       does not have status spec. Note thatAll objects that represent a physical resource whose state may vary from the user's desired intent SHOULD have a spec and a status. More info:
                Loaded ClusterServiceVersion: parodos-operator.v0.0.2
                Loaded 1 Custom Resources from alm-examples

Entrypoint: [scorecard-test basic-check-spec]
        Name: basic-check-spec
        State: pass

Entrypoint: [scorecard-test olm-bundle-validation]
        Name: olm-bundle-validation
        State: pass

                time="2023-07-18T08:43:21Z" level=debug msg="Found manifests directory" name=bundle-test
                time="2023-07-18T08:43:21Z" level=debug msg="Found metadata directory" name=bundle-test
                time="2023-07-18T08:43:21Z" level=debug msg="Getting mediaType info from manifests directory" name=bundle-test
                time="2023-07-18T08:43:21Z" level=debug msg="Found annotations file" name=bundle-test
                time="2023-07-18T08:43:21Z" level=debug msg="Could not find optional dependencies file" name=bundle-test

Entrypoint: [scorecard-test olm-crds-have-validation]
        Name: olm-crds-have-validation
        State: fail

                Add CRD validation for spec field `workflowService` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Add CRD validation for spec field `appConfig4Gh2B9Ghf4` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Add CRD validation for spec field `config` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Add CRD validation for spec field `notificationServiceConfig` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Add CRD validation for spec field `postgres` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Add CRD validation for spec field `postgresSecretsTh27274644` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Add CRD validation for spec field `pvc` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Add CRD validation for spec field `backstage` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Add CRD validation for spec field `fullnameOverride` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Add CRD validation for spec field `kubernetesClusterDomain` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Add CRD validation for spec field `notificationService` in Parodos/v1alpha1
                Loaded 1 Custom Resources from alm-examples
                Loaded CustomresourceDefinitions: [&CustomResourceDefinition{ObjectMeta:{      0 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC <nil> <nil> map[] map[] [] [] []},Spec:CustomResourceDefinitionSpec{,Names:CustomResourceDefinitionNames{Plural:parodos,Singular:parodos,ShortNames:[],Kind:Parodos,ListKind:ParodosList,Categories:[],},Scope:Namespaced,Versions:[]CustomResourceDefinitionVersion{CustomResourceDefinitionVersion{Name:v1alpha1,Served:true,Storage:true,Schema:&CustomResourceValidation{OpenAPIV3Schema:&JSONSchemaProps{ID:,Schema:,Ref:nil,Description:Parodos is the Schema for the parodos API,Type:object,Format:,Title:,Default:nil,Maximum:nil,ExclusiveMaximum:false,Minimum:nil,ExclusiveMinimum:false,MaxLength:nil,MinLength:nil,Pattern:,MaxItems:nil,MinItems:nil,UniqueItems:false,MultipleOf:nil,Enum:[]JSON{},MaxProperties:nil,MinProperties:nil,Required:[],Items:nil,AllOf:[]JSONSchemaProps{},OneOf:[]JSONSchemaProps{},AnyOf:[]JSONSchemaProps{},Not:nil,Properties:map[string]JSONSchemaProps{apiVersion: {  <nil> APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: string   nil <nil> false <nil> false <nil> <nil>  <nil> <nil> false <nil> [] <nil> <nil> [] nil [] [] [] nil map[] nil map[] map[] nil map[] nil nil false <nil> false false [] <nil> <nil> []},kind: {  <nil> Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: string   nil <nil> false <nil> false <nil> <nil>  <nil> <nil> false <nil> [] <nil> <nil> [] nil [] [] [] nil map[] nil map[] map[] nil map[] nil nil false <nil> false false [] <nil> <nil> []},metadata: {  <nil>  object   nil <nil> false <nil> false <nil> <nil>  <nil> <nil> false <nil> [] <nil> <nil> [] nil [] [] [] nil map[] nil map[] map[] nil map[] nil nil false <nil> false false [] <nil> <nil> []},spec: {  <nil> Spec defines the desired state of Parodos object   nil <nil> false <nil> false <nil> <nil>  <nil> <nil> false <nil> [] <nil> <nil> [] nil [] [] [] nil map[] nil map[] map[] nil map[] nil nil false 0xc000a1ae60 false false [] <nil> <nil> []},status: {  <nil> Status defines the observed state of Parodos object   nil <nil> false <nil> false <nil> <nil>  <nil> <nil> false <nil> [] <nil> <nil> [] nil [] [] [] nil map[] nil map[] map[] nil map[] nil nil false 0xc000a1ae61 false false [] <nil> <nil> []},},AdditionalProperties:nil,PatternProperties:map[string]JSONSchemaProps{},Dependencies:JSONSchemaDependencies{},AdditionalItems:nil,Definitions:JSONSchemaDefinitions{},ExternalDocs:nil,Example:nil,Nullable:false,XPreserveUnknownFields:nil,XEmbeddedResource:false,XIntOrString:false,XListMapKeys:[],XListType:nil,XMapType:nil,XValidations:[]ValidationRule{},},},Subresources:&CustomResourceSubresources{Status:&CustomResourceSubresourceStatus{},Scale:nil,},AdditionalPrinterColumns:[]CustomResourceColumnDefinition{},Deprecated:false,DeprecationWarning:nil,},},Conversion:nil,PreserveUnknownFields:false,},Status:CustomResourceDefinitionStatus{Conditions:[]CustomResourceDefinitionCondition{},AcceptedNames:CustomResourceDefinitionNames{Plural:,Singular:,ShortNames:[],Kind:,ListKind:,Categories:[],},StoredVersions:[],},}]

Entrypoint: [scorecard-test olm-crds-have-resources]
        Name: olm-crds-have-resources
        State: fail

                Owned CRDs do not have resources specified
                Loaded ClusterServiceVersion: parodos-operator.v0.0.2

Entrypoint: [scorecard-test olm-spec-descriptors]
        Name: olm-spec-descriptors
        State: fail

                Add a spec descriptor for appConfig4Gh2B9Ghf4
                Add a spec descriptor for config
                Add a spec descriptor for fullnameOverride
                Add a spec descriptor for notificationServiceConfig
                Add a spec descriptor for postgresSecretsTh27274644
                Add a spec descriptor for backstage
                Add a spec descriptor for kubernetesClusterDomain
                Add a spec descriptor for notificationService
                Add a spec descriptor for postgres
                Add a spec descriptor for pvc
                Add a spec descriptor for workflowService
                appConfig4Gh2B9Ghf4 does not have a spec descriptor
                config does not have a spec descriptor
                fullnameOverride does not have a spec descriptor
                notificationServiceConfig does not have a spec descriptor
                postgresSecretsTh27274644 does not have a spec descriptor
                backstage does not have a spec descriptor
                kubernetesClusterDomain does not have a spec descriptor
                notificationService does not have a spec descriptor
                postgres does not have a spec descriptor
                pvc does not have a spec descriptor
                workflowService does not have a spec descriptor
                Loaded ClusterServiceVersion: parodos-operator.v0.0.2
                Loaded 1 Custom Resources from alm-examples

You can run

$ kubectl delete pods -l app=scorecard-test
pod "scorecard-test-4xlm" deleted
pod "scorecard-test-hcv4" deleted
pod "scorecard-test-pbr7" deleted
pod "scorecard-test-tln2" deleted
pod "scorecard-test-xdhc" deleted
pod "scorecard-test-zlv8" deleted

To clean the pods list.

Testing operator with OLM

To test the operator we will follow

Start by generating the bundle image: from your fork folder of community-operators, in operators/parodos-operator/<version>: (here version = 0.0.2)

/!\ Remember to change the quay repository to one you have pull and push rights.

$ docker build -f 0.0.2/bundle.Dockerfile -t 0.0.2/
[+] Building 0.1s (7/7) FINISHED                                                                                                                                        
 => [internal] load build definition from bundle.Dockerfile                                                                                                        0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 954B                                                                                                                               0.0s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                                                                  0.0s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                                                                    0.0s
 => [internal] load build context                                                                                                                                  0.0s
 => => transferring context: 549B                                                                                                                                  0.0s
 => CACHED [1/3] COPY manifests /manifests/                                                                                                                        0.0s
 => CACHED [2/3] COPY metadata /metadata/                                                                                                                          0.0s
 => CACHED [3/3] COPY tests/scorecard /tests/scorecard/                                                                                                            0.0s
 => exporting to image                                                                                                                                             0.0s
 => => exporting layers                                                                                                                                            0.0s
 => => writing image sha256:053a265c6225dc3440fa3ca95657333bee4a7a2613fdb8ceee71e95a5e33664f                                                                       0.0s
 => => naming to                                                                                                                   0.0s

$ docker push
The push refers to repository []
dc0bfc49ce4f: Pushed 
452227c146a9: Pushed 
670c815e7e40: Pushed 
v0.0.2: digest: sha256:f9a3e964b6d8f701f50f34fe8d09377b9491e5ce2e574453196f7a5911db1928 size: 939

Then run

$ operator-sdk olm install
INFO[0000] Fetching CRDs for version "latest"           
INFO[0000] Fetching resources for resolved version "latest" 
I0718 10:02:13.370804 1442283 request.go:690] Waited for 1.046429415s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:
INFO[0008] Creating CRDs and resources                  
INFO[0008]   Creating CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0008]   Creating CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0008]   Creating CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0008]   Creating CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0008]   Creating CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0008]   Creating CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0008]   Creating CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0008]   Creating CustomResourceDefinition "" 
INFO[0008]   Creating Namespace "olm"                   
INFO[0008]   Creating Namespace "operators"             
INFO[0008]   Creating ServiceAccount "olm/olm-operator-serviceaccount" 
INFO[0008]   Creating ClusterRole "system:controller:operator-lifecycle-manager" 
INFO[0008]   Creating ClusterRoleBinding "olm-operator-binding-olm" 
INFO[0008]   Creating OLMConfig "cluster"               
INFO[0012]   Creating Deployment "olm/olm-operator"     
INFO[0012]   Creating Deployment "olm/catalog-operator" 
INFO[0012]   Creating ClusterRole "aggregate-olm-edit"  
INFO[0012]   Creating ClusterRole "aggregate-olm-view"  
INFO[0012]   Creating OperatorGroup "operators/global-operators" 
INFO[0012]   Creating OperatorGroup "olm/olm-operators" 
INFO[0012]   Creating ClusterServiceVersion "olm/packageserver" 
INFO[0012]   Creating CatalogSource "olm/operatorhubio-catalog" 
INFO[0012] Waiting for deployment/olm-operator rollout to complete 
INFO[0012]   Waiting for Deployment "olm/olm-operator" to rollout: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available 
INFO[0035]   Deployment "olm/olm-operator" successfully rolled out 
INFO[0035] Waiting for deployment/catalog-operator rollout to complete 
INFO[0035]   Waiting for Deployment "olm/catalog-operator" to rollout: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available 
INFO[0038]   Deployment "olm/catalog-operator" successfully rolled out 
INFO[0038] Waiting for deployment/packageserver rollout to complete 
INFO[0038]   Waiting for Deployment "olm/packageserver" to rollout: 0 of 2 updated replicas are available 
INFO[0042]   Deployment "olm/packageserver" successfully rolled out 
INFO[0042] Successfully installed OLM version "latest"  

NAME                                            NAMESPACE    KIND                        STATUS                          CustomResourceDefinition    Installed                  CustomResourceDefinition    Installed                            CustomResourceDefinition    Installed                              CustomResourceDefinition    Installed                      CustomResourceDefinition    Installed                          CustomResourceDefinition    Installed                               CustomResourceDefinition    Installed                           CustomResourceDefinition    Installed
olm                                                          Namespace                   Installed
operators                                                    Namespace                   Installed
olm-operator-serviceaccount                     olm          ServiceAccount              Installed
system:controller:operator-lifecycle-manager                 ClusterRole                 Installed
olm-operator-binding-olm                                     ClusterRoleBinding          Installed
cluster                                                      OLMConfig                   Installed
olm-operator                                    olm          Deployment                  Installed
catalog-operator                                olm          Deployment                  Installed
aggregate-olm-edit                                           ClusterRole                 Installed
aggregate-olm-view                                           ClusterRole                 Installed
global-operators                                operators    OperatorGroup               Installed
olm-operators                                   olm          OperatorGroup               Installed
packageserver                                   olm          ClusterServiceVersion       Installed
operatorhubio-catalog                           olm          CatalogSource               Installed

$ operator-sdk run bundle
INFO[0013] Creating a File-Based Catalog of the bundle "" 
INFO[0014] Generated a valid File-Based Catalog         
INFO[0023] Created registry pod: quay-io-gfarache-parodos-v0-0-2 
INFO[0023] Created CatalogSource: parodos-operator-catalog 
INFO[0023] OperatorGroup "operator-sdk-og" created      
INFO[0023] Created Subscription: parodos-operator-v0-0-2-sub 
INFO[0036] Approved InstallPlan install-zg6g5 for the Subscription: parodos-operator-v0-0-2-sub 
INFO[0036] Waiting for ClusterServiceVersion "default/parodos-operator.v0.0.2" to reach 'Succeeded' phase 
INFO[0036]   Waiting for ClusterServiceVersion "default/parodos-operator.v0.0.2" to appear 
INFO[0039]   Found ClusterServiceVersion "default/parodos-operator.v0.0.2" phase: Pending 
INFO[0040]   Found ClusterServiceVersion "default/parodos-operator.v0.0.2" phase: Installing 
INFO[0071]   Found ClusterServiceVersion "default/parodos-operator.v0.0.2" phase: Succeeded 
INFO[0071] OLM has successfully installed "parodos-operator.v0.0.2" 

You should have something similar to:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
d3da320f9796cf289a37153926cbb0642215d45b17437c0930e1bf282a5q9ls   0/1     Completed   0          6m49s
parodos-operator-controller-manager-7b9fbcfdc5-8fkd2              2/2     Running     0          6m35s
quay-io-gfarache-parodos-v0-0-2                                   1/1     Running     0          7m

Your operator is now running, try to deploy the sample to see the pods coming into life:

$ kubectl apply -f sample.yaml created

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS       AGE
backstage-5468f68f5b-p67lz                                        1/1     Running     3 (2m9s ago)   4m51s
d3da320f9796cf289a37153926cbb0642215d45b17437c0930e1bf282amfprw   0/1     Completed   0              6m10s
notification-service-649656d6cb-rs5d4                             1/1     Running     0              4m51s
parodos-operator-controller-manager-5c498467d-jl597               2/2     Running     0              5m56s
postgres-7857bf5cf-2kb7f                                          1/1     Running     0              4m51s
quay-io-gfarache-parodos-v0-0-2                                   1/1     Running     0              6m21s
workflow-service-d5c4884c-xllqt                                   1/1     Running     4 (89s ago)    4m51s

Note that until the postgresql pod is running, backstage and workflow-service will be in error.

Push new version to OperatorHub

From your fork folder of community-operators:


Parodos Operator: Deploy and manage Parodos on Kubernetes with ease.







No releases published


No packages published