This is the GitHub repository for the Udemy course "A Complete Guide to the Flutter SDK & Flutter Framework for building native iOS and Android apps" guided by Maximilian Schwarzmüller, that I followed.
- Detailed setup instructions for macOS and Windows
- Introduction to Flutter, Dart, and widget concepts
- Building demo apps of varying complexity
- Debugging techniques
- State management solutions
- User input handling and validation
- Connecting Flutter apps to backend servers
- User authentication
- Integrating Google Maps and native device features
- Adding animations and page transitions
- Image upload and push notifications
The Roll Dice App is bacis app which allows us to roll the dice, and generate random values that are then reflected by an appropriate dice image in our app.
The Quiz App which allows you to start a quiz, then navigate various Flutter-related questions where the possible answers are actually displayed in random order, and once you went through all questions, you get a summary screen to where you can see which questions were answered correctly and which ones were answered incorectly, and you can of course also restart the quiz if you want to.
An Expense Tracker App allows users to register their expenses and also allow users to see their expenses both in a list and in a chart.
A Todo App featuring buttons for task checking, unchecking, and sorting tasks in ascending or descending order.
The Meals App which allows users to browse various meal categories, pick meals, and read the meal ingredients and instructions, mark meals as favorites, switch between all meals and favorited meals, and also switch to a totally different page where various filters can be set to filter the meals that will actually be shown in this all meals area.
The Shopping List app allows users to maintain and manage their shopping lists by adding items with details such as the item name, quantity, and category.
The Favorite Places App allows users to save and manage their favorite locations by taking a picture of a location, adding the current location automatically, and save the details of their favorite places for future reference.
A chat application allows users to send and receive messages, features push notifications for new messages, enforces user authentication for account creation and login, and requires users to upload an image during the signup process.