A simple "Rock Paper Scissors" game from "The Odin Project" curriculum.
A simple game where the user chooses between three options: rock, paper, or scissors and play with the computer.
- The game have a start page, when clicking on "start", the options appear on the page where user only needs to click on the chosen button option.
- The game has a scoreboard: when the user chooses an option, it shows whether the user or the computer won the round, and then increases the points.
- The first to score 5 points is the winner of the game!
- After announcing the winner, the game asks if the user wants to play again, showing a "play" button.
- The page has a dark mode button
- It also has animation on the game title and when showing the winner of the game that was implemented with JS and CSS.
- Was used DOM manipulation, events, functions, conditionals and loop.
The project was developed with:
- JavaScript
- Fonts and icons: GoogleFonts
Check the project out!
Made with ❤️ by Annd