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  • This Ansible playbook constructs VCC research DB server into single server node.

Related Papers

  • Henning Perl, Sergej Dechand, Matthew Smith, Daniel Arp, Fabian Yamaguchi, Konrad Rieck, Sascha Fahl, and Yasemin Acar. 2015. VCCFinder: Finding Potential Vulnerabilities in Open-Source Projects to Assist Code Audits. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS '15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 426-437. DOI=



  • Host: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)
  • Client: Mac OS X 10.11

Runtime and Tools

  • Python v2.7
  • Vagrant v1.8 (optional)
  • ssh-copy-id (optional)
  • Postico (optional)
# Example on OS X with Homebrew
xcode-select --install \
&& brew update \
&& brew install \
  python \
  ssh-copy-id \
  Caskroom/cask/vagrant \


Setup Client

  • Install Ansible and its 3rd party packages to your local client
$ pip install --requirement requirements.txt
$ ansible-galaxy install --role-file=role_packages.yml
  • Edit ~/.ssh/config corresponding to hosts (No need for Vagrant)
$ cat <<EOF >> ~/.ssh/config
Host vcc-base-init001
    User root
    IdentitiesOnly yes

Host vcc-base-general001
    User admin

Setup Vagrant Server for local development environment

  • Run Vagrant commands after setting up client
$ vagrant up  # Run this for the first time
$ vagrant provision  # Run this when `vagrant up` had problem due to network error, etc
$ vagrant ssh  # Login to the Vagrant Machine
$ vagrant suspend  # Stop the Vagrant Machine
$ vagrant resume  # Start the Vagrant Machine
$ vagrant destroy --force && vagrant up  # Run this to reset everything

Setup Host Server for production environment

  • Run commands below, and wait for a few hours or so (up to the server spec)
    • Use --check option if you prefer to run as dry-run mode
$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/
$ ansible-playbook site.yml --inventory-file hosts --private-key="~/.ssh/id_rsa" --limit="init_server"
$ ansible-playbook site.yml --inventory-file hosts --private-key="~/.ssh/id_rsa" --limit="general_server"

How to know what are these commands above doing?

$ ansible-playbook site.yml --list-tasks
$ ansible-playbook site.yml --list-hosts

Import Data

  1. Download vcc-database.dump.bz2
  2. On server (e.g. vagrant), restore the dump data to PostgreSQL like below
$ bzip2 -dc vcc-database.dump.bz2 > /vagrant/var/vcc-database.dump
$ psql -U postgres --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on -f /vagrant/var/vcc-database.dump