Currently (2023-08-23), aws
provider on Terraform does not support AWS IAM Identity Center (IAMIC)'s Permission Sets and accounts management.
Thus, I implemented a Python3 script using the AWS SDK (boto3
) to reproduce Terraform until it officially supports them.
The file ./permission_sets.yml
aims to keep track of AWS IAM Identity Center Permission Sets management.
This script was written only to temporary replace a missing Terraform resource (IAM Identity Center - IAMIC). It's is not optimized nor perfect, but it does the job rather than managing all of these permission sets from the AWS Console.
- Permission boundaries are not supported.
file name is directly written in the code.
In order to create, update or delete permission sets, you need to:
- Update the dedicated configuration file
. - Source a Python3 virtual environment containing the required libraries listed in
. - Execute the Python3 script
Note: the script admit the local configuration file is its source of truth. If you do any change usiing the AWS Console, make sure to report them in the YAML file before running the Python3 script.
- An account on AWS (IAM or Identity Center) with enough permissions on AWS IAM Identity Center Service.
- An
CLI profile defined OR an access keys pair. They must be VALID. Also make sure to specified the SAME AWS Region (either using AWS_REGION environment variable or the one defined of the profile if any) as the one where you created your IAM Identity Center!
This step needs to be done only once.
python3 -m venv permission_sets_venv
. ./permission_sets_venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.pip.txt
. ./permission_sets_venv/bin/activate
At the top the Python script ./
, some important variables should be updated to match your needs.
######## U P D A T E T H E S E V A R I A B L E S I F N E E D E D #######
INSTANCE_ARN="arn:aws:sso:::instance/XXXXXXXXXXXXX" # to set only once
: the ARN of your IAM Identity Center instance. This is one is required to make the script work. -
: the YAML file containing your permission sets as detailled in the sample ./permission_sets.example.yml. -
: the default session duration for each newly created permission sets when not set. Format must respect ISO 8601 format.
No errors should appear, only possible warnings and changes according to the permission sets configuration as defined in ./permission_sets.yml
To update permission sets, you must update the configuration file located in this directory and named permission_sets.yml.
An example file is located in the same directory and named ./permission_sets.example.yml. It provides additional information about some fields and other limitiations.
The key of each element in permission_sets
must be the permission set name.
- A permission set must have a simple, clear anc precise name (up to 32 characters). Keep in mind users will have to deal with them.
- A permission set SHOULD HAVE A SPECIFIC FUNCTION. They should give granular permissions.
- A permission set is ONLY a set of 0 or more IAM policy NAMES. It is not linked to a user, group nor any AWS account here.
- A permission set can contain up to 10 AWS managed and Customer managed permission sets both.