The open-source core of Pinry, a tiling image board system for people who want to save, tag, and share images, videos and webpages in an easy to skim through format.
For more information ( screenshots and document ) visit
- Image fetch and online preview
- Tagging system for Pins
- Browser Extensions
- Multi-user support
- Works well with docker
- Both public and private boards (add @2020.02.11)
- Search by tags / Search boards with name (add @2020.02.14)
git clone
To run the backend
pip install -r requirements.txt
python migrate
pipenv run python createsuperuser
python runserver
- In separate terminal
http POST http://localhost:8000/api-token-auth/ username="<superuser name>" password="<superuser password>"
This will generate auth token for accessing backend, paste this token in /scrapeGithub/
To run Frontend
cd pinry-spa && yarn serve
To run Scraper
cd scrapeGithub
- Add Github Repository Urls to urls_to_be_scraped table in db.sqlite3
INSERT INTO urls_to_be_scraped (url) VALUES (<url1>), (<url_2>)...
- Or if there urls stored in file(Each line a new url), then can be used to insert them to database.
python <filename.txt>
scrapy crawl images
To view the urls in database
SELECT url,isScraped FROM urls_to_be_scraped
To run Nginx
- copy pinry.conf from the project directory to /etc/nginx/conf.d/
- remove dist if it exists from pinry-spa and run
yarn build
- copy dist to /var/www/pinry and change the appropriate user permissions to nginx (
sudo chown -R nginx:nginx dist
) chmod 710 /var/www/pinry/dist/
sudo setenforce 0
- Unable to push gifs through the scraper pipeline
- Clean exit to code if unable to download image(scrapeGithub/
- Scraper is stuck after some time of scraping (may be memory issues in my machine)
- When a pin is deleted, the tags of pin are not deleted